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The Final Call for Papers

The Final Call for Papers


The 3rd Xiangjiang River Forum in Economics, Finance and Management

for Young Scholars


Center for Economics, Finance and Management Studies (CEFMS)

Hunan University


Changsha, China

October 18-20, 2024

Annual Forum

We are pleased to announce call for papers for the 3rd Xiangjiang River Forum in Economics, Finance and Management for Young Scholars, to be held on October 18-20, 2024.

The annual forum offers an international platform for exchanging ongoing research. We welcome research topics in a broad area of economics, finance, and management. The forum aims to provide a venue for young scholars, especially overseas returnees, including Ph.D. candidates, to strengthen scholarly interactions and international connections as a research community.

Features of the Annual Forum

· Keynote speakers





Dr. Min Tang

Counselor of the State Council, Former Chief Economist of the Asian Development Bank in China, Deputy Chairperson of Youcheng Social Entrepreneur Foundation.



Dr. Guoqiang Long

Vice President (Vice Minister) and Senior Research Fellow of the Development Research Center of the State Council


Professor Justin Yifu Lin

Dean of the New Structural Economics Research Institute of Peking University

· “Excellent Young Scholars” Session

 All speakers are the recipients of the National Science Fund for Excellent/Distinguished Young Scholars


         2024 “Excellent Young Scholars” Session Speakers


Dr. Haoyu Gao,  Professor of Finance at Renmin University of China

Dr. Simin He,  Professor of Economics at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Dr. Jieran Wu, Professor of Finance at Zhejiang University

Dr. Zhiwei Xu, Professor of Economics at Fudan University

           Paper Submission

· Please submit an extended abstract (400-500 words in English) no later than September 20, 2024 through the following link


          Doctoral Student Session

· Interested students are invited to submit an extended abstract (400-500 words in English) to with the subject "Student Session Submission" by the deadline of September 20, 2024. All papers will be reviewed and selected by a review committee that consists of senior doctoral students.


           Important Dates


September 20, 2024

Submission deadline for papers

September 10, 2024

Start to send out acceptance decision

September 15 to October 5

Conference registration



    Contact Information

For questions, contact the committee at


   Organizing Committee


Belton Fleisher, Professor Emeritus, Ohio State University

Haizheng Li, Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology

Qianqiu Liu, Professor, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Patrick McCarthy, Professor Emeritus, Georgia Institute of Technology

Xiaojun Wang, Associate Professor, University of Hawaii

Allan Zebedee, Associate Professor, Clarkson University

Local Coordinators:

Yaqin Su, Associate Professor (Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo), CEFMS

Long Zhao, Assistant Professor (Ph.D., University of Alberta), CEFMS

Committee Members:

Yuting Bai, Assistant Professor (Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo), CEFMS

Bowen Du, Assistant Professor (Ph.D., City University of Hong Kong), CEFMS

Bowen Fu, Assistant Professor (Ph.D. University of Technology Sydney), CEFMS

Shen Gao, Associate Professor (Ph.D., University of Wyoming), CEFMS

Chenghan Hou, Associate Professor (Ph.D., Australian National University), CEFMS

Wei Huang, Professor, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Chenxing Li, Assistant Professor (Ph.D., McMaster University), CEFMS

Hongyi Li, Associate Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Zhicheng Li, Associate Professor (Ph.D., Stony Brook University), CEFMS

Wenqiong Liu, Assistant Professor (Ph.D., Ghent University), CEFMS

Yuan Lu, Assistant Professor (Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong), CEFMS

Xinping Tian, Associate Professor (Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology), CEFMS

Si Wang, Associate Professor (Ph.D., University of South Carolina), CEFMS

Zhenhui Xu, Professor, Georgia College & State University

Zehua Zhang, Assistant Professor (Ph.D., McMaster University), CEFMS

Wei Zhou, Assistant Professor (Ph.D., University of Southern California), CEFMS

Staff Members

Ms. Dan Gao, CEFMS

Ms. Jing Li, CEFMS


Established as a “special international platform” in 2013, CEFMS at Hunan University attracts research scholars from around the globe to conduct cutting-edge research and provide students with rigorous academic training. The Center admits master’s and doctoral level students and offers positions for post-doctoral fellows. The curricula are similar to graduate programs at research universities in the United States. All courses are in English.


Hunan University (// is situated at the foot of the Yuelu Mountain and on the west bank of the Xiang River in Changsha, the capital city of Hunan Province. The University originated from one of the four famous Academies of the Song Dynasty, the Yuelu Academy, which is the only one of the ancient Chinese academies of classical learning to have evolved into a modern institution of higher education. As one of the key comprehensive universities under the Ministry of Education, Hunan University has been in China’s Project 211 and Project 985 for priority investment and development.


Changsha is the capital of Hunan Province ( The history of the city dates back to the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046-771 BC). The Xiang River runs across the city from south to north, with the Shui-Lu-Zhou Island at the center of the river. The famous Yuelu Mountain lies on the west bank of the river. The renowned historical attractions include the Mawangdui Han Dynasty Tomb (206 BC-AD 220) and the actual Yuelu Academy. Changsha has constantly been ranked top 10 among cities in China in terms of happiness.


About Past Forum

2023 Forum August 25-27, 2023

Keynote speeches 

Dr. Guoqiang Long, Vice President (Vice Minister) and a senior research fellow of the Development Research Center of the State Council, delivered a keynote speech entitled New Changes in Globalization”. 


“Excellent Young Scholars” Session

Four scholars, who received the National Science Fund for Excellent/Distinguished Young Scholars, presented in this session:

Dr. Ning Yu from Nanjing Audit University,

Dr. Xiqian Cai from Xiamen University,

Dr. Qiang Ji from the Chinese Academy of Sciences,

Dr. Xuewei Yang from Nanjing University.


Parallel Sessions

The forum organized 10 parallel sessions with presenters from China, the United States, Canada, and South Korea. To facilitate research interactions among doctoral students, this forum is also featured with 6 doctoral students’ sessions.


2022 Inaugural Forum August 19-21, 2022

Keynote speeches

Professor Justin Yifu Lin, Dean of the New Structural Economics Research Institute of Peking University, delivered a keynote speech entitled The Implication of New Structural Economics for Modern Economics. 


“Excellent Young Scholars” Session

Four scholars, who received the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, presented in this session:

Dr. Xiaoguang Chen from the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,

Dr. Fangwen Lu from Peking University,

Dr. Lingling Zheng from the Renmin University of China. 


Parallel Sessions

The forum organized 12 parallel sessions with presenters from China and six foreign countries including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Mexico, India, and South Korea. More than 60 papers were presented during the parallel sessions.

