Administrative Provisions on Acceptance of Foreign Students by Universities and Colleges

Order No. 9 of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security

(January 31, 2000)

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 With a view to enhancing the understanding and friendship between Chinese and foreign people, promoting the international exchange and cooperation among Universities and Colleges and strengthening the administration on acceptance and cultivation of Foreign Students, these Provisions are hereby formulated in accordance with the Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Control of Entry and Exit of Aliens.

Article 2 For the purpose of these Provisions, "Universities and Colleges" shall mean ordinary universities and colleges approved by the Ministry of Education to provide full-time higher education; "Foreign Students" shall mean foreign citizens with foreign passports which have been registered in Chinese Universities and Colleges for receiving degree courses or non-degree courses.

Article 3 Universities and Colleges shall follow the guidelines of "deepening reform, enhancing administration, guaranteeing quality and making active and steady progress" in the acceptance and cultivation of Foreign Students.

Article 4 Universities and Colleges which accept Foreign Students shall possess the necessary teaching and living facilities, and shall have corresponding teaching, research and administrative capacity.

Article 5 When accepting and cultivating Foreign Students, Universities and Colleges shall follow national policies on foreign affairs, and safeguard national sovereignty, security and public interests.

Chapter 2 Administrative System

Article 6 The Ministry of Education, in charge of the administration of Foreign Students throughout this Country, is responsible for formulating guidelines and policies relating to the acceptance of Foreign Students, administering Chinese Government Scholarships, providing coordination and guidance on the acceptance of Foreign Students by Universities and Colleges in all localities, and evaluating the quality of administration and education thereof.

The Ministry of Education entrusts the China Scholarship Council with the enrollment and the specific administration of Foreign Students who fall within the State plan.

Article 7 The acceptance of Foreign Students by each University or College shall be subject to the examination and approval by the education administration department of the people’s government of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government in conjunction with the foreign affairs department and the public security departments at the same level, and shall be filed with the Ministry of Education. The acceptance of Foreign Students which are entitled to Chinese Government Scholarship shall be subject to the examination and approval by the Ministry of Education.

Article 8 The education administration department of each province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for the coordination and administration on the acceptance of Foreign Students by Universities and Colleges within its administrative area. The foreign affairs department, public security departments and other departments concerned shall assist the education administration departments as well as Universities and Colleges in the administration on Foreign Students.

Article 9 Universities and Colleges shall be responsible for the enrollment, education and routine administration of Foreign Students. Each University or College shall appoint a leader at university or college level to take charge of the works relating to Foreign Students, shall establish the Foreign Students management system in accordance with the relevant provisions, and shall set up management body or management post for matters relating to Foreign Students.

Chapter 3 Classification, Enrollment and Admission of Foreign Students

Article 10 Universities and Colleges may provide Foreign Students with degree education and non-degree education. Foreign Students for degree education may be classified as junior college degree candidates, bachelor's degree candidates, master's degree candidates or doctoral degree candidates; Foreign Students for non-degree education may be classified as training-course attendants or visiting scholars.

Article 11 Universities and Colleges shall formulate the measures for enrollment of Foreign Students, publish the enrollment rules for Foreign Students and admit Foreign Students in accordance with such rules.

Article 12 The number of Foreign Students accepted by Universities and Colleges shall not be subject to enrollment limitations under the State enrollment plan.

Article 13 Universities and Colleges shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, set and publish itemized and standardized fees to be collected from Foreign Students. Fees shall be collected in RMB.

Article 14 The majors with respect to which Universities and Colleges accept Foreign Students shall be those which are open to Foreign Students. Establishment of any major under degree education exclusively for Foreign Students shall be subject to the examination and approval of the Ministry of Education.

Article 15 A foreign citizen applying for studying and training in Chinese University or College shall have requisite qualifications, meet entrance requirements, provide credible proof of economic support and a guarantor for his/her activities in China.

Article 16 Universities and Colleges shall review, examine or assess the applicants' qualifications for entrance. The criteria for admission shall be determined by each University or college itself. Foreign Students applying for degree education in the Chinese language shall be subject to Chinese language proficiency tests.

Article 17 Decisions on acceptance of Foreign Students shall be made by each University or college itself. Universities and Colleges shall give priority to Foreign Students who fall within the State Enrollment Plan. Universities and Colleges may, at their own discretion, admit Foreign Students in connection with international exchange programs and self-funded Foreign Students.

Article 18 Each University or College may accept any Foreign Student who has already been admitted by other University or College, provided that the consent from the University or College which originally admits such Foreign Student shall be obtained in advance.

Chapter 4 Scholarship System

Article 19 The Chinese government has established the Chinese Government Scholarships for Foreign Students studying in China.

Chinese Government Scholarships may be classified as undergraduate student scholarships, graduate student scholarships and training course scholarships.

The Ministry of Education may, where necessary, set up other scholarships for special research or training courses.

Article 20 The Ministry of Education shall make plans concerning the enrollment of Foreign Students funded by Chinese Government Scholarship in accordance with the agreements concluded between China and foreign governments and on the basis of the needs for exchange between China and foreign countries.

Article 21 Foreign Students funded by Chinese Government Scholarships shall be subject to annual appraisals of their scholarship eligibility. The appraisals are to be carried out by Universities and Colleges pursuant to the relevant provisions. For those Foreign Students who fail to receive a satisfactory appraisal, eligibility to receive a Chinese Government Scholarship shall be suspended or rescinded in accordance with the relevant provisions.

Article 22 Local governments as well as Universities and Colleges may singly or jointly set up scholarships for Foreign Students. Chinese and Foreign enterprises, institutions, associations, other social organizations, and individuals, with the consent of Universities and Colleges and of provincial-level education administration departments, may also establish scholarships for Foreign Students, provided no unreasonable conditions may be affixed to such scholarships.

Chapter 5 Teaching Management

Article 23 Each University or College shall make arrangement for Foreign Students' study in accordance with its unified teaching plan, and shall carry out teaching activities in consideration of the psychological and cultural characteristics of Foreign Students. Under the precondition that the teaching quality is ensured, each University or College may make appropriate adjustment to Foreign Students' compulsory and elective courses.

Article 24 Both Chinese Language and Overview of China shall be compulsory courses for Foreign Students receiving degree education; Political Theory shall be a compulsory course for Foreign Students majoring in philosophy, politics or economics; other Foreign Students may apply for exemption.

Article 25 Chinese language shall be the basic teaching language to be adopted by Universities and Colleges for cultivating Foreign Students. For those Foreign Students which fail to meet the requirement in the aspect of the level of Chinese language, Universities and Colleges shall provide the necessary conditions for them to improve their Chinese language skills.

Universities and Colleges may, on the basis of actual conditions, set up for Foreign Students the professional courses wherein English or other foreign languages are used. With respect to Foreign Students which use foreign languages in receiving diploma education, the abstract of their thesisses shall be written in Chinese language.

Article 26 When making arrangement for internship and social practices, Universities and Colleges shall, according to the teaching plans, place Foreign Students together with Chinese students; however, site selection for internships and social practices shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions relating to foreign affairs.

Article 27 Universities and Colleges shall, as required by teaching, provide appropriate learning conditions for Foreign Students. In case any Foreign Student needs to use any equipment or get access to any material that are not included in the teaching plan, such Foreign Student shall make application therefore, and such application shall be subject to the examination and approval by the university or college in accordance with the relevant provisions and procedure.

Article 28 Universities and Colleges shall manage the academic files of Foreign Students in accordance with the relevant provisions. The decision of any University or College to order a Foreign Student to leave or to cancel a Foreign Student's student status shall be filed with the provincial-level education administration department; in case such Foreign Student is a foreign student falling within the State Enrollment Plan, such University or College shall also inform in writing the China Scholarship Council thereof.

Article 29 Universities and Colleges shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions, issue to Foreign Students the graduation certificate (certificate of completion, certificate of attendance) or descriptive study certificate, and issue to Foreign Students to which degree has been granted the degree certificates. Universities and Colleges may, on the basis of actual needs, provide translations for such certificates.

Chapter 6 In-campus Administration

Article 30 Each University or College shall, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the State as well as its regulations and rules, give education to and carry out administration on Foreign Students. Universities and Colleges shall instruct Foreign Students to abide by the laws and regulation of China as well as the rules and disciplines of Universities and Colleges and to respect the social ethics and customs of China.

Article 31 In general, Universities and Colleges will not make arrangement for Foreign Students to participate in political activity, but may make arrangement for Foreign Students to participate in public-welfare labor and other similar activities on voluntary basis.

Article 32 Universities and Colleges shall permit and encourage Foreign Students to participate in the cultural and sport activities organized by the student union; Foreign Students may also voluntarily participate in the celebration activities of this Country during holidays and festivals; in cities and regions where there are lots of Foreign Students, the relevant departments as well as Universities and Colleges shall hold cultural and sport activities which are beneficial to mental and physical health for Foreign Students.

As approved by Universities and Colleges, Foreign Students may set up friendship groups within Universities and Colleges and carry out activities within the scope as specified in the lawsand regulations of China, provided that they shall be subject to the direction and administration by the leaders of Universities and Colleges. In case any Foreign Student intends to set up any cross-university or cross-region organization, such Foreign Student shall apply with the competent departments of Chinese government.

Article 33 Universities and Colleges shall respect the ethnic customs and religious belies of Foreign Students, but will not provide places for holding religious ceremonies. It is prohibited to carry out activities such as missionizing and religious meeting within Universities and Colleges.

Article 34 As approved by Universities and Colleges, Foreign Students may, within the place and scope as designated, held activities for celebrating their country's important traditional festivals, provided that such activities may not involve any content which opposes or attacks any other country or goes against the public ethics.

Article 35 Universities and Colleges shall provide Foreign Students with necessary lodging, accommodation and other living facilities, and shall set up and publish management rules for management on such service facilities in accordance with the relevant provisions.

Article 36 During the study in Universities and Colleges, Foreign Students may not take up an occupation, engage in trade or carry out other profit-making activities, but may participate in part-time work for the purpose of economically supporting study in accordance with the provisions of Universities and Colleges.

Chapter 7 Social Administration

Article 37 The social administration with respect to Foreign Students shall be undertaken by the relevant administrative departments. Universities and Colleges shall assist the relevant administrative departments in social administration on Foreign Students.

Article 38 Foreign Students may take off-campus accommodation, provided that they shall go through the registration formalities with local public security organs in accordance with the relevant provisions.

Article 39 The relevant departments shall provide convenience for Foreign Students to carry out normal study and social practices, and the charging standards shall be the same as those for Chinese students.

Article 40 When carrying out activities such as publication, association, meeting, parade, demonstration within the territory of China, Foreign Students shall comply with the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations of China. When carrying out religious activities within the territory of China, Foreign Students shall comply with the Provisions on Administration of Religious Activities of Aliens within Territory of the People’s Republic of China.

Article 41 When carrying or mailing any article out of the territory of China, Foreign Students shall comply with the relevant provisions of China.

Chapter 8 Entry, Exit and Residence-related Formalities

Article 42 In general, Foreign Students shall go through registration formalities by presenting ordinary passport and visa marked with letter "X" or "F". Foreign Students which will study in China for no less than six months shall, by presenting the Chinese Visa Application Form for Foreign Students (Form JW201 or Form JW202), the Admission Notice issued by University or College and the Physical Examination Record for Foreigners, apply with Chinese visa-granting agencies abroad for visa marked with letter "X"; Foreign Students which will study in China for less than six months shall, by presenting the Chinese Visa Application Form for Foreign Students (Form JW201 or Form JW202) and the Admission Notice issued by University or College, apply with Chinese visa-granting agencies abroad for visa marked with letter "F"; foreigners coming to China in group for short-term study may also apply for group visa marked with letter "F" by presenting invitation letter issued by authorized organizations.

Article 43 In case any foreigner coming to China with foreign diplomatic passport, public affairs passport, official passport or special passport and Chinese diplomatic visa, Chinese public affairs visa or courtesy visa needs to study or get trained in any University or College, such foreigner shall apply with the relevant provincial-level foreign affairs department of China by presenting the note which is issued by the foreign affairs agency of his/her country and states that all privileges and immunity will be waived during study or training in China, and, after his/her application is approved, obtain the visa marked with letter "X" or "F" from the entry & exit administration department under local public security organ by presenting the approval document issued by the said foreign affairs department; in case any foreigner which holds foreign diplomatic passport, public affairs passport, official passport or special passport and comes to China without visa in accordance with the bilateral agreement needs to study or get trained in any University or College, such foreigner shall change his passport to ordinary passport and then obtain the visa marked with letter 'X" or "F" from the entry & exit administration department under local public security organ; in case any foreigner coming to China with ordinary passport and any visa other than the visa marked with letter "X" or "F" needs to study or get trained in any University or College, such foreigner shall apply with the entry & exit administration department under local public security organ for changing his/her visa to the visa marked with letter "X" or "F". When accepting the application from any foreigner mentioned above, the foreign affairs department and the entry & exit administration department under local public security organ shall check the Chinese Visa Application Form for Foreign Students (Form JW201 or Form JW202), the Admission Notice issued by University or College and the Physical Examination Record for Foreigners.

Article 44 The family members of any Foreign Student may, by presenting the invitation letter issued by the University or College which accepts such Foreign Student, apply with Chinese embassy or consulate for the visa marked with letter "L" for the purpose of accompanying such Foreign Student during study in China. The entry & exit administration departments under local public security organs shall, on the basis of the official letters issued by Universities and Colleges which accept Foreign Students, extend the visa for the accompanying family members, and the stay period for accompanying family members may not exceed the validity term of Foreign Students' residence permit.

Article 45 After coming to China, Foreign Students of which the study period is no less than six months shall, with the time limit specified, go through the formalities for confirming the Physical Examination Record for Foreigners with local health & quarantine departments. Foreign Students which fail to present the Physical Examination Record for Foreigners shall accept physical examination at local health & quarantine departments, and those which are confirmed through examination as suffering from any disease with respect to which entry is prohibited by the laws of China shall leave China immediately.

Article 46 Foreign Students entering into China with the visa marked with letter "L" shall, within 30 days after entering into China, apply with the entry & exit administration departments under local public security organs for the Residence Permit for Foreigners. In case any information recorded on the residence permit changes within the study period, Foreign Students shall, within 10 days of such change, go through the modification formalities with the entry & exit administration departments under local public security organs.

Article 47 In case any Foreign Student transfers to another University or College in another city, such Foreign Student shall go through the moving-out formalities with the entry & exit administration department under the public security organ of the original place. After arriving at the destination place, such Foreign Student shall, within 10 days, go through the moving-in formalities with the entry & exit administration department under local public security organ.

Article 48 In case any Foreign Student temporarily exits from China during his/her study period, such Foreign Student shall, before exiting from China, go through the re-entry formalities. In case any Foreign Student needs to study or stay in China after the expiration of his/her visa or residence permit, such Foreign Student shall, prior to the expiration of his/her visa or residence permit, go through the renewal formalities.

Article 49 After graduation, completion of study, attendance of study or drop-out of study, Foreign Students shall exit from China within the time limit specified. With respect to any Foreign Student which is ordered to drop out of study or whose student status is cancelled, the relevant University or College shall duly inform the entry & exit administration department under local public security organ thereof, and the said entry & exit administration department shall legally take over the Residence Permit for Foreigners held by such Foreign Student or shorten the stay period of such Foreign Student.

Chapter 9 Supplementary Provisions

Article 50 The acceptance of Foreign Students by any education institution other than ordinary Universities and Colleges which provide full-time higher degree education shall be subject to the examination and approval by the Ministry of Education, and the relevant administrative measures will be formulated separately.

上一条:Law of the People's Republic of China on Control of the Entry and Exit of Aliens


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