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HNU Holds Opening Ceremony for Freshman Students

On August 28 morning, HNU held an opening ceremony at its south campus to welcome the new students and inaugurate the 2023-2024 academic year.

Leaders and distinguished guests present at the ceremony included: HNU leaders Deng Wei, Duan Xianzhong, Cao Shengyuan, Xie Chi, Li Shutao, Jiang Jianhui, Wang Weibin, Sun Wei, Li Kenli, and Tang Zhenming; Zhou Mengjun and Liu Zeliang, deputy directors of the HNU Administrative Affairs Committee; Tao Lijian, liaison working staff on the Party building work of universities under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education and former executive deputy Party secretary of the Central South University; and, Mao Guoming, representative of the headmasters of outstanding high schools and Party secretary of the No.1 Middle School of Shuangfeng County, Loudi.

Sun Wei, deputy Party secretary of HNU, presided over the ceremony.

HNU President Duan Xianzhong welcomed the first-year students on behalf of the university. Duan expressed great expectations of them to keep in mind President Xi Jinping's instructions of "live up to the expectations of times" and strive to become pillars of society.

He Renke, a nationally renowned teacher and also professor at the HNU School of Design, addressed the students as a teacher representative. He shared his experiences and perceptions of study and work in HNU, and encouraged them to enhance their abilities in independent study and research. He also emphasized the importance of having an international perspective in order to seize opportunities and face challenges in the future.

Wang Yuxia, a postgraduate student of Grade 2021 in the HNU College of Public Administration, delivered a speech as a representative of the students. She shared her story of teaching for one year in Longhui County, which is HNU's pairing-up assisting region, as a member of HNU postgraduate team to offer teaching service in underdeveloped regions. She wished the freshmen a fulfilling and joyful study life at HNU, and hoped that they will serve in places where the country and people need them the most in the future.

Zhao Zerun, a freshman of HNU Law School, and Wang Xin, a new doctoral student of the College of Electrical and Information Engineering, respectively spoke as representative of the undergraduate and postgraduate students of Grade 2023.

Representatives of the teachers and guidance counselors, persons in charge of related departments and Party affairs of colleges, and student affairs staff attended the ceremony.


At the opening ceremony.


HNU leaders present HNU badges to the new student representatives.


HNU President Duan Xianzhong delivers a speech.


Sun Wei presides over the opening ceremony.


Prof. He Renke speaks as a teacher representative.


Wang Yuxia speaks as a student representative.


Zhao Zerun speaks as a representative of freshman students.


Wang Xin speaks as a representative of new postgraduate students.







At the opening ceremony.

上一条:HNU Students Shine in National College Students Advanced Mapping Technology and Product Information Modeling Innovation Competition下一条:HNU Starts Registration of New Students


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