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Higher-order topology in quasicrystalline, magnonic, and periodically driven systems

创建于2023年11月22日 星期三作者 : 李萍浏览量 :


时 间:2023年11月24日 16:30

地 点:物电学院A栋OX1(一楼交流空间)


讲座摘要:Topological phases with higher-order topology, as an extension of previously well-known topological phases of matter, have drawn great research interest in various fields of physics in very recent years. Higher-order topological phases host anomalous gapless boundary states (e.g., corner states and hinges states) which go beyond the celebrated bulk-boundary correspondence, a guiding principle in topological matter. Higher-order topology had been identified in both bulk gapped and gapless systems yet restricted to crystal structures. In this talk, I will first give a brief overview of the first-order and higher-order topoOX1logical phases of matter. Then I will present our recent works on higher-order topology in aperiodic quasicrystals where we discovered a new class of higher-order topological phases protected by forbidden rotational symmetries in a crystal, such as eightfold or twelvefold rotation symmetries. Next, I will discuss our recent studies of the realization of higher-order topological phases in twisted bilayer honeycomb magnets. Finally, I will talk about how to manipulate semimetals with higher-order topology by using circularly polarized light.

主讲人简介:许东辉,重庆大学副教授。2012年毕业于浙江大学获博士学位,2012-2016年先后在浙江大学、香港科技大学从事博士后研究工作,2016-2022年在湖北大学任副教授,2022年3月入职重庆大学。从事凝聚态理论研究,主要研究方向为:拓扑量子物态、非传统超导体和相互电子系统。在美国物理学会Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A/B期刊发表上述方向研究论文40余篇。

Higher-order topology in quasicrystalline, magnonic, and periodically driven systems





时 间:2023年11月24日 16:30

地 点:物电学院A栋OX1(一楼交流空间)


讲座摘要:Topological phases with higher-order topology, as an extension of previously well-known topological phases of matter, have drawn great research interest in various fields of physics in very recent years. Higher-order topological phases host anomalous gapless boundary states (e.g., corner states and hinges states) which go beyond the celebrated bulk-boundary correspondence, a guiding principle in topological matter. Higher-order topology had been identified in both bulk gapped and gapless systems yet restricted to crystal structures. In this talk, I will first give a brief overview of the first-order and higher-order topoOX1logical phases of matter. Then I will present our recent works on higher-order topology in aperiodic quasicrystals where we discovered a new class of higher-order topological phases protected by forbidden rotational symmetries in a crystal, such as eightfold or twelvefold rotation symmetries. Next, I will discuss our recent studies of the realization of higher-order topological phases in twisted bilayer honeycomb magnets. Finally, I will talk about how to manipulate semimetals with higher-order topology by using circularly polarized light.

主讲人简介:许东辉,重庆大学副教授。2012年毕业于浙江大学获博士学位,2012-2016年先后在浙江大学、香港科技大学从事博士后研究工作,2016-2022年在湖北大学任副教授,2022年3月入职重庆大学。从事凝聚态理论研究,主要研究方向为:拓扑量子物态、非传统超导体和相互电子系统。在美国物理学会Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A/B期刊发表上述方向研究论文40余篇。


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