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孙子其报告:Bio-inspiration: a new path to reach multifunctional nanomaterials

创建于2015年10月08日 星期四作者 : wlxyuser1浏览量 :

报告人:孙子其 博士 澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学



摘要 Learning from nature takes ideas from natural species and develops novel functional materials based on these concepts, e.g., bio-inorganic materials (biomineralization), bio-inspired multiscale structured materials (chiral morphologies), bio-nanomaterials (bio-nanoparticles), hybrid organic/inorganic implant materials (bonelike composites), and smart biomaterials. Many of these smart materials have surfaces that dynamically alter their physicochemical properties in response to changes in their environmental conditions and to triggered control of interfacial properties. In our research, by mimicking the well-ordered multiscale structures of natural interfaces or surfaces, many inorganic nanomaterials with bio-inspired structures and functions have been designed. For example, to develop effective anti-fogging nanomaterials that can provide protection for such surfaces, even when exposed in extreme environments, we designed fly-eye inspired superhydrophobic anti-fogging nanomaterials that have a low adherence force to water droplets and thus resist fogging-induced ice build-up. The development of the fish-scale bio-inspired inorganic nanostructures, which have similar multiscale structures and multiple-functions to that of the natural targets, greatly extends the applications of bio-inspired materials to fields from micromechanical devices to heavy-duty machines as protective coatings against mechanical damage and chemical corrosion, as optical elements in optical devices and photovoltaic energies, and as low-drag or low-friction surfaces in gaseous, liquid, and solid media, etc. Therefore, we believe that the design of bio-inspired nanostructures could provide a new approach for develop novel multifunctional nanomaterials in the future.

报告人简介: 孙子其,澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学高级讲师(Tenure)、澳大利亚优秀青年基金获得者。2003年中南大学材料学院获得学士学位,同年考入中国科学院金属研究所高性能陶瓷部硕博连读,研究方向为高性能结构陶瓷。2009年获工学博士学位,并获得日本国立材料研究所博士后研究基金和德国洪堡学者基金支持。2010年加入澳大利亚卧龙岗大学,在2010-2015年间独立获得澳大利亚国家奖研金、澳大利亚创新项目、卧龙岗大学校长奖研金、澳大利亚优秀青年科学家等基金支持在澳大利亚卧龙岗大学超导与电子研究所进行金属氧化物纳米材料在光电能转化方面的研究。2015年起作为高级讲师加入昆士兰科技大学。目前孙子其博士已在国际著名期刊Nature Communications, Journal of the American Chemical Society, NPG Asia Materials, Small 等发表论文近60篇。

孙子其报告:Bio-inspiration: a new path to reach multifunctional nanomaterials


作者:孙子其 博士


报告人:孙子其 博士 澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学



摘要 Learning from nature takes ideas from natural species and develops novel functional materials based on these concepts, e.g., bio-inorganic materials (biomineralization), bio-inspired multiscale structured materials (chiral morphologies), bio-nanomaterials (bio-nanoparticles), hybrid organic/inorganic implant materials (bonelike composites), and smart biomaterials. Many of these smart materials have surfaces that dynamically alter their physicochemical properties in response to changes in their environmental conditions and to triggered control of interfacial properties. In our research, by mimicking the well-ordered multiscale structures of natural interfaces or surfaces, many inorganic nanomaterials with bio-inspired structures and functions have been designed. For example, to develop effective anti-fogging nanomaterials that can provide protection for such surfaces, even when exposed in extreme environments, we designed fly-eye inspired superhydrophobic anti-fogging nanomaterials that have a low adherence force to water droplets and thus resist fogging-induced ice build-up. The development of the fish-scale bio-inspired inorganic nanostructures, which have similar multiscale structures and multiple-functions to that of the natural targets, greatly extends the applications of bio-inspired materials to fields from micromechanical devices to heavy-duty machines as protective coatings against mechanical damage and chemical corrosion, as optical elements in optical devices and photovoltaic energies, and as low-drag or low-friction surfaces in gaseous, liquid, and solid media, etc. Therefore, we believe that the design of bio-inspired nanostructures could provide a new approach for develop novel multifunctional nanomaterials in the future.

报告人简介: 孙子其,澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学高级讲师(Tenure)、澳大利亚优秀青年基金获得者。2003年中南大学材料学院获得学士学位,同年考入中国科学院金属研究所高性能陶瓷部硕博连读,研究方向为高性能结构陶瓷。2009年获工学博士学位,并获得日本国立材料研究所博士后研究基金和德国洪堡学者基金支持。2010年加入澳大利亚卧龙岗大学,在2010-2015年间独立获得澳大利亚国家奖研金、澳大利亚创新项目、卧龙岗大学校长奖研金、澳大利亚优秀青年科学家等基金支持在澳大利亚卧龙岗大学超导与电子研究所进行金属氧化物纳米材料在光电能转化方面的研究。2015年起作为高级讲师加入昆士兰科技大学。目前孙子其博士已在国际著名期刊Nature Communications, Journal of the American Chemical Society, NPG Asia Materials, Small 等发表论文近60篇。


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