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张淳报告:Steady-State Density Functional Theory: From Fundamental to

创建于2015年09月18日 星期五作者 : wlxyuser1浏览量 :

报告题目:Steady-State Density Functional Theory: From Fundamental to

Molecular Electronics

报告人:张淳 教授(新加坡国立大学物理系)

联系人:陈克求 教授




We present a steady-state density functional theory (SS-DFT) for modeling electronic and transport properties of nonequilibrium quantum systems such as molecular junctions under a finite bias. Based on nonequilibrium quantum statistics, we show that given two electron densities, the total electron density (ρt) and the density of current-carrying electrons (ρn), the steady-state properties of a nonequilibrium quantum system can be uniquely determined. A direct consequence of the theory is that the ground-state density functional theory (GS-DFT) based approach is in principle not correct for steady-state nonequilibrium systems. A dual mean-field (DMF) approach that is applicable to realistic quantum systems is then derived. The key idea of the DMF approach is that the current-carrying electrons ‘feel’ a different mean-field potential from equilibrium electrons that do not contribute to electric current. The SS-DFT and DMF approach have been applied to various kinds of molecular scale junctions. Electronic structures and I-V characteristics from SS-DFT are compared with those obtained from the conventional GS-DFT based transport approach. If time permitting, we will also discuss one example to show how SS-DFT can be used to explain puzzling experimental observations.

报告人简历:Dr. Chun Zhang earned his PhD in physics from University of Florida in 2004. After 3 years of postdoc research experiences in Georgia Institute of Technology, he took a faculty job in National University of Singapore (NUS). He now is associate professor in Department of Physics and also Chemistry at NUS. Dr. Zhang's research is mainly focused on theoretical/computational modelling of materials at various scales ranging from small molecules to bulk systems. His current interests include molecular electronics/spintronics and surface physics/chemistry. In total, Dr. Zhang has published 60+ papers with 2610+ citations.

张淳报告:Steady-State Density Functional Theory: From Fundamental to


作者:张淳 教授


报告题目:Steady-State Density Functional Theory: From Fundamental to

Molecular Electronics

报告人:张淳 教授(新加坡国立大学物理系)

联系人:陈克求 教授




We present a steady-state density functional theory (SS-DFT) for modeling electronic and transport properties of nonequilibrium quantum systems such as molecular junctions under a finite bias. Based on nonequilibrium quantum statistics, we show that given two electron densities, the total electron density (ρt) and the density of current-carrying electrons (ρn), the steady-state properties of a nonequilibrium quantum system can be uniquely determined. A direct consequence of the theory is that the ground-state density functional theory (GS-DFT) based approach is in principle not correct for steady-state nonequilibrium systems. A dual mean-field (DMF) approach that is applicable to realistic quantum systems is then derived. The key idea of the DMF approach is that the current-carrying electrons ‘feel’ a different mean-field potential from equilibrium electrons that do not contribute to electric current. The SS-DFT and DMF approach have been applied to various kinds of molecular scale junctions. Electronic structures and I-V characteristics from SS-DFT are compared with those obtained from the conventional GS-DFT based transport approach. If time permitting, we will also discuss one example to show how SS-DFT can be used to explain puzzling experimental observations.

报告人简历:Dr. Chun Zhang earned his PhD in physics from University of Florida in 2004. After 3 years of postdoc research experiences in Georgia Institute of Technology, he took a faculty job in National University of Singapore (NUS). He now is associate professor in Department of Physics and also Chemistry at NUS. Dr. Zhang's research is mainly focused on theoretical/computational modelling of materials at various scales ranging from small molecules to bulk systems. His current interests include molecular electronics/spintronics and surface physics/chemistry. In total, Dr. Zhang has published 60+ papers with 2610+ citations.


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