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The Design of Ultralow Power AIoT Sensor Chips: Challenges and Solutions

2022-12-14 09:12 浏览次数:

Speaker:Prof. Yong Lian, Fellow of IEEE

Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering

Fellow of the Academy of Engineering Singapore


时间: 12月21日(周三)10:00-11:00


Artificial Intelligence-of-Things (AIoT) devices differ from the IoT counterpart that not only they sense, store, transmit data but also analyze and act on data, i.e. they perform tasks similar to what a person could do. For the ubiquitous deployment of sensors in AIoT, power consumption of each sensor should be made as low as possible for extended operation hours and compact size. The traditional signal processing flow relies on Nyquist rate to digitize input signal, which generates redundant samples for sparse inputs in many AIoT applications and increases power consumption for the AI engine. Different from Nyquist sampling scheme, the event-driven system generates samples only if a predefined event occurs, i.e. the power consumption of such a system tracks the input activities. The amount of data generated in an event-driven system is intrinsically compressed, leading to significant savings in power. This seminar will cover the challenges in the design of ultralow power AIoT sensor chips and introduce an even-driven system architecture that reduces power consumption of an AIoT sensor chip by at least an order of magnitude compared to traditional Nyquist sampling based systems.


Prof. Lian is the IEEE Division I Director-Elect, Member-at-Large of the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB), Chair of the IEEE Periodicals Partnership Opportunities Committee, Chair of the IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Accelerating Partnerships with Chinese Publications, Member of the IEEE Periodicals Committee, IEEE Products and Services Committee, IEEE Periodicals Review and Advisory Committee, IEEE PSPB Strategic Planning Committee, IEEE PSPB Publishing Conduct Committee, and Member of the IEEE Press Editorial Board. He was the President of the IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society, VP Publications of the IEEE CAS Society, Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, and served many other roles in the IEEE CAS Society.

Prof. Lian received the B.Sc. degree from the College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1984, and the PhD degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS) in 1994. He spent 9 years in industry before joining NUS and became the first Provost’s Chair Professor in the Department of ECE. His research interests are in the biomedical circuits and systems and signal processing. He has published more than 300 papers and won many awards including IEEE Circuits and Systems Society’s Guillemin-Cauer Award (1996), IEEE Communication Society Multimedia Communications Best Paper Award (2008), the Institution of Engineers Singapore Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award (2011), CN Yang Award in Science and Technology for New Immigrant (2014), Design Contest Award in ISLPED 2015.
