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陈舒拉 S.L.Chen (Professor)

时间:2019-04-15 作者: 点击:[]

Shula Chen, Professor

School of Material Science and Engineering

Office: Nanostructure Center Building


Address: yuelushan, Changsha, 410082, China.

Prof. Dr. Chen received his B.Sc. degree in optical science and engineering at Fudan University in 2008, and Ph.D. degree in semiconductor physics at Linköping University in 2014. From 2014 till 2016, Dr. Chen joined the Electronic Information Device group as a postdoctoral researcher led by Prof. Akihiro Murayama at Hokkaido University, Japan. After that, he returned to Functional Electronic Materials Group at Linköping University in 2016, first worked as postdoctoral researcher and afterwards was promoted to assistant professor in 2017. In 2018, Dr. Chen joined the faculty of School of Material Science and Engineering at Hunan University as full-positioned professor. So far, Prof. Chen has published 28 papers in internationally renowned journals, including, Nature Communication, Nano Letter, Physical Review B, Physical Review Applied, etc. His current research is focused on the nano-photonics, opto-electronics and opto-spintronics of novel low dimensional semiconductor materials such as TMDC, 2D perovskites and related hybrid van der Waals heterostructures.

Selected Publications:

1. S. L. Chen*, M. Yukimune, R. Fujiwara, F. Ishikawa, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Near-Infrared Lasing at 1 μm from a Dilute Nitride-Based Multishell Nanowire, Nano Letter 19, 995 (2019).

2. S. L. Chen*, Y. Huang, D. Visser, S. Anand, W. M. Chen*, and I. A. Buyanova, Room-temperature polarized spin-photon interface based on a semiconductor nanodisk-in-nanopillar structure driven by few defects, Nature communication 9, 3575 (2018).

3.S. L. Chen*,W. M. Chen, andI. A. Buyanova, Effects of Strong Band-Tail States on Exciton Recombination Dynamics in Dilute Nitride GaP/GaNP Core/Shell Nanowires, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, 19212 (2018).

4. S. L. Chen*, M. Jansson, J. Stehr, Y. Huang, F. Ishikawa, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*,Dilute Nitride Nanowire Lasers Based on a GaAs/GaNAs Core/Shell Structure, Nano Letter 17, 1775 (2017).

5.S. L. Chen*,T. Kiba,X. J. Yang,J. Takayama, andA. Murayama, Power-dependent spin amplification in (In, Ga)As/GaAs quantum well via Pauli blocking by tunnel-coupled quantum dot ensembles, Applied Physics Letters 108, 152103 (2016).

6. S. L. Chen, S. Filippov, F. Ishikawa, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Origin of radiative recombination and manifestations of localization effects in GaAs/GaNAs core/shell nanowires, Applied Physics Letters 105, 253106 (2014).

7. S. L. Chen, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Spin dynamics of isoelectronic bound excitons in ZnO, Physical Review B 89, 235202 (2014).

8. S. L. Chen, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Dynamics of donor bound excitons in ZnO, Applied Physics Letter 102, 121103 (2013).

9. S. L. Chen, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Zeeman splitting and dynamics of an isoelectronic bound exciton near the band edge of ZnO, Physical Review B 86, 235205 (2012).

10. S. L. Chen, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Slowdown of light due to exciton-polariton propagation in ZnO, Physical Review B 83, 245212 (2011).


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