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The 2019China New Energy Smart Automobile Technology Youth Forum (AUTO-E) was hosted by the HNU State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body between November 15 and 17. More than 300 young scholars from over 80 universities and research institutes across the world participated, and exchanged their views on new energy smart automobiles. HNU Vice President Xie Chi was present. Jiang Chao, standing committee member of the CPC HNU Committee and executive dean of HNU College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, presided over the opening ceremony.

Xie stated that, HNU’s State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body has conducted fruitful research on intelligent train set traffic system and new energy smart automobile. He hoped the forum, asa feast of ideas and academic exchange, would provide a platform for the participators to communicate on cutting-edge research problems and new technologies, so as to promote China’s new energy smart automobile development.

HNU Vice President Xie Chi delivers a speech.

Jiang Chao, standing committee member of the CPC HNU Committee and executive dean of HNU College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, presides over the opening ceremony.

Prof. Wang Junmin from University of Texas at Austin, Prof. Wang Jianqiang from Tsinghua University, and Prof. Xu Xin from National University of Defense Technology gave keynote reports. More than 300 young scholars in vehicle and transportation fields across the world had discussions on ADAS (advanced driver assistant system);environment perception and path planning control; vehicle dynamics and advanced chassis control; intelligent connected vehicles and intelligent traffic system; and, power system and energy management.

AUTO-E was initiated by Prof. Cao Dongpu, director of Waterloo Cognitive Autonomous Driving (CogDrive) and executive director of AI-CAR research center. The participators included fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, candidates for Changjiang Scholar program, and winners ofNational Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars. First opened at Tsinghua University in 2016, AUTO-E has provided an important communication platform for Chinese young engineering scholars. Guo Konghui, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Wang Yunpeng, vice president of Beihang University, are members of the academic advisory committee. Over the past two years, more than 10 members published papers on such world-class journals asScience Robotics, Science Advances, PNAS,Progress in Energy and Combustion Science,Energy and Environmental Science,andNano Energy.

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