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On March 5, 2019, Ding Rongjun,academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, also the head teacher of MVE intelligent manufacturing pilot class, took students of the pilot classes of intelligent manufacturing and intelligent connected vehiclesfor a tour around the Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric Co., Ltd. (TEC). He introduced to themhow high-speed trains operate, and key technologies applied for trains such astraction motor and network control.


Academician Ding explained the basic methods to control a high-speed train running between Beijing and Shanghai through asimulator console. Based on that, technicians could accurately calculate train energy consumption and obtain various train operation parameters. Many students tried one after another at the console to start, accelerate and stop the train.


Students put onelectrostatic protective clothing before entering a production workshop in a manufacturing center. They were told about the production process of various train components such as circuit boards and control boxes.


At the Semiconductor Division, Academician Ding briefed IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) industry, and its technologies, products and applications. Later on, he guided them to the 8-inch IGBT chip production line, which is the first of its kind in China and the second in the world.


When askedthe reason to build such a production line, Academician Ding said, "Though it requires high fixed cost and large investment, it is a key project that drives the development of the entire industrial chain and involves national security".

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