Based on two national defense distinctive disciplines of “Military Mechanical Design and Theory” and “Military Materials and Structural Mechanics”, the laboratory is committed to the long-term development of advanced design and simulation techniques for special equipment supporting national economy and national defense industry.

This lab focuses on original and practical advanced design methods and cutting-edge simulation techniques, and engages in producing high-performance engineering calculation and simulation software with independent intellectual property rights. Special equipment prototypes are developed based on advanced design and modern experimental technology.

These efforts help promote the integration between military and civilian sectors in the special equipment industry, and provide technical support for independent innovations in defense related science and technology and for industrial structure optimization and upgrades.

The lab is staffed with young and middle-aged scientific researchers, including 3 supported by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 2 members of the Ten-thousand Talents Program, 3 Changjiang scholars, and 1 supported by the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars. It is equipped with high-end equipment valued at 30 million CNY, including a 155mm light-gas gun, split Hopkinson Tensile bar series, and world-class fatigue testing machine series and high precision scanning electron microscopes.

The lab undertook many projects with the annual funds of over 30 million CNY, including the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program),Overseas Expertise Introduction Project for Discipline Innovation (111 Project), and a Creative Research Group Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Remarkable innovative research achievements have been made inadvanced design theory and methods,damage and protection analysis and design, aerospace equipment design and development, and marine equipment analysis and design.

More than 600 papers were published in SCI journals. The lab won 8 national, ministerial and provincial prizes, such as second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, first prize of Hunan Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, and first prize of China Machinery Industry Science and Technology Award.

The lab plays a vital role in building HUN mechanical engineering into a world-class discipline under the framework of "Double-First Class" initiative.

The lab closely follows cutting-edge technology and technical needs for military-civilian integration, in partnership with the followingunits:

-the PLA Rocket Force Nuclear Technology Bureau;

-the PLA Rocket Force Research Institute;

-the China Academy of Engineering Physics;

-the China National Nuclear Corporation;

-the 14thResearch Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation;

-the AVIC Xi’an Flight Automatic Control Research Institute;

-the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology;

-the China Academy of Space Technology;

-Nanjing University of Science and Technology;

-Naval University of Engineering;

-Rocket Force University of Engineering;

-Army Engineering University;

-CRRC Corporation Limited;

-Sany Group; and,


While facilitating regional economic development along the Yangtze River Economic Belt, it provides important technical support for the development of such military and civilian sectors as weapons, aviation, aerospace, military electronics and ships.

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