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Super User发布于:2014/12/05

报告题目:Advanced steels for future lightweight automobiles

主讲人: 香港大学黄明欣博士

时 间:12月8日下午3点

地 点:机械学院531报告厅


Automobiles are the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, a fact which has attracted stringent environmental regulations globally urging automotive manufacturers to reduce emissions. For instance, new policies have been launched by European Union in order to achieve its long-standing objective of limiting average CO2emissions of automobiles to 95g/km by 2020. Such requirement on CO2emission is one of the most important challenges facing automotive industry. One effective solution to reduce greenhouse gas emission is by reducing vehicles' weight, which can be achieved using lightweight materials. The most common lightweight materials for automobiles are Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS), which include Dual phase (DP) steel, Transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) steel, Twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) steel and more recently Quenching and partitioning (Q&P) steel and medium-Mn TRIP steel. The high strength offered by AHSS leads to thinner components and therefore lighter automobiles can be made. The present talk will discuss the deformation mechanism of TWIP, Q&P and medium-Mn TRIP steels.


黄明欣2008年获得荷兰代尔夫特理工大学 (TU Delft)材料科学博士学位。从2008年至2010年,在ArcelorMittal (安赛乐米塔尔)位于法国的全球研发总部任研究工程师,主要从事新型高强度汽车钢的研发工作。2010年,成为香港大学机械工程系的助理教授。 研究工作包含 (1)汽车用先进高强度钢 (AHSS), (2) 纳米结构钢,(3) 金属力学性能与微观结构的关系等领域。

黄明欣博士在Acta Materialia和Scripta Materialia等国际期刊上发表SCI论文约40篇, H-index 为10。多次在国际会议做邀请报告。目前主持香港研究资助局资助项目三项(等同于自然科学基金项目),国家自然科学基金青年基金一项,香港政府科技署项目一项,法国ArcelorMittal公司资助项目两项,通用汽车中国研究院资助项目一项,鞍钢研究院资助项目一项,累计科研经费接近6百万港币,具备相对丰富的基础研究及工程材料研发经验。
