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20240611 王成 Unique solvability and convergence analysis of the Lagrange multiplier approach for gradient flows

发布时间:2024-06-07 15:36 浏览次数:来源:

报告题目Unique solvability and convergence analysis of theLagrangemultiplier approach for gradient flows

报告人:王成教授(University of Massachusetts Dartmouth




报告摘要The unique solvability analysis and error estimate of the Lagrange multiplier approach for gradient flows is theoretically analyzed. We identify a necessary and sufficient condition that has to be satisfied for the nonlinear algebraic equation arising from the original Lagrange multiplier approach to admit a unique solution in the neighborhood of its exact solution. In turn, a modified Lagrange multiplier approach is proposed so that the computation can continue even if the aforementioned condition is not satisfied. Using Cahn-Hilliard equation as an example, we rigorously establish the unique solvability analysis and optimal error estimates of a second-order Lagrange multiplier scheme assuming this condition and that the time step size is sufficient small.


王成教授,1993年于中国科学技术大学数学系获得学士学位,2000于坦普尔大学获得博士学位。2000年至2003印第安纳大学担任博士后2003年至2008田纳西大学担任助理教授。2008年至2012年于University of Massachusetts Dartmouth担任助理教授2012年至2019年于University of Massachusetts Dartmouth担任副教授,2019年至今于University of Massachusetts Dartmouth担任教授教授的研究兴趣为针对流体力学、电磁力学、材料科学中涉及的偏微分方程的数值方法研究。主要在SIAMJCPJSC发表了百余篇论文,被引用超过5000次。

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