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20240321 袁雁城 Some Recent Progress on The Convex Clustering Model

发布时间:2024-03-19 14:06 浏览次数:来源:


报告题目:Some Recent Progress on The Convex Clustering Model

报告人:袁雁城 (香港理工大学应用数学系助理教授)



报告时间: 2024年3月21日 16:45-17:30

报告摘要:Convex clustering is a relaxation of the K-means model with attractive properties. In this talk, we will present some recent

progress on the convex clustering model. In particular, we will discuss some dimension reduction techniques which can exploit the

structure of the model in an appropriate way. We will also discuss how to adopt the deep learning technique to enhance the

clustering performance of the convex clustering model. Some numerical experiment results will be shown to demonstrate the efficiency

of the proposed dimension reduction techniques.

报告人简介:Dr. Yancheng Yuan is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics at the Hong Kong Polytechnic

University. His primary research interests lie in the theoretical and applied aspects of continuous optimization and machine learning.

He has published papers in prestigious journals such as the "SIAM Journal on Optimization," "Journal of Machine Learning Research," and

"IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems", as well as presented at top academic conferences in the field of machine

learning such as ICML, NeurIPS, and WWW. He has received the Best Paper Award Finalist (WWW 2021).

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