姓名: |
谭发龙 |
职称/职务: |
教授 |
办公地点: |
湖南大学财院校区红楼3号楼 |
E-mail: |
falongtanAThnu.edu.cn(防垃圾邮件设置AT为@) |
一、个人简介 |
香港浸会大学哲学博士,现任湖南大学金融与统计学院教授、博士生导师,统计学系主任。主要研究兴趣包括统计机器学习、高维数据分析、高维模型检验、高维经验过程、充分性降维、因果推断与精准医疗等。主持和参与国家自然科学基金、省部级项目近10余项。 招收研究生的基本要求:数学和统计理论基础好或者编程能力强,否则请您谨慎报考。 |
二、教育背景和工作经历 |
1.教育背景 |
2014.09-2017.11 |
香港浸会大学统计学专业,哲学博士(2014.09-2015.08在深圳大学联合培养) |
2005.09-2007.06 |
武汉大学基础数学专业,理学硕士 |
2001.09-2005.06 |
武汉大学数学基地班,理学学士 |
2.工作经历 |
2020.01至今 |
湖南大学金融与统计学院,副教授 |
2017.12-2019.12 |
湖南大学金融与统计学院,助理教授 |
2019.01-2020.01 |
香港浸会大学数学系,访问学者 |
三、研究领域 |
统计机器学习、高维数据分析、因果推断与精准医疗等 |
四、讲授课程 |
《统计学习》、《高等数理统计》、《多元统计分析》等 |
五、主要学术成果 |
1.代表性论文(*通讯作者) |
1.FalongTan, XuehuZhu and LixingZhu﹡(2018). A projection-based adaptive to model test for regressions.Statistica sinica,28, 157-188. |
2.FalongTanand LixingZhu﹡(2019). Adaptive-to-model checking for regressions with diverging number of predictors.Annals of Statistics,47,1960-1994. |
3.Falong Tan, Xuejun Jiang﹡,Xu Guo and Lixing Zhu (2021). Testing heteroscedasticity for regression models based on projections.Statistica sinica,31, 625-646. |
4.FalongTanand LixingZhu﹡(2022). Integrated conditional moment test and beyond: when the number of covariates is divergent.Biometrika,109,103-122. |
2.研究项目 |
主持 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目,高维回归模型诊断及其相关问题研究,2021-2024,在研 |
六、学术兼职 |
Statistica Sinica,Statistics and Its Interface, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,Statistical Analysis and Data Mining等期刊的审稿人。 |
七、参与学术会议 |
1、2021.07 数据科学与数据智能学术论坛暨数据科学分会2021年学术年会,贵州财经大学,分组报告:Integrated conditional moment test and beyond: when the number of covariates is divergent. 2019.12 The 11thICSA International Conference, Zhejiang University. Invited presentation:Integrated conditional moment test and beyond: when the number of covariates is divergent. 2019.05 The 13thNational Symposium on Survival Analysis and Applied Statistics, Shanxi Normal University. Invited presentation:Adaptive-to-model checking for regressions with diverging number of predictors. 2018.05 The 12thNational Symposium on Survival Analysis and Applied Statistics, An Hui University. Invated presentation:A projection based adaptive to model test for regressions. |
2、2019.12 The 11thICSA International Conference, Zhejiang University. Invited presentation:Integrated conditional moment test and beyond: when the number of covariates is divergent. |
3、2019.05 The 13thNational Symposium on Survival Analysis and Applied Statistics, Shanxi Normal University. Invited presentation:Adaptive-to-model checking for regressions with diverging number of predictors. |
4、2018.05 The 12thNational Symposium on Survival Analysis and Applied Statistics, An Hui University. Invated presentation:A projection based adaptive to model test for regressions. |