序号 |
专著(论文)名称 |
出版社(期刊) |
出版(发表)时间 |
作者 |
1 |
Volatility forecasting of crude oil market: Which structural change based GARCH models have better performance? |
The Energy Journal |
2023 |
Yue-Jun Zhang, Han Zhang |
2 |
Forecasting crude oil prices with shrinkage methods: Can nonconvex penalty and Huber loss help? |
Energy Economics |
2022 |
Li-Min Xing, Yue-Jun Zhang |
3 |
How does China's carbon emissions trading (CET) policy affect the investment of CET-covered enterprises? |
Energy Economics |
2021 |
Yue-Jun Zhang, Wei Wang |
4 |
Carbon congestion effects in China's industry: evidence from provincial and sectoral levels |
Energy Economics |
2020 |
Yue-Jun Zhang, Jing-Yue Liu, Bin Su |
5 |
Has carbon emissions trading reduced PM2.5 in China? |
Environmental Science & Technology |
2021 |
Jing-Yue Liu, Richard Woodward, Yue-Jun Zhang |
6 |
How does global transport sector improve the emissions reduction performance? A demand-side analysis |
Applied Energy |
2022 |
Ya-Fang Sun, Yue-Jun Zhang, Bin Su |
7 |
Greening through digitalisation? Evidence from cities in China |
Regional Studies |
2023 |
Yue-Jun Zhang, Mengfan Du |
8 |
Impact of government subsidy on the optimal R&D and advertising investment in the cooperative supply chain of new energy vehicles |
Energy Policy |
2022 |
Ya-Fang Sun, Yue-Jun Zhang, Bin Su |
9 |
Economic development and converging household carbon footprints in China |
Nature Sustainability |
2020 |
Zhifu Mi, Jiali Zheng, Jing Meng, Jiamin Ou, Klaus Hubacek, Zhu Liu, D’Maris Coffman, Nicholas Stern, Sai Liang, Yi-Ming Wei |
10 |
Substantial emission reductions from Chinese power plants after the introduction of ultra-low emissions standards |
Nature Energy |
2019 |
Ling Tang, Jiabao Qu, Zhifu Mi, Xin Bo, Xiangyu Chang, Laura Diaz Anadon, Shouyang Wang, Xiaoda Xue, Shibei Li, Xin Wang, Xiaohong Zhao |
11 |
The narrowing gap in developed and developing country emission intensities reduces global trade’s carbon leakage |
Nature Communications |
2023 |
Jing Meng, Jingwen Huo, Zengkai Zhang, Yu Liu, Zhifu Mi, Dabo Guan, Kuishuang Feng |
12 |
Green supply chain management in Chinese firms: Innovative measures and the moderating role of quick response technology. |
Journal of Operations Management |
2020 |
Guo Li, Lin Li, Tsan-Ming Choi, Suresh P. Sethi |
13 |
Stock market liberalization and earnings management:Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China. |
Contemporary Accounting Research |
2023 |
Gao Kaijuan, Jeffrey Pittman, Xiongyuan Wang and Zi-Tian Wang |
14 |
价值链分工网络中心国经济增长的全球包容性研究 |
管理世界 |
2020 |
谢锐,陈湘杰,朱帮助 |
15 |
气候金融的学科内涵、中国实践与热点前沿研究 |
管理科学学报 |
2023 |
张大永,张跃军,王玉东,王群伟,姬强 |
16 |
考虑结构变化和长记忆性的国际原油价格波动率预测研究 |
中国管理科学 |
2021 |
张跃军,张晗,王金丽 |
17 |
国际原油市场定价机制与预测研究 |
科学出版社 |
2022 |
张跃军 |
18 |
能源回弹效应与能效提升政策研究 |
科学出版社 |
2021 |
刘朝,张欢,覃昌雄 |
19 |
中国实现碳减排目标的途径与政策研究 |
科学出版社 |
2021 |
张跃军 |
20 |
碳排放权交易机制:模型与应用 |
科学出版社 |
2019 |
张跃军 |