|张逸颖老师的论文在Production and Operations Management发表-湖南大学工商管理学院 - 海州区人民政府办公室


麓商思享|张逸颖老师的论文在Production and Operations Management发表


近期,工商管理学院张逸颖老师作为第一作者,与Xiaosong Peng,Xiande Zhao,Yang Lei合作的文章An Empirical Investigation of Manufacturers’ Operations Innovations in New Product Development Enabled by E-commerce Platforms在国际权威期刊Production and Operations Management发表。该期刊在国际管理学界享有极高的学术声誉,与OR,MS,MSOM一起被公认为管理科学和运营管理领域的四大顶级期刊。


E-commerce platforms are playing an increasingly important role in influencing manufacturers’ supply chain and product decisions. An emerging supply chain innovation, known as the platform-based consumer-to-manufacturer (PC2M) model, has been initiated by several large e-commerce platforms based on established digital links between consumers and manufacturers. These links enable consumer inputs into manufacturers’ operations, indirectly by capturing consumer preferences from platform-accumulated big data and directly by enabling consumer interaction with manufacturers through the e-commerce platform. Although manufacturers are increasingly integrating PC2M into new product development (NPD), there is little research on operations innovations in connection with the PC2M model and its impact on manufacturers’ new product success. To fill this research gap, we investigate the PC2M model of JD.com, a leading e-commerce platform in China that launched the PC2M model in 2018. We first identify two uses of PC2M by manufacturers to facilitate product development—platform-enabled big data analytics (PBA) and platform-enabled simulated product trials (PST)—and explore how PC2M enables operations innovations in NPD. Next, drawing on the knowledge-based view, we develop research hypotheses and empirically examine whether PC2M adoption improves new product performance using a large-scale, transactional dataset from JD.com. Through a series of carefully executed analyses, our study consistently finds that use of either PBA or PST in manufacturers’ NPD processes improves new product performance. We also explore how these effects vary across product types and markets with varying new product introduction rates. The findings offer important managerial insights for improving new product success in today’s data-rich environment.


张逸颖,湖南大学工商管理学院信息管理与电子商务系助理教授。研究领域:大数据与商务分析,电商平台创新,供应链管理与创新等。论文发表在Production and Operations Management、 Information & Management等期刊。
