
学术会议│第十五届演化语言学国际研讨会 (CIEL-15)一号通知

2023年12月22日 08:34 点击:[]

以新文科倡导的跨学科视野,演化语言学与人类学、考古学、生物学、语言学、神经科学、心理学和计算机科学等学科交叉共融。演化语言学国际研讨会(International Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics, CIEL)是由国际著名语言学家王士元教授首倡的,至今已经在海内外多所著名高校成功举办了14届,以往在广州(2009年)、天津(2010年、2015年)、上海(2011年、2019年)、北京(2012年)、厦门(2014年)、美国印第安纳州(2016年)、昆明(2017年)、南京(2018年)、兰州(2021年)、济南(2022年)和香港(2013年、2023年)分别成功举办。演化语言学国际研讨会旨在展示语言学的新交叉视野,倡导新的研究手段方法,为相关领域的海内外学者们提供跨学科国际交流合作机会,共同推动演化语言学研究的进步。


















The 15th International Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics

(Notice No.1 of CIEL-15)

From an interdisciplinary perspective, evolutionary linguistics interacts with anthropology, archeology, biology, linguistics, neuroscience, psychology, and computer science. Collaborative empirical research among these areas will make new contributions to evolutionary linguistics, both in breadth and depth. The International Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics (CIEL) was initiated by Professor WANG S-Y. William. Through CIEL, we wish to promote international interaction and boost interdisciplinary collaborations. Previous CIEL conferences in Guangzhou (2009), Tianjin (2010, 2015), Shanghai (2011, 2019), Beijing (2012), Xiamen (2014), Indiana USA (2016), Kunming (2017), Nanjing (2018), Lanzhou (2021), Jinan (2022), and Hong Kong (2013, 2023) were all held in the same spirit.

The 15th International Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics (CIEL-15) will be held during July 12-14, 2024 at Hunan University. CIEL-15 will be held by School of Foreign Languages, Hunan University, and co-organized by the Shenzhen Institute of Neuroscience.

CIEL-15 will invite scholars of representative and influential figures in the relevant fields from both domestic and international arenas to deliver keynote speeches. We cordially invite all scholars to attend, and kindly request that the titles and abstracts (approximately 400-800 words) of the papers to be presented at the conference be submitted in Word format tociel15hnu@gmail.comby May 1, 2024. The official invitation letter will be issued before May 31, 2024. The working languages of CIEL-15 are Mandarin and English.

Conference topics may include the following:

  1. The proto-language of Chinese and other languages;

  2. Language development in typical and atypical populations;

  3. Ageing and language degradation;

  4. The (co)evolution of language and music;

  5. Language, cognition, and the brain;

  6. Dialect formation and evolution;

  7. Diachronic and synchronic study of language;

  8. Evolution of large language model;

  9. Other language-related research.

Conference Organization:

  1. Honorary Chair: WANG S-Y.William

  2. Organizing Committee: CHEN Fei, PENG Gang, TAN Lihai

  3. Email:ciel15hnu@gmail.com

  4. Conference Website:http://www.ciel-15.com



  • 湖大主页

  • 图书馆主页

  • 湖南省语言与认知研究基地

  • 学习园地

  • 院长信箱
