周全,男,汉族,1989年9月出生于湖南湘阴,湖南大学电气与信息工程学院教授、博士生导师,国家级青年人才计划获得者,岳麓学者,电能高效高质转化全国重点实验室、空天科学与应用联合研究中心等国家级/省部级科研平台技术骨干,IEEE高级会员,IEEE Trans. Smart Grid等权威期刊编委。从事卫星互联网系统及电力应用技术、分布式控制与通信、网络信息安全等领域研究,主持国家重点研发计划课题等多项国家级/省部级科研项目,开设《新型电力系统卫星互联网应用技术》等课程。
2021年10月—至今 湖南大学,电气与信息工程学院,教授/博导
2019年5月—2021年9月 美国Robert W. Galvin电力创新中心,研究员
(1)Quan Zhou; Mohammad Shahidehpour*; Aleksi Paaso; Shay Bahramirad; Ahmed Alabdulwahab; Abdullah Abusorrah; Distributed Control and Communication Strategies in Networked Microgrids,IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2020, 22(4): 2586-2633. (SCI大类一区, IF=33.84,ESI高被引)
(2) Yang Shen;Quan Zhou, Sidun Fang, et al. LEO Satellite Internet Assisted Data-driven Predictive Control for Remote Island ed Microgrid Stability Enhancement[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2024.(EarlyAccess,SCI大类二区, IF=4.4)
(3)Quan Zhou; Mohammad Shahidehpour; Ahmed Alabdulwahab; Abdullah Abusorrah; Liang Che; Xuan Liu*; Cross-Layer Distributed Control Strategy for Cyber Resilient Microgrids,IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021, 12(5): 3705-3717. (SCI大类一区, IF=9.6)
(4)Quan Zhou; Mohammad Shahidehpour*; Ahmed Alabdulwahab; Abdullah Abusorrah; Privacy-Preserving Distributed Control Strategy for Optimal Economic Operation in Islanded Reconfigurable Microgrids,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2020, 35(5): 3847-3856. (SCI大类一区, IF=7.33)
(5)Quan Zhou; Mohammad Shahidehpour*; Ahmed Alabdulwahab; Abdullah Abusorrah; A Cyber-Attack Resilient Distributed Control Strategy in Islanded Microgrids,IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2020, 11(5): 3690-3701. (SCI大类一区, IF=9.6)
(6)Quan Zhou; Mohammad Shahidehpour*; Ahmed Alabdulwahab; Abdullah Abusorrah; Unification Scheme for Managing Master Controller Failures in Networked Microgrids,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2020, 35(4): 3004-3014. (SCI大类一区, IF=7.33)
(7)Quan Zhou; Zhen Tian; Mohammad Shahidehpour*; Xuan Liu; Ahmed Alabdulwahab; Abdullah Abusorrah; Optimal Consensus-Based Distributed Control Strategy for Coordinated Operation of Networked Microgrids,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2020, 35(3): 2452-2462. (SCI大类一区, IF=7.33,ESI高被引)
(8)Quan Zhou; Mohammad Shahidehpour*; Mingyu Yan; Xi Wu; Ahmed Alabdulwahab; Abdullah Abusorrah; Distributed Secondary Control for Islanded Microgrids With Mobile Emergency Resources,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2020, 35(2): 1389-1399. (SCI大类一区, IF=7.33)
(9)Quan Zhou; Mohammad Shahidehpour*; Zhiyi Li; Liang Che; Ahmed Alabdulwahab; Abdullah Abusorrah; Compartmentalization Strategy for the Optimal Economic Operation of a Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2020, 35(2): 1294-1304. (SCI大类一区, IF=7.33)
(10)Quan Zhou; Mohammad Shahidehpour*; Ahmed Alabdulwahab; Abdullah Abusorrah; Flexible Division and Unification Control Strategies for Resilience Enhancement in Networked Microgrids,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2020, 35(1): 474-486. (SCI大类一区, IF=7.33)
(11)Quan Zhou; Mohammad Shahidehpour*; Tao Sun; Donghan Feng; Mingyu Yan; Cooperative Game for Carbon Obligation Allocation Among Distribution System Operators to Incentivize the Proliferation of Renewable Energy,IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019, 10(6): 6355-6365. (SCI大类一区, IF=9.6)
(12)Quan Zhou; Zhiyi Li; Qiuwei Wu; Mohammad Shahidehpour*; Two-Stage Load Shedding for Secondary Control in Hierarchical Operation of Islanded Microgrids,IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019, 10(3): 3103-3111. (SCI大类一区, IF=9.6)
(13)Quan Zhou; Mohammad Shahidehpour*; Zhiyi Li; Xiaoyuan Xu; Two-Layer Control Scheme for Maintaining the Frequency and the Optimal Economic Operation of Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2019, 34(1): 64-75. (SCI大类一区, IF=7.33)
(14) Yang Shen, Yelun Peng, Zhikang Shuai,Quan Zhou, Lipeng Zhu, Z. John Shen, Mohammad Shahidehpour; Hierarchical Time-Series Assessment and Control for Transient Stability Enhancement in Islanded Microgrids,IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 3362-3374, Sept. 2023.(SCI大类一区, IF=9.6)
(15) Yang Li, Xiangyang Wu, Zhikang Shuai,Quan. Zhou, Haojie Chen, Z. John. Shen; A Systematic Stability Enhancement Method for Microgrids With Unknown-Parameter Inverters,IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2023, 38(3): 3029-3043. (SCI大类一区, IF=5.97)
(16) Xiangtong Yi, Yelun Peng,Quan Zhou, Wen Huang, Lijia Xu, Z. John Shen, Zhikang Shuai; Transient Synchronization Stability Analysis and Enhancement of Paralleled Converters Considering Different Current Injection Strategies,IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2022, 13(4): 1957-1968. (SCI大类一区, IF=8.31)
(17) Ziqiang Wang, Meiling Ma,Quan Zhou, Linyun Xiong, Lingling Wang, Jinming Wang, Jie Wang; A Privacy-Preserving Distributed Control Strategy in Islanded AC Microgrids,IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2022, 13(5): 3369-3382. (SCI大类一区, IF=9.6)
(18) Hao Su, Donghan Feng, Yi Zhao, Yun Zhou,Quan Zhou, Chen Fang, Usama Rahman; Optimization of Customer-Side Battery Storage for Multiple Service Provision: Arbitrage, Peak Shaving, and Regulation,IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2022, 58(2): 2559-2573. (SCI大类二区, IF=4.08)
(19) Min Du, Xuan Liu,Quan Zhou, Zuyi Li, Hybrid Robust Tri-Level Defense Model Against Multiperiod Uncertain Attacks,IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2022, 13(4): 3255-3265. (SCI大类一区, IF=9.6)
(20) Ziyu Zhang; Tao Ding*;Quan Zhou; Yuge Sun; Ming Qu; Ziyu Zeng; Yuntao Ju; Li Li; Kang Wang; Fangde Chi; A Review of Technologies and Applications on Versatile Energy Storage Systems,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021, 148(3):111263.(SCI大类一区, IF=14.98)
(21) Lingling Wang;Quan Zhou; Zhan Xiong; Zean Zhu; Chuanwen Jiang; Runnan Xu; Zuyi Li, “Security constrained decentralized peer-to-peer transactive energy trading in distribution system,”CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, accepted. (SCI大类二区, IF=6.01)
(22) Xuanyi Xiao; Feng Wang; Mohammad Shahidehpour; Yujia Zhai;Quan Zhou, “Peer-to-peer trading in distribution system with utility's operation,”CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, accepted. (SCI大类二区, IF=6.01)
(23) Chunyang Liu; Hengxu Zhang; Mohammad Shahidehpour*;Quan Zhou; Tao Ding; A Two-layer Model for Microgrid Real-time Scheduling using Approximate Future Cost Function,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, accepted. (SCI大类一区, IF=7.33)
(24) Chengcheng Shao*; Chenjia Feng; Mohammad Shahidehpour;Quan Zhou; Xiuli Wang; Xifan Wang; Optimal Stochastic Operation of Integrated Electric Power and Renewable Energy with Vehicle-Based Hydrogen Energy System,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2021, 36(5): 4310-4321. (SCI大类一区, IF=7.33)
(25) Yue Chen*; Wei Wei; Han Wang;Quan Zhou; Joao P. S. Catalao; An Energy Sharing Mechanism Achieving the Same Flexibility as Centralized Dispatch,IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021, 12(4): 3379-3389. (SCI大类一区, IF=9.6)
(26) Mengxuan Shi; Mohammad Shahidehpour*;Quan Zhou; Xia Chen; Jinyu Wen; Optimal Consensus-Based Event-Triggered Control Strategy for Resilient DC Microgrids,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,2021, 36(3): 1807-1818. (SCI大类一区, IF=7.33)
(27) Mengxuan Shi; Xia Chen*; Mohammad Shahidehpour;Quan Zhou; Jinyu Wen; Observer-Based Resilient Integrated Distributed Control Against Cyberattacks on Sensors and Actuators in Islanded AC Microgrids,IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021, 12(3): 1953-1963. (SCI大类一区, IF=9.6)
(28) Wenhao Jia; Tao Ding*; Can Huang; Zekai Wang;Quan Zhou; Mohammad Shahidehpour; Convex Optimization of Integrated Power-Gas Energy Flow Model with Applications to Probabilistic Energy Flow,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2021, 36(2): 1432-1441. (SCI大类一区, IF=7.33)
(29) Yixun Xue; Mohammad Shahidehpour; Zhaoguang Pan; Bin Wang;Quan Zhou; Qinglai Guo; Hongbin Sun*; Reconfiguration of District Heating Network for Operational Flexibility Enhancement in Power System Unit Commitment,IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2021, 12(2): 1161-1173. (SCI大类一区, IF=8.31)
(30) Han Wang; Zheng Yan; Mohammad Shahidehpour*;Quan Zhou; Xiaoyuan Xu; Optimal Energy Storage Allocation for Mitigating the Unbalance in Active Distribution Network via Uncertainty Quantification,IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2021, 12(1): 303-313. (SCI大类一区, IF=8.31,ESI高被引)
(31) Min Chen; Ciwei Gao*; Zuyi Li; Mohammad Shahidehpour;Quan Zhou; Songsong Chen; Jianlin Yang; Aggregated Model of Data Network for the Provision of Demand Response in Generation and Transmission Expansion Planning,IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021, 12(1): 512-523. (SCI大类一区, IF=9.6)
(32) Long Zeng; Canbing Li; Zuyi Li; Mohammad Shahidehpour*; Bin Zhou;Quan Zhou; Hierarchical Bipartite Graph Matching Method for Transactive V2V Power Exchange in Distribution Power System,IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021, 12(1): 301-311. (SCI大类一区, IF=9.6)
(33) Han Wang; Zheng Yan; Mohammad Shahidehpour*; Xiaoyuan Xu;Quan Zhou; Quantitative Evaluations of Uncertainties in Multivariate Operations of Microgrids,IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2020, 11(4): 2892-2903. (SCI大类一区, IF=9.6)
(34) Chenlu Mu; Tao Ding*; Ming Qu;Quan Zhou; Fangxing Li; Mohammad Shahidehpour; Decentralized Optimization Operation for The Multiple Integrated Energy Systems with Energy Cascade Utilization,Applied Energy, 2020, 280: 115989, (SCI大类一区, IF=9.45,ESI高被引).
(35) Xi Wu; Xi Chen; Mohammad Shahidehpour*;Quan Zhou; Lixin Fan; Distributed Cooperative Scheme for Forced Oscillation Location Identification in Power Systems,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2020, 35(1): 374-384. (SCI大类一区, IF=7.33)
(36) Xiaoyuan Xu; Zheng Yan; Mohammad Shahidehpour*; Sijie Chen; Han Wang; Zhiyi Li;Quan Zhou; Maximum Loadability of Islanded Microgrids with Renewable Energy Generation,IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019, 10(5): 4696-4705. (SCI大类一区, IF=9.6)
(37) Hao Su; Donghan Feng; Yi Zhao; Yun Zhou;Quan Zhou; Chen Fang; Usama Rahman; Optimization of Customer-Side Battery Storage for Multiple Service Provision: Arbitrage, Peak Shaving, and Regulation,IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2022, 58(2): 2559-2573. (SCI大类二区, IF=3.654)