地 点:湖南大学电气与信息工程学院院楼219报告厅
闫瑞峰副教授主要从事电力系统及其自动化研究,其研究领域包括大规模光伏和风电并网与电力系统稳定性分析。发表杂志文章47篇,辅导博士后8人,博士11人和在读博士生6人。他分别主持和参与了多个澳大利亚联邦政府、教育部、澳大利亚新能源代理会和澳大利亚研究理事会项目。闫瑞峰博士目前担任IEEE Transactions on Power Systems和CSEE JPES两个Q1杂志的Associate Editor,是昆士兰大学工程学院副教授,Engineers Australia Fellow, Chartered Engineer, Engineers Australia 昆士兰州电气委员会成员, CIGRE Australia C6委员会成员。
Australia has formally committed to the Net-zero target by 2050 in 2022. However, the journey to renewable energy has started much earlier in 2010 for residential small-scale solar PV and in 2017 for large-scale solar and wind farms. Since Australian power network is small (about 40GW in capacity), in some states, the renewable penetration level is already high. Consequently, there have been many integration issues, such as, unexpected dynamic behaviours, unwanted interaction, oscillation and stability incidents, analytical deficiency and lack in cost-effective solutions. This presentation will show some real scenarios and research progress in these fields of research..