
2011年04月19日 点击:[]

序号 姓名 人员类型 导师 原文题目 刊物名称 影响因子 刊出时间 收录时间 刊号及页码 收录类别 奖励金额
1 肖潇 博士 罗胜联、曾光明 biosorption of cadmium by endophytic fungus (EF) Microsphaeropsis sp. LSE10 isolated from cadmium hyperaccumlator Solanum nigrum L. BT 4.453 2010.3 2009.9 SCI 2000
2 阮敏 博士 牛承岗 Sensitive and simple detection of Escherichia coli strain based on time-resolved fluorescence DNA hybrization assay ACA 3.146 2010.3 2010.1 SCI 2000
3 何益德 硕士 翟云波 The fate of Cu,Zn,andCd during the pyrolysis of sewage sludge at different temperatures ET 0.8 2010.4 209.11 SCI 800
4 陈畅亚 博士 曾光明、张盼月 Sewage sludge conditioning with coal fly ash modified by sulfuric acid CEJ 2.813 2010.3 2009.2 SCI 1500
5 杨芳 硕士 翟云波 The seasonal changes and spatial trends of particle-associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the summer and autumn in changsha city AR 1.456 2010.4 SCI 1000
6 陈宏 博士 杨春平、曾光明 Biomass accumulation and control strategies in gas biofiltration BA 6.11 2010.5 2010 SCI 4000
7 王冬波 博士 李小明 Effects of earthworms on surface clogging characteristics of intermittent sand filters WST 1.005 2010 2010 SCI 1000
8 郑伟 博士 李小明 Removal of Pb (Ⅱ) from aqueous solutions by adsorption onto modified areca waste: Kinetic and thermodnamic studies Desalination 1.155 2010 2010 SCI 1000
9 罗琨 硕士 杨麒 Enhanced efficiency of biological excess sludge hydrolysis under anaerobic digestion by additional enzymes BT 4.453 2010 2010 2010.101:2924-2930 SCI 3000
10 彭庆庆 硕士 刘云国 Biosorption of Copper(II) by immobilizing Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the surface of chitosan-coated magnetic nanoparticles from aqueous soluti JHM 2.975 2010 2010 2010.177:676-682 SCI 1500
11 李乐梅 硕士 牛承岗 Determination of Water Content in Organic Solvents by Naphthalimide Derivative Fluorescent Probe. Analytical Sciences JSAC 1.735 2010 2010 2010.26:671-674 SCI 1000
12 梁运姗 博士 袁兴中 Biodelignification of rice straw by Phanerochaete chrysosporium in the presence of dirhamnolipid Biodegradation 2.055 2010 2010 2010.21:615-624 SCI 1500
13 王冬波 博士 李小明 A full-scale treatment of freeway toll-gate domestic sewage using ecology filter integrated constructed rapid infiltration Ecolgical Engineering 2.75 2010 2010 2010.36:827-831 SCI 1500
14 韦安磊 博士 曾光明 Meding of permeate fulx of crossflow membrane filration of collid suspension:A waralet Approch IJEST 1.417 2009 2009 2010.6(3):395-406 SCI 1000
15 郑伟 博士 李小明 Removal of Pb (II) from aqueous solutions by adsorption onto modified areca waste: kinetic and thermodynamic studies WST 1.094 2010 2010 2010.62(1):15-17 SCI 1000
16 王冬波 博士 李小明 碳源对SBR单级耗氧工艺中微生物涉磷能力影响及其机理研究 中国科学 2.444 2010 2009 2010.39:560-568 SCI 3000
17 刘志峰 博士 曾光明 Effects of monorhamnolipid and Tween 80 on the degradation of phenol by Candida tropicalis.Process Biochemistry 3.328 2010 2010 2010.45:805-809 SCI 1500
18 秦品珠 博士 牛承岗 A novel bifunctional europium complex as potential fluorescent label for DNA detection Analyst(国外) 2.319 2010 2010 2010.135:2144-2149 SCI 2000
19 樊小鹏 博士 李彩亭 Removal of gas-phase element mercury by activated carbon fiber impregnated with CeO2 Fuels 4.253 2010 2010 2010.24:4250-4254 SCI 1500
20 郭函君 硕士 罗胜联 Bioremediation of heavy metals by growing hyperaccumulaor endophytic bacterium Bacillus sp BT 2.816 2010 2010 2010.101:8599-8605 SCI 3000
21 丰元 硕士 龚继来 Adsorption of Cd (II) and Zn (II) from aqueous solutions using magnetic hydroxyapatite nanoparticles as adsorbents Chemical Engineering 2.319 2010 2010 2010.162:487-494 SCI 1500
22 高宏亮 博士 李彩亭 Prediction and Experimental Validation Studies of Wet Flue Gas Desulphurizationwith a Novel Type PCF Device Based on Limestone-Gypsum Energy Fuds 2.319 2010 2010 2010.24:4944-4951 SCI 1500
23 黄华军 博士 袁兴中 Thermochemical liquefaction characteristics of microalgae in sub- and supercritical ethanol Fuel processing 2.321 2010 2011 2011.92:147-153 SCI 1500
24 陈 明 博士 曾光明 Comprehensive analysis of simple sequence repeats in pre-miRNAs Technology 9.872 2010 2010 2010.27(10):2227-2232 SCI 4000
25 黄大伟 博士 牛承岗 Time-resolved fluorescence aptamer-based sandwich assay for thrombin detection Mol niol 3.29 2010 2010 2010.83:185-189 SCI 2000
26 周春飞 硕士 黄瑾辉 Micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration of methylene blue from dye wastewater via a polysulfone hollow fiber membrane JMS 3.203 2010 2010 2010.365:138-144 SCI 2000
27 王欣 博士 刘云国 Uptake and Translocation of arsenite and arsenate by Pteris Vittata L.: Effects of silicon,boron and mercury Environmentaland Experimetal Botany 3.164 2010 2010 2010.68:222-229 SCI 2000
28 陈亮 硕士 罗胜联 Application of plant growth-promoting endophytes (PGPE) isolated from Solanum nigrum L. for phytoextraction of Cd-polluted soils Applied soil Eology 2.122 2010 2010 2010.46:383-389 SCI 1500
29 胡新将 硕士 刘云国 Adsorption of chromium (VI) by ethylenediamine-modified cross-linked magnetic chitosan resin: Isotherms, kinetics and thermodynamics JHM 4.144 2010 2010 2010.185:306-314 SCI 3000
30 胡文娟 硕士 牛承岗 Nitrogenous Heterocyclic Compounds Degradation in the Microbial Fuel Cells process safety and Envrionmental procetion 1.124 2010 2010 2010.170:1-8 SCI 1000
31 陈立娟 硕士 曾光明 Trace detection of picloram using an electrochemical immunosensor based on 3D Au nanoclusters Analytical Biochemisty 3.287 2010 2010 2010.407:172-179 SCI 2000
32 刘静 硕士 牛承岗 A novel bifunctional europium chelate applied in quantitative determination of human IgG using a time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay Analytical Biochemisty 3.287 2010 2010 2010.307:121-129 SCI 2000
33 李雪 博士 曾光明 Micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration of cadmium and methylene blue in synthetic wastewater using SDS Journal of Hazardous Materials 4.144 2010 2011 2011.185:1304-1310 SCI 3000
34 章毅 博士 曾光明 Highly sensitive fluorescence quantification of picloram using immuno-recognition liposome Talanta 3.29 2010 2010 2010.83:210-215 SCI 2000


