
2018年11月18日 兼职教授 点击:[]

现 任 职 务:规划设计及评审
现有专业(技术)职称:高级工程师, 美国工程技师

1. 学历:
(1) 美国密苏里大学罗拉分校土木工程博士
(2) 美国俄亥俄州立大学土木工程硕士
(3) 台湾淡江大学水利工程学士

2. 现职:
(1) 美国华盛顿特区给排水管理局高级工程师
(2) 海外华人环境保护学会2003副会长及2004会长
(3) 美国马里兰州立大学巴尔的摩郡分校土木环境工程系及工程管理兼职教授
(4) 美国北弗吉尼亚大学企业管理系兼职教授
(5) 美洲中国工程师学会全国理事
(6) 美国土木工程师学会地震风险委员会委员

3. 专长:
土木环境工程: 非点源污染控制, 给排水系统分析及设计, 污水处理厂设计, 工程优化设计, 结构分析及设计,企业及工程管理: 运筹学, 运营管理, 商业计量方法, 决策分析, 项目管理,国际管理

4. 经历:
中美科技交流团团长 (中国国务院侨务办公室邀请)

5. 工程技师执照:

6. 发表的专著及重要文章:
(1). Wang, L. K. and Chang, C. C, “Atmospheric Modeling and Dispersion,” ADVANCED AIR AND NOISE POLLUTION CONTROL, HANDBOOK OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Series, Humana Press, Inc., Totowa, NJ, USA, 2003.
(2). Wang, L. K., Chang, C. C., Kunin, R., and Shammas, N. K. “Polymeric Adsorption and Regenerant Distillation,” ADVANCED PHYSICOCHEMICAL TREATMENT PROCESSES, HANDBOOK OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Series, Humana Press, Inc., Totowa, NJ, 2003.
(3). Yapijakis, C., Trotta, L. R., Chang, C. C., Wang, L. K., “Stormwater Management and Treatment,” HANDBOOK OF INDUSTRIAL HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT, Marcel Dekker, NY, NY, USA, 2003.
(4). Huang, T. K., Chen, J. C. and Chang, C. C., 2003, “Stability Analysis of Rock Slopes Using Block Theory,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 353-356, 2003.
(5). Huang, T. K., Chen, J. C. and Chang, C. C., “Finite Element Computation of Soil Slopes,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 663-668., 2002.
(6). Chang, C. C., “Hyperspectral Image Analysis for Land-Cover Classification and Its Potential Use for Flood Prevention.” 18th Modern Engineering & Technology Seminar, November 13-19, 2000, Taipei, Taiwan.
(7). Chang, C. C., Ren, H., and Chang, C. I " Exploitation of Remote Sensing Image Processing in Environmental Study and Monitoring", 1999 Chinese American Academic and Professional Convention, Washington, D. C., July 2-5, 1999.
(8). Chang, C. C. "Storm Water Management Design in U. S. A.” Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration, December 1996.
(9). Chang, C. C., "Storm Water Management Design in Urbanized Environment", 1996 Mainland-Taiwan Environmental Technology Seminar, Chungli, Taiwan, December 1996.
(10). Chang, C. C., Ger, J. F., and Cheng, F. Y., "Reliability-Based Optimal Design to UBC and Nondeterministic Seismic Response Spectra", Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 139-159, January 1994.
(11). Cheng, F. Y. and Chang, C. C., "Reliability-Based Optimal Design with Random Seismic Input,"Proc. of the International Conf. on Computer Aided Optimal Design of Structure, Boston, June 1991.
(12). Cheng, F. Y. and Chang, C. C., "Optimum Studies of Coefficient Variation of UBC Seismic Forces," Proc. of the 5th International Conf. on Structural Safety and Reliability, International Association for Structural Safety and Reliability (LASSAR) and ASCE, Vol. III, pp. 1895 1902, 1989.
(13). Cheng, F. Y. and Chang, C. C., "Safety-Based Optimum Design of Nondeterministic Structures Subjected to Various Types of Seismic Loads," National Science Foundation Report, the U. S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, Virginia, NTIS No. PB 90 133489/ As, (326 Pages), 1988.
(14). Cheng, F. Y. and Chang, C. C., "Aseismic Structural Optimization with Safety Criteria and Code Provisions," Proc. of the US-ASIA Conf. on Engineering for Mitigating Natural Hazards Damage, Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 1987, D8/1-12.
(15). Cheng, F. Y. and Chang, C. C., "Optimum Design of Steel Building with Consideration of Reliability," Proc. of the 4th International Conf. on Structural Safety and Reliability, Kobe, Japan, Vol. 3, 1985, pp. 81 88.
(16). Cheng, F. Y. and Chang, C. C., "Optimality Criteria for Safety Based Design," Proc. of the 5th ASCE Eng. Mech. Div. Specialty Conf., University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, Vol. 1, Aug. 1984 pp. 54 57.

7. 教学课程
(1). Water Resources Engineering.
(2). Computer Applications in Water Resources Engineering.
(3). Water Resources Systems Design.
(4). Water Resources System Engineering.
(5). Database Management in Environmental Engineering.
(6). Project Management - Foundations.
(7). Project Planning.
(8). Cost/Pricing Scheduling and Control.
(9). Risk Management.
(10). International Management.
(11). Quantitative Methods for Business.
(12). Statistics for Managers.
(13). Operations Management.
(14). Operations Research.
(15). Systems Risk and Trade-off Analysis.

8. 部分设计经历:
Bridge Projects
> Daniell Boone Park Bridge, WV - Project Structural Engineer responsible for a design for the rehabilitation of an I-77 fatigue problem steel bridge.
> Newsburg Bridge, WV - Project Structural Engineer responsible for structural analysis and design checking for a horizontal curve steel bridge.
> Route 604 over Route 29 Bypass, VA - Project Structural Engineer responsible for structural analysis and design for a steel bridge.
> Rhode Island Bridge and T Street Bridge, Washington, D. C. - Project Structural Engineer responsible for the rehabilitation design for two steel bridges.
> 11TH Bridge, Washington, D. C. - Project Structural Engineer responsible for the seismic requirement evaluation for a steel bridge.
> Baltimore Pedestrian Bridges, MD - Project Structural Engineer responsible for the rehabilitation design of timber bridges.
> I-95 Restoration, PA - Project Structural Engineer responsible for the ratings and inspections for several I-95 prestressed and steel bridges

Water/Wastewater Projects
> Combined Sewer Overflow, Washington, D.C. - Project Hydraulic Engineer for the combined sewer overflow study for the District of Columbia Government combined sewer systems.
> Metro West Underground Water Storage Tank, Boston, MA – Project Structural Engineer responsible for structural design of two underground water storage tanks (400 feet long x 175 feet wide x 23 feet deep and 350 feet long x 270 feet wide x 25 feet deep).
> Georgetown West Relief Sewer, Washington, D.C. - Project Hydraulic Engineer for feasibility study of three alternatives to repair or replace 1.5 miles of 100-year-old sewer system.DP-5 Inter-Island Tunnel, Boston, MA - Project Hydraulic Engineer responsible for surge analysis using computer modeling to study a 5 miles long, 290 feet deep inter-island sewage tunnel.
> Howard University Water Supply Upgrade, Howard University, Washington, D.C. - Project Engineer responsible for feasibility study, water distribution network analysis and water main design for the Howard University Central Campus water supply improvement program.
> Sudbury Aqueduct Rehabilitation and Connecting Tunnels, Boston, MA - Project Hydraulic Engineer responsible for feasibility study aimed at suggesting improvements along the 20 miles water distribution system serving the Metropolitan Boston area.

Building Projects
> Dulles Airport Pedestrian Tunnel and Terminal Expansion Structure, Washington, D.C. – Project Structural Engineer responsible for structural analysis and design of an underground pedestrian tunnel and a terminal expansion structure.

> Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C. – Project Structural/Hydraulic Engineer responsible for structural design of a sand filter tank (35 feet long x 10 feet wide x 10 feet deep) to provide water quality treatment and drainage system for a new four-story medical building addition.
> Southeast Federal Center, Washington, D.C. – Project Structural/ Hydraulic Engineers responsible for structural design of water quality control sand filter tanks and drainage systems for this 55 acres federal site development to accommodate several federal office buildings.
> MCI Center, Washington, D.C. - Project Engineer responsible for structural design of four water quality control sand filter tanks and drainage systems for a new 5 acres sport arena.
> Federal Triangle, Washington, D.C. - Project Engineer responsible for storm, sanitary, and groundwater sewer design, surge analysis, flood routing, and stormwater management of an eight-story building and adjacent roadways for this 15 acres second largest building development project in Washington, D.C.
> G Street Office Building, Washington, D.C. - Project Engineer responsible for civil engineering and stormwater management for this new eight-story office building.
> 1331 'L' Street Office Building, Washington, D.C. - Project Engineer responsible for civil engineering and stormwater management for a new ten-story office Building.
> Vehicle Maintenance Facility, Washington, D.C. - Project Hydraulic Engineer responsible for storm sewer design and storm water management of this 3.5 acres vehicle maintenance facility building.

9. 部分规划及评审经历:
> Water System Facilities Plan, Washington, D. C.
> Water Conservation Plan, Washington, D. C.
> Grit and Screening Removal Upgrades, Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant. , Washington, D. C
> Primary Treatment Facilities Upgrade, Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant, Washington, D. C.
> Secondary Treatment Facilities Upgrade, Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant, Washington, D. C.
> Gravity Thickener Facility Upgrades, Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant, Washington, D. C.
> Additional Dewatering Facilities (Centrifuge Facilities), Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant. , Washington, D. C
> Additional Chemical Systems and Transmission Improvements (Metal Salts and Polymer), Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant, Washington, D. C.
> Alternate Disinfection Facility, Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant, Washington, D. C.
> Nitrification Facilities Upgrade, Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant, Washington, D. C.
> Egg-Shaped Digesters Facility, Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant, Washington, D. C.
> Filtration and Disinfection Upgrades, Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant, Washington, D. C.
> Bryant Street Pumping Station Rehabilitation, Washington, D. C.
> East Side Pumping Station Rehabilitation, Washington, D. C.
> Combined Sewer System Long Term Control Plan, Washington, D. C.
> Infiltration and Inflow Repairs, Washington, D. C.
> Evaluation of Sewer Pipe Repairs, Washington, D. C.
> Repair of Eastside Interceptor, Washington, D. C.
> Water Conservation and Flow Reduction Program, Washington, D. C.
> Potomac Interceptor Database and Geographical Information System, Washington, D. C.

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