
陈明,博士,新加坡南洋理工大学博士后研究员,湖南大学环境学院院长助理,湖南大学特聘研究员,岳麓学者。Scientific Reports(Nature Publishing Group)等几个国际期刊编委或副主编。已先后在Science (SCI 2015 IF= 34.661)、Nature (SCI 2015 IF= 38.138)、Trends in Biochemical Sciences(SCI 2016 IF=16.63)、Molecular Biology and Evolution (SCI 2015 IF= 13.649),Trends in Biotechnology (SCI 2015 IF= 12.065)、Biotechnology Advances (SCI 2016 IF=10.597),Environmental Science: Nano (SCI 2016 IF= 6.047)、Scientific Reports (2015 IF=5.228),Applied and Environmental Microbiology (SCI 2013 IF= 3.952),Bioresource Technology (SCI 2013 IF= 5.039),RSC Advances (SCI 2014IF= 3.84),Chemosphere (SCI 2013 IF= 3.499),FEBS Letters (SCI 2013 IF= 3.341),PLoS One (SCI 2013 IF= 3.534),Infection, Genetics and Evolution (SCI 2013 IF= 3.264),Bioinformation, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (SCI 2013 IF= 3.811)和《环境科学》等国际国内刊物上发表论文50余篇,其中国际刊物50余篇;还已申请国家发明专利5项。主持国家自然科学基金1项,参与国家自然基金项目6项。在新加坡南洋理工大学博士后期间,主要参与土地与宜居国家创新挑战计划(Land and Liveability National Innovation Challenge,简称L2NIC;Microbiological, Chemical and Physical Interactions in Rock Cavern Water Storage)。任多个国际知名期刊(包括Environmental Science & Technology、ACS Nano、Chemosphere、Environmental International、Bioinformatics、Bioresource Technology、Science of the Total Environment、Chemical Engineering Journa、Ecological Engineering、Biotechnology Progress、Desalination and Water Treatment、Journal of Soils and Sediments、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Toxicology Research、Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal、Appl Microbiol Biotechnol、Environmental Science and Pollution Research等)审稿人。











Selected SCI 期刊论文:
29. Chen M, Sun Y, Liang J, Zeng G, et al. Understanding the influence of carbon nanomaterials on microbial communities. Environment international, 2019, 126, 690-698. (SCI 2017 IF= 7.297)

28. Lin Y,Wu S, Yang C*, Chen M*, Li X, Preparation of size-controlled silver phosphate catalysts and their enhanced photocatalysis performance via synergetic effect with MWCNTs and PANI, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 245, 71-86. (SCI 2017 IF= 11.698)

27. Song B#, Chen M#, Shujing Ye, Piao Xu, Guangming Zeng, Jilai Gong, Juan Li, Peng Zhang, Weicheng Cao, Effects of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on metabolic function of the microbial community in riverine sediment contaminated with phenanthrene, Carbon, 2019, 144, 1-9. (SCI 2017 IF= 7.082)

26. Chen M, Zhou S, Zeng G, Zhang C, Xu P, Putting carbon nanomaterials on the carbon cycle map, Nano Today, 2018, 20, 7-9. (SCI 2017 IF= 17.753)

25. Xu P, Lai C, Zeng G, Huang D, Chen M, et al., Enhanced bioremediation of 4-nonylphenol and cadmium co-contaminated sediment by composting with Phanerochaete chrysosporium inocula, Bioresource Technology, 2018, 250, 625-634. (SCI 2017 IF= 5.807)

24. Wang W, Xu P, Chen M, Zeng G, et al., Alkali Metal-Assisted Synthesis of Graphite Carbon Nitride with Tunable Band-Gap for Enhanced Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic Performance, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6 (2018) 15503-15516. (SCI 2017 IF= 6.14)

23. Chen M, Qin, X, Zeng G. Biodiversity change behind wide applications of nanomaterials? Nano Today, 2017,17, 11-13. (SCI 2016 IF= 17.476)

22. Chen M.; Zeng G.; Xu P.; Lai C.; Tang L. How Do Enzymes “Meet” Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials? Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 2017,42,914-930. (SCI 2016 IF=16.63).

21. Chen M.; Zeng G.; Xu P.; Min Yan; Xiong W.; Zhou S. Interaction of carbon nanotubes with microbial enzymes: conformational transitions and potential toxicity. Environ Sci Nano, 2017, 4,1954-1960. (SCI 2016 IF= 6.047)

20. Chen M.; Zeng G.; Lai C.; Zhang C.; Xu Piao.; Min Yan; Xiong W. Interactions of carbon nanotubes and/or graphene with manganese peroxidase during biodegradation of endocrine disruptors and triclosan. Chemosphere, 2017, 184, 127-136. (SCI 2016 IF= 4.208)

19. Chen, M.; Zeng, G.; Xu, P.; Zhang, Y.; Jiang, D.; Zhou, S., Understanding enzymatic degradation of single-walled carbon nanotubes triggered by functionalization using molecular dynamics simulation. Environ Sci Nano 2017, 4(3), 720-727. (SCI 2016 IF= 6.047)

18. Chen, M.; Qin, X.; Zeng, G., Biodegradation of Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene, and Their Derivatives. Trends Biotechnol 2017, 9, 836-846. (SCI 2016 IF= 11.126)

17. Chen, M.; Xu, P.; Zeng, G.; Yang, C.; Huang, D.; Zhang, J., Bioremediation of soils contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, petroleum, pesticides, chlorophenols and heavy metals by composting: Applications, microbes and future research needs. Biotechnol Adv 2015, 33, (6 Pt 1), 745-55. (SCI 2016 IF=10.597).

16. Chen, M.; Tan, Z.; Zeng, G.; Peng, J., Comprehensive analysis of simple sequence repeats in pre-miRNAs. Mol Biol Evol 2010, 27, (10), 2227-2232. (SCI 2013 IF= 14.308).

15. Chen, M.; Qin, X.; Zeng, G., Single-walled carbon nanotube release affects the microbial enzyme-catalyzed oxidation processes of organic pollutants and lignin model compounds in nature. Chemosphere 2016, 163, 217-226. (SCI 2015IF= 3.698)

14. Chen, M.; Qin, X.; Zeng, G.; Li, J., Impacts of human activity modes and climate on heavy metal “spread” in groundwater are biased. Chemosphere 2016, 152, 439-445. (SCI 2015IF= 3.698)

13. Chen, M.; Qin, X.; Li, J.; Zeng, G., Probing molecular basis of single-walled carbon nanotube degradation and nondegradation by enzymes based on manganese peroxidase and lignin peroxidase. RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 3592 - 3599. (SCI 2014IF= 3.84)

12. Chen, M.; Zeng, G.; Zhang, J.; Xu, P.; Chen, A.; Lu, L., Global Landscape of Total Organic Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Lake Water. Sci Rep-Uk 2015, 5, 15043. (2014 IF=5.578, 被 2016 年 1 月 8 日 351 卷 SCIENCE亮点Highlighted评价).

11. Chen, M.; Zeng, G. M.; Lai, C.; Li, J.; Xu, P.; Wu, H. P., Molecular basis of laccase bound to lignin: insight from comparative studies on the interaction of Trametes versicolor laccase with various lignin model compounds. Rsc Adv 2015, 5, (65), 52307-52313. (SCI 2014IF= 3.84)

10. Chen, M.; Zeng, G.; Tan, Z.; Jiang, M.; Li, H.; Liu, L.; Zhu, Y.; Yu, Z.; Wei, Z.; Liu, Y.; Xie, G., Understanding lignin-degrading reactions of ligninolytic enzymes: binding affinity and interactional profile. Plos One 2011, 6, (9), e25647. (SCI 2013 IF= 3.534)

9. Chen, M.; Tan, Z.; Zeng, G., Microsatellite is an important component of complete hepatitis C virus genomes. Infect Genet Evol 2011, 11, (7), 1646-54. (SCI 2013 IF= 3.264)

8. Chen, M.; Zeng, G.; Tan, Z.; Jiang, M.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, C.; Lu, L.; Lin, Y.; Peng, J., Compound microsatellites in complete Escherichia coli genomes. Febs Lett 2011, 585, (7), 1072-6. (SCI 2013 IF= 3.341)

7. Chen, M.; Tan, Z.; Jiang, J.; Li, M.; Chen, H.; Shen, G.; Yu, R., Similar distribution of simple sequence repeats in diverse completed Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 genomes. Febs Lett 2009, 583, (17), 2959-2963. (SCI 2013 IF= 3.341)

6. Chen, M.; Tan, Z.; Zeng, G.; Zeng, Z., Differential distribution of compound microsatellites in various Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 complete genomes. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 2012, 12, (7), 1452-1457. (SCI 2013 IF= 3.264)

5. Liu, L.; Zeng, Z.; Zeng, G.; Chen, M.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, J.; Fang, X.; Jiang, M.; Lu, L., Study on binding modes between cellobiose and beta-glucosidases from glycoside hydrolase family 1. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2012, 22, (2), 837-43. (SCI 2013 IF= 2.331)

4. Zhang, Y.; Zeng, Z.; Zeng, G.; Liu, X.; Chen, M.; Liu, L.; Liu, Z.; Xie, G., Enzyme–Substrate Binding Landscapes in the Process of Nitrile Biodegradation Mediated by Nitrile Hydratase and Amidase. Appl Biochem Biotech 2013, 170, (7), 1614-1623. (SCI 2015 IF= 1.606)

3. Zhang, Y.; Zeng, Z.; Zeng, G.; Liu, X.; Liu, Z.; Chen, M.; Liu, L.; Li, J.; Xie, G., Effect of Triton X-100 on the removal of aqueous phenol by laccase analyzed with a combined approach of experiments and molecular docking. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2012, 97, 7-12. (SCI 2015 IF= 3.902)

2. Lu, L.; Zeng, G.; Fan, C.; Guo, J.; Zhang, J.; Chen, M.; Wu, H.; Yuan, Y.; He, X.; He, Y., Environmental factors shaping the abundance and distribution of laccase-encoding bacterial community with potential phenolic oxidase capacity during composting. Appl Microbiol Biot 2015, 99, (21), 9191-9201. (SCI 2013 IF= 3.811)

1. Deng, L.; Zeng, G.; Fan, C.; Lu, L.; Chen, X.; Chen, M.; Wu, H.; He, X.; He, Y., Response of rhizosphere microbial community structure and diversity to heavy metal co-pollution in arable soil. Appl Microbiol Biot 2015, 99, (19), 8259-8269. (SCI 2013 IF= 3.811)

Selected 国际会议:
M. Chen, J. Li, X.S. Qin. Probing the water quality transformation of underground caverns in a tropical region using ELCOM-CAEDYM model. The 8th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology 2016, June 6-10, 2016, Houston, USA.

Selected 授权专利:




研究方向: 土壤污染控制与修复;固体废物处置与资源化;环境生物纳米技术及信息学;水环境污染与修复。(欢迎有兴趣的同学加入课题组!)




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