黄彬彬 博士
河南安阳人,意大利帕多瓦大学(University of Padua, Italy)分子科学专业博士,湖南大学2012年海外引进人才,教授,博士生导师、环境工程系主任。入选湖南大学首批岳麓学者、首批“双带头人”计划、湖南省教育系统优秀党务工作者。担任美国电化学协会有机与生物电化学分会委员、SCI期刊International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (Springer) 副主编,连续入选斯坦福大学发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家2020、2021、2022年度影响力榜单,是国际电化学协会(International Electrochemical Society, ISE)、美国电化学协会(The Electrochemical Society, ECS)、中国化学会(Chinese Chemical Society, CCS)会员。主要研究方向:电化学污染控制与资源化,包括环境污染控制电化学,(水)环境中微污染物控制技术及降解机理研究,光(电)催化新技术及新理论、电化学绿色合成新技术及理论等。已在包括Cell子刊(Cell Reports Physical Science)等期刊上发表论文50余篇,多篇入选ESI 热点、高被引论文,单篇最高引用超500次,研究成果被Science、Nat. Catal.、Nat. Nanotech.、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Environ. Sci. Technol. 等期刊重点引用。主持国家及省部级以上项目6项。首次提出乙炔电化学还原加氢技术,该技术克服了以往乙炔催化加氢技术的高温、高压、选择性低以及使用昂贵催化剂的缺点,在室温下即可实现乙炔的选择性加氢,在有机聚合物合成工业上极具研究和应用前景,被认为是炔烃加氢技术领域的重大技术突破,开创了一个崭新的极具研究、应用前景的领域(Science期刊审稿人)。
1. 美国电化学协会(The Electrochemical Society, ECS)有机与生物电化学分会(Organic and Biological Electrochemistry Division)委员 (2021.01 - )
2. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology(SCI, IF=2.344),副主编 (2016.03 - 今);
3. Nature Water, Envrion. Sci. Tech., ACS Catal, J. Catal, ChemSusChem, ChemCatChem, ChemPlusChem, ChemElectroChem, Electrochim Acta, Electrochemical Communication, J. Power. Sources, Water Research, J. Hazard. Mater., Chemosphere, Science of Total Environment, Chemical Engineering Journal等化学、材料、环境多个领域数十种SCI期刊审稿人;
4. 国际电化学协会(International Society of Electrochemistry, ISE)、美国电化学协会(The Electrochemical Society, ECS)、中国化学会(Chinese Chemical Society, CCS)会员。
5. 国家自然科学基金等项目评议专家。
电化学污染控制与资源化:1. 环境污染控制电化学;2. 新型纳米材料的开发及应用催化研究;3. .水中微污染物的控制技术及降解机理研究;4. 光(电)催化新技术及新理论研究; 5. 乙炔的选择性加氢及新工艺研究。
欢迎具有化学、材料、环境科学与工程背景的同学加入课题研究,追求学术卓越。 ***欢迎保研、考研同学(可硕博连读攻读博士学位)及(招收)化学、材料、环境专业博士与博士后加入课题组,开展原创性研究,实现个人成长、进步,共同追求学术卓越***
1. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目,51779091,水体中腐殖酸与Cr(VI)复合污染物的相互作用机制及其电化学协同去除机理研究。2018/01-2021/12,在研,主持人。
2. 湖南省重点研发项目,2018SK2025,挥发性有机氯化物废水高效电化学处理技术。2018/01-2020/12,在研,主持人。
3. 国家自然科学基金-青年基金,51408209,基于惰性与催化电极的多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)电化学还原降解及脱溴机理研究。2015/01-2017/12,在研,主持人。
4. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,531107040689,环境有机卤化物的电化学还原脱卤机理研究。2013/01-2017/12,在研,主持人。
5. 湖南省教育厅重点项目,22A0023,双功能电催化脱卤剂的合成及其应用于环境中氯代烃的电还原脱卤研究。2022/12-2024/12,在研,主持人。
6. 长沙市自然科学基金项目,kq2208034,项高效双功能电催化剂的设计及其应用于环境中挥发性有机氯化物的电还原脱卤机理研究。2022/12-2024/12,在研,主持人。
A. 环境中有机卤化物的电还原脱卤研究:创新性提出催化离解电子转移理论,揭示电还原过程的电子转移及脱氯机理;开发耦合直接与间接电子转移机理的电催化脱卤新策略;提出普适性的电驱动纳米催化应用于环境中有机卤化物的高效脱卤新方法。已发表代表性论文:
1. S. Qin(秦仕亿), C. Lei, X. Wang(王旭旭), W. Chen, B. Huang*(黄彬彬), Electrocatalytic activation of organic chlorides via direct and indirect electron transfer using atomic vacancy control of palladium-based catalyst. Cell Reports Physical Science 3 (2022) 100713.
2. J. Zhang(张静雅), C. Lei, W. Chen, Q. Xie, Q. Guo, B. Huang*(黄彬彬). Electrochemical-driven nanoparticulate catalysis for highly efficient dechlorination of chlorinated environmental pollutant. Journal of Catalysis 395 (2021) 362-374.
3. C. Lei, F. Liang(梁凤仪), J. Li, W. Chen, B B. Huang*(黄彬彬). Electrochemical reductive dechlorination of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (Cl-VOCs): Effects of molecular structure on the dehalogenation reactivity and mechanisms. Chem. Eng. J. 358 (2019) 1054–1064.
4. B. Huang*(黄彬彬), J. Li(李晶), X. Cao(曹兴凯), Y. Zhu, W. Chen, C. Lei. Electrochemical reduction of p-chloronitrobenzene (p-CNB) at silver cathode in dimethylformamide. Electrochimica Acta 296 (2019) 980−988.
5. B. Huang*(黄彬彬), Y. Zhu(朱元元), J. Li, G. Zeng, C. Lei. Uncovering the intrinsic relationship of electrocatalysis and molecular electrochemistry for dissociative electron transfer to polychloroethanes at silver cathode. Electrochimica Acta 231 (2017) 590−600.
6. B. Huang*(黄彬彬), J. Long(龙吉梅), W. Chen, Y. Zhu, G. Zeng, C. Lei*. Linear free energy relationships of electrochemical and thermodynamic parameters for the electrochemical reductive dechlorination of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (Cl-VOCs). Electrochimica Acta 208 (2016) 195−201.
7. B. Huang*(黄彬彬), C. Lei, C. Wei, G. Zeng, Chlorinated volatile organic compounds (Cl-VOCs) in environment —sources, potential human health impacts, and current remediation technologies, Environ Int. 71 (2014) 118–138. (ESI热点论文、高被引论文)
8. A. A. Isse#, B. Huang(黄彬彬)#, C. Durante, A. Gennaro. Electrocatalytic Dechlorination of Volatile Organic Compounds at Copper cathode: Part I Polychloromethane. Appl. Catal. B Environ. 126 (2012) 347−354.
9. C. Durante#, B. Huang(黄彬彬)#, A A. Isse, A. Gennaro. Electrocatalytic Dechlorination of Volatile Organic Compounds at Copper cathode: Part II Polychloroethanes. Appl. Catal. B Environ. 126 (2012) 355−362.
10. B. Huang(黄彬彬), C. Durante, A A. Isse, C. Wei, A. Gennaro. Electrocatalytic properties of transition metals towards reductive dechlorination of polychloroethanes. Electrochimica Acta 70 (2012) 50−61.
11. H. Yin(尹含双), X. Cao(曹兴凯), C. Lei, W. Chen, B. Huang*(黄彬彬). Insight into electroreductive dehalogenation mechanisms of chlorinated environmental pollutants. ChemElectroChem. 7 (2020) 1–14.
B. 电驱动纳米颗粒催化氧化/还原: 针对传统电化学受限于电极面积等关键问题,联合电化学和纳米技术优势,从概念、原理及应用上先后提出电驱动纳米催化应用于环境中有机卤化物的高效脱卤方法、电驱动碳催化新型高级氧化技术、电驱动纳米颗粒及光电驱动半导体纳米颗粒产生纳米双电极策略等,成功应用于水环境修复。已发表代表性论文:
1. X. Lei(雷小佳), C. Lei, W. Chen, Q. Guo, B. Huang*(黄彬彬). Photoelectrochemically driven nanoparticulate semiconductors as nanobipolar electrodes for advanced water remediation. Cell Reports Physical Science 3 (2022) 101132.
2. Q. Guo(郭倩), C. Lei, W. Chen, J. Zhang, B. Huang*(黄彬彬), Electric-Field-Driven Nanoparticles Produce Dual-Function of Bipolar Electrodes and Nano-Electrolytic Cells for Efficient Water Remediation. Cell Reports Physical Science 2 (2021) 100299.
3. J. Zhang(张静雅), C. Lei, W. Chen, Q. Xie, Q. Guo, B. Huang*(黄彬彬). Electrochemical-driven nanoparticulate catalysis for highly efficient dechlorination of chlorinated environmental pollutant. Journal of Catalysis 395 (2021) 362-374
4. H. Yin(尹含双), Q. Guo(郭倩), C. Lei, W. Chen, B. Huang*(黄彬彬). Electrochemical-driven carbocatalysis as highly efficient advanced oxidation processes for simultaneous removal of humic acid and Cr(VI). Chem. Eng. J. 396 (2020) 125156.
5. B. Huang*(黄彬彬), C. Qi(齐超元), Z. Yang(杨湛), Q. Guo, G. Zeng, C. Lei.* Pd/Fe3O4 nanocatalysts for highly effective and simultaneous removal of humic acids and Cr(VI) by electro-Fenton with H2O2 in-situ electro-generated on the catalyst surface. Journal of Catalysis 352 (2017) 337−350.
C. 高效纳米反应器/催化体系的构建与污染物去除研究:如何克服团聚现象,合成新型高效的催化体系是纳米技术应用于环境修复的关键。利用有机分子的自组装、聚合等特性,将其作为金属载体,从概念上提出纳米反应器处理环境污染物,从分子层面揭示纳米反应器的合成及催化原理,同时合成系列高分散超细纳米颗粒,成功应用于污染物的高效去除。已发表代表性论文:
1. B. Huang*(黄彬彬), Q. Xie(谢倩倩), Z. Yang(杨湛), C. Lei, W. Chen, X. Tang, F. Maran*. Surfactant-directed Pd-nanoparticle assemblies as efficient nanoreactors for water remediation. EcoMat. 2 (2020) e12046. (Inside Back Cover)
2. J. Xie(谢寄托), C. Lei, W. Chen, B. Huang*(黄彬彬). Conductive-polymer-supported palladium-iron bimetallic nanocatalyst for simultaneous 4-chlorophenol and Cr(VI) removal: Enhanced interfacial electron transfer and mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials 424 (2022) 127748.
3. J. Xie(谢寄托), C. Lei, W. Chen, Q. Xie, Q. Guo, B. Huang*(黄彬彬). Catalytic properties of transition metals modified nanoscale zero-valent iron for simultaneous removal of 4-chlorophenol and Cr(VI). Journal of Hazardous Materials 403 (2021) 123827.
4. X. Long(龙霞), W. Chen, C. Lei, Q. Xie, F. Zhang, B. Huang*(黄彬彬). Ultrafine Pd nanoparticles@g-C3N4 for highly efficient dehalogenation of chlorinated environmental pollutant: structure, efficacy and mechanisms. Science of the Total Environment 775 (2021) 145178.
5. C. Lei, C. Wang(王春巍), W. Chen, M. He, B. Huang*(黄彬彬). Polyaniline@magnetic chitosan nanomaterials for simultaneous adsorption and in-situ chemical reduction of hexavalent chromium: removal efficacy and mechanisms. Science of the Total Environment 733 (2020) 139316.
6. B. Huang*(黄彬彬), W. Qian(钱文涛), C. Yu(于春晓), T. Wang, G. Zeng, C. Lei*. Effective catalytic hydrodechlorination of o-, p- and m-chloronitrobenzenes over Ni/Fe nanoparticles: Effects of experimental parameter and molecule structure on the reduction kinetics and mechanisms. Chem. Eng. J. 306 (2016) 607–618.
7. Q. Xie(谢倩倩), C. Lei, W. Chen, B. Huang*(黄彬彬). Mesoporous ferrihydrite-supported Pd nanoparticles for enhanced catalytic dehalogenation of chlorinated environmental pollutant. Journal of Colloid & Interface Science 608 (2022) 2907–2920.
8. Q. Xie(谢倩倩), C. Lei, W. Chen, B. Huang*(黄彬彬). Reversible Self-Assembly/Regulation of pH-Responsive Poly(ester-palladium) to Create New Catalytic Nanoreactors for Efficient Reduction of Nitrophenol. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 4 (2021) 6995−7006.
9. Q. Xie(谢倩倩), X. Wang(王旭旭), W. Chen, C. Lei, B. Huang*(黄彬彬). Engineering active heterojunction architecture with oxygenated-Co, Mo bimetallic sulfide heteronanosheet and graphene oxide for peroxymonosulfate activation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 448 (2023) 130852.
10. C. Lei, Z. Zhou(周子蝶), W. Chen, J. Xie, B. Huang*(黄彬彬). Polypyrrole supported Pd/Fe bimetallic nanoparticles with enhanced catalytic activity for simultaneous removal of 4-chlorophenol and Cr(VI). Science of the Total Environment 831 (2022) 154754.
D. 光(电)催化新方法及新理论研究:利用电、光以及光-电协同能源围绕环境与能源问题开展系列研究,提出电驱动纳米颗粒形成纳米原电池/电解池的高级氧化工艺。已发表代表性成果:
1. X. Lei(雷小佳), C. Lei, W. Chen, Q. Guo, B. Huang*(黄彬彬). Photoelectrochemically driven nanoparticulate semiconductors as nanobipolar electrodes for advanced water remediation. Cell Reports Physical Science 3 (2022) 101132.
2. H. Yu(于瀚博), L. Jiang, H. Wang,* B. Huang*(黄彬彬), X. Yuan, J. Huang, J. Zhang, G. Zeng. Modulation of Bi2MoO6-Based Materials for Photocatalytic Water Splitting and Environmental Application: a Critical Review. Small 15 (2019) 1901008.
3. K. Hu(胡凯), C. Chen, Y. Zhu, G. Zeng*, B. Huang*(黄彬彬), W. Chen, S. Liu, C. Lei, B. Li, Y. Yang. Ternary Z-scheme heterojunction of Bi2WO6 with reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and meso-tetra (4-carboxyphenyl) porphyrin (TCPP) for enhanced visible-light photocatalysis. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 540 (2019) 115-125.
4. Q. Xia(夏琦), B. Huang*(黄彬彬), X. Yuan*, H. Wang, Z. Wu, L. Jiang, T. Xiong, J. Zhang, G. Zeng, H. Wang. Modified stannous sulfide nanoparticles with metal-organic framework: Toward efficient and enhanced photocatalytic reduction of chromium (VI) under visible light. Journal of Colloid & Interface Science 530 (2018) 481-492.
5. H. Yu(于瀚博), B. Huang*(黄彬彬), X. Yuan*, H. Wang, L. Jiang, Z. Wu, J. Zhang, G. Zeng. Facile construction of novel direct solid-state Z-scheme AgI/BiOBr photocatalysts for highly effective removal of ciprofloxacin under visible light exposure: Mineralization efficiency and mechanisms. Journal of Colloid & Interface Science 522 (2018) 82-94.
E. 乙炔的选择性加氢及新工艺研究。开创性的提出了乙炔的电化学选择性加氢技术。该技术克服了以往乙炔催化加氢技术的高温、高压、低选择性、催化剂昂贵且易中毒等技术缺陷,在常温下即可实现乙炔的选择性催化加氢。该技术巧妙的综合利用了电化学还原技术和乙炔分离技术的优势,打破了传统对乙炔加氢气相范式反应的认识,实现了从高温、高压气相反应到常温常压液相反应的转变,成功避免了乙炔过度加氢和低聚反应的发生,对乙炔(炔烃)加氢技术的革新具有重要意义。已发表的代表性论文:
1. B. Huang*(黄彬彬), T. Wang(王涛), Z. Yang(杨湛), W. Qian, J. Long, G. Zeng, C. Lei*. Iron-Based Bimetallic Nanocatalysts for Highly Selective Hydrogenation of Acetylene in N,N-Dimethylformamide at Room Temperature. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng, 5 (2) (2017) 1668–1674.
2. B. Huang*(黄彬彬), T. Wang(王涛), C. Lei, W. Chen, G. Zeng, F. Maran*. Highly efficient and selective catalytic hydrogenation of acetylene in N,N-dimethylformamide at room temperature. Journal of Catalysis, 339 (2016) 14-20.
3. B. Huang(黄彬彬), C. Durante, A. A. Isee, A. Gennaro. Highly Selective Electrochemical Hydrogenation of Acetylene at Ag and Cu Cathodes. Electrochemistry Communications, 34 (2013) 90-93.
1. Binbin Huang*, Hanshuang Yin, Chao Lei. Electrochemical-driven Carbocatalysis as Highly Efficient Advanced Oxidation Processes for Simultaneous Removal of Humic Acid and Cr(VI). The 71st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry in Belgrade, 2020. (Oral Presentation,报告)
2. Binbin Huang*, Qian Guo, Chao Lei. Fe3O4 Nanoparticles with Dual Electromagnetic Functions for Highly Efficient Catalytic Advanced Oxidation Processes. The 70th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry in Durban, South Africa.
3. Binbin Huang*, Jing Li, Chao Lei. Electrochemical Reduction of Mono-chloronitrobenzenes at Silver cathode in Dimethylformamide. The 69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 2018, Bologna, Italy.
4. Binbin Huang*, Qian Guo, Chao Lei. Pd/Fe3O4 Nanocatalysts for Highly Effective and Simultaneous Removal of Humic Acids and Cr(VI) By Electro-Fenton with H2O2 in-Situ Electro-Generated on the Catalyst Surface. the 233rd ECS Meeting in Seattle, WA, U.S.A.
5. Binbin Huang*, Chaoyan Qi, Chao Lei. Effective and simultaneous removal of humic acids and Cr(VI) by electro-Fenton with H2O2 in-situ electro-generated on Pd loaded Fe3O4 nanoparticles. The 68th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 2017, Providence, RI, USA.
6. Binbin Huang*, Guangming Zeng. Thermodynamic and electrochemical properties of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (Cl-VOCs) and their correlations for indication of reductive dehalogenation The 64th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 2013, Queretaro, Mexico
7. Christian Durante, Binbin Huang, Abdirisak A. Isse, Armando Gennaro*. Highly Selective Electrochemical Hydrogenation of Acetylene to Ethylene at Ag and Cu Cathodes. The 64th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 2013, Queretaro, Mexico
8. Armando Gennaro*, Binbin Huang, Christian Durante, Isee A Abdirisak. Electrocatalytic dechlorination of volatile polychloroethanes on various metal electrodes. The 61st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 2010, Nice, France, Oral presentation
9. Armando Gennaro, Binbin Huang, Christian Durante, Isee A Abdirisak. Electrocatalytic dechlorination of volatile chlorinated organic compounds on various metal electrodes, XXIII CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DELLA SOCIETA’ CHIMICA ITALIANA, Oral presentation
10. Christian Durante, Binbin Huang, Isee A Abdirisak, Armando Gennaro. Electrocatalytic Activation of Alkyl halides at copper electrodes. XXIV CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DELLA SOCIETA’ CHIMICA ITALIANA
11. 黄彬彬, A. Gennaro, 韦朝海*. 过渡金属电极对氯代乙烷类物质的电催化还原脱氯研究. 中国化学会第28届年会(电化学分会), 2012, 四川成都,大会报告
12. 黄彬彬, A. Gennaro, 韦朝海*. 过渡金属电极对挥发性有机氯化物的电催化还原脱氯研究. 中国化学会第28届年会(环境化学分会), 2012, 四川成都,大会报告
2014年湖南大学工会积极分子 2016年湖南大学讲课比赛三等奖 2016年湖南大学优秀党员 2016年入选湖南大学首批岳麓学者 2017年湖南大学优秀党支部 2018年湖南大学第三届“青年教师教书育人模范”候选人 2018年湖南大学本科毕业实习优秀指导教师 2018年湖南大学第九次党代会党代表 2019年入选湖南大学首批“双带头人”(10位) 2019年湖南大学本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师 2020年湖南大学青年教工党员示范岗 2021年湖南省教育系统优秀党务工作者