近期主要主持的项目: 1.精胺、低分子量有机酸、硒和金属螯合剂对提高苎麻修复镉污染修复能力的作用和机理研究(41271332),国家自然科学基金; 2.环境保护技术在湖南乡村生态旅游中的应用研究(2012SK2021),湖南省科技厅社发重点项目; 3.镉胁迫下外源物质对苎麻生理代谢(11JJ2031),湖南省自然基金重点项目; 4.湖南城郊旅游区构建景观化与零排放的生态污水处理系统与工程(2016SK2010)),湖南省科技厅社发重点项目; 5.中部地区城市森林建设技术试验示范(2006BAD03A1704),“十一五”国家科技支撑计划子项; 6.新农村绿色家园建设技术试验示范(2006BAD03A1706),“十一五”国家科技支撑计划子项; 7.选矿尾砂重金属污染电修复机理和应用研究(20050532009),教育部博士点基金; 8.工业区大气污染生态治理工程研究,国家教育部留学归国人员基金项目; 9.土壤污染电动力修复技术与基础理论研究(04JJ3013),湖南省自然基金委; 10.长沙市生态文明建设研究,长沙市委市政府重点项目; 11.长沙市旅游资源开发与环境保护研究,长沙市人民政府;
近期获奖情况: 科研获奖 1.废塑料裂解炼油理论、方法及示范工程.湖南省科技进步奖一等奖.2003; 2.岳阳城市森林建设研究.湖南省科技进步三等奖.2008。
教学获奖 3.理工文融合、教学与科研结合,与国际接轨,培养环境科学与工程创新型人才.国家教学成果二等奖(2005)。
近期讲授的主要课程: 《生态学》、《环境毒理学》、《生态工程学》、《景观生态学》、《环境修复技术》、《生态规划》、《旅游规划》、《环境系统分析》等。
近3年发表的主要论文 2018 1.Performance of magnetic graphene oxide/ diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid nanocomposite for the tetracycline and ciprofloxacin adsorption in single and binary systems. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (SCI 2016 IF=4.233).521 (2018) 150–159. 2.Adsorption of 17β-estradiol by graphene oxide: Effect of heteroaggregation with inorganic nanoparticles. Chemical Engineering Journal (SCI 2016 IF=6.216), 2018, 343: 371–378. 3.Comprehensive Adsorption Studies of Doxycycline and Ciprofloxacin Antibiotics by Biochars Prepared at Different Temperatures. Frontiers in Chemistry (SCI 2016 IF= 3.994), 2018. 6(80): 1-11 4.Efficiency estimation of urban metabolism via Emergy, DEA of time-series,Ecological Indicators(SCI 2016 IF=3.898).85(2018) 276–284. 5.Allelopathic effect of the rice straw aqueous extract on the growth of Microcystis aeruginosa, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (SCI 2016 IF=3.743), 148 (2018) 953–959. 6.Hydrothermal Synthesis of Montmorillonite/Hydrochar Nanocomposites and Application for 17β-estradiol and 17α-ethynylestradiol Removal. RSC Advances (SCI 2016 IF=3.108). 2018,8,4273–4283. 7.Adsorption of estrogen contaminants (17β-estradiol and 17α-ethynylestradiol) by graphene nanosheets from water: Effects of graphene characteristics and solution chemistry, Chemical Engineering Journal (JCR分区, 双一区,SCI 2016 IF=6.216) (SCI 2016 IF=6.216), 339 (2018) 296–302. 8.Activated magnetic biochar by one-step synthesis: Enhanced adsorption and coadsorption for 17β-estradiol and copper. Science of the Total Environment. (SCI 2016 IF=4.900), 2018.639:1530-1542. 9.The effect of several activated biochars on Cd immobilization and microbial community composition during in-situ remediation of heavy metal contaminated sediment. (SCI 2016 IF=4.2), 2018.208:655-664. 10.Nitrogen-containing amino compounds functionalized grapheme oxide: Synthesis, characterization and application for the removal of pollutants from wastewater: A review,Journal of Hazardous Materials(SCI 2016 IF=6.065), 342 (2018) 177–191. 2017 1.Immobilization of aqueous and sediment-sorbed ciprofloxacin by stabilized Fe–Mn binary oxide nanoparticles: Influencing factors and Reaction mechanisms.Chemical Engineering Journal .314 (2017) 612–621(SCI&EI) 2.Sorption performance and mechanisms of arsenic(V) removal by magnetic gelatin-modified biochar.Chemical Engineering Journal.314(2017) 223–231(SCI&EI) 3.Effect of Cu(II) ions on the enhancement of tetracycline adsorption by Fe3O4@SiO2-Chitosan/graphene oxide nanocomposite.Carbohydrate Polymers.2017,157:576–585.(SCI&EI). 4.Fabrication of β-cyclodextrin/poly (L-glutamic acid) supported magnetic graphene oxide and its adsorption behavior for 17β-estradiol. Chemical Engineering Journal. 308 (2017) 597–605(SCI&EI) 5.Tetracycline absorbed onto nitrilotriacetic acid-functionalized magnetic graphene oxide: Influencing factors and uptake mechanism. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science.485 (2017) 269–279(SCI&EI) 6.Biochar as potential sustainable precursors for activated carbon production: multiple applications in environmental protection and energy storage. Bioresource Technology.227 (2017) 359–372(SCI&EI) 7.One-pot synthesis of carbon supported calcined-Mg/Al layered double hydroxides for antibiotic removal by slow pyrolysis of biomass waste. Scientific Reports.| 6:39691 | DOI: 10.1038/srep39691(SCI&EI) 8.Enhancement of As(V) adsorption from aqueous solution by a magnetic chitosan/biochar composite. RSC Advances.2017,7,10891-10900(SCI&EI) 9.Effects of calcium at toxic concentrations of cadmium in plants. Planta(SCI 2016 IF=3.239) .(2017) 245:863–873(SCI&EI) 10.Cu(II)-influenced adsorption of ciprofloxacin from aqueous solutions by magnetic graphene oxide/nitrilotriacetic acid nanocomposite:Competition and enhancement mechanisms. Chemical Engineering Journal (SCI 2015 IF=5.310). 319 (2017) 219–228.(SCI&EI) 11.Facile synthesis of Cu(II) impregnated biochar with enhanced adsorption activity for the removal of doxycycline hydrochloride from water. Science of the Total Environment 592 (2017) 546–553.(SCI&EI) 2016 1.The use of microbial-earthworm ecofilters for wastewater treatment with special attention to influencingfactorsin performance: A review. Bioresource Technology (SCI 2014 IF=4.494) .200 (2016)999–1007.(SCI&EI). 2.Removal of 17β-estradiol by few-layered graphene oxide nanosheets from aqueous solutions: External influence and adsorption mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal (SCI 2015 IF=4.321).284 (2016) 93–102(SCI&EI). 3.Biochar-based nano-composites for the decontamination of wastewater: A review. Bioresource Technology(SCI 2014 IF=4.494)212 (2016) 318–333(SCI&EI). 4.Growth inhibition and oxidative damage of Microcystis aeruginosa induced by crude extract of Sagittaria trifolia tubers. Journal of Environmental Sciences(SCI 2014 IF=2.002) 43(2016)40-47(SCI&EI). 5.Effects of exogenous calcium and spermidine on cadmium stress moderation and metal accumulation in Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. Environmental Science and Pollution Research(SCI 2014 IF=2.828)(2016) 23:8699–8708(SCI&EI). 6.Cadmium accumulation and tolerance of Macleaya cordata: A newly potential plant for sustainable phytoremediation in Cd contaminated soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research(SCI 2014 IF=2.828) .(2016) 23:10189–10199.(SCI&EI). 7.Competitive removal of Cd (II) and Pb (II) by biochars produced from water hyacinths: performance and mechanism. RSC Advances(SCI 2015 IF=3.289). 2016.6.5223-5232(SCI&EI). 8.Biochar to improve soil fertility: a review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development (SCI 2014 IF=3.99) 2016.36(36):1-18(SCI&EI). 9.Effective removal of Cr(VI) using β-cyclodextrin-chitosan modified biochars with adsorption/reduction bifuctional roles. RSC Advances(SCI 2015 IF=3.289)2016. 6. 94-104.(SCI&EI). 10.Decontamination of methylene blue from aqueous solution by magnetic chitosan lignosulfonate grafted with graphene oxide: Effects of environmental conditions, and surfactant. RSC Advances. Accepted (SCI 2015 IF=3.289) 2016, 6, 19298–19307 (SCI&EI). 11.Investigation of the adsorption-reduction mechanisms of hexavalent chromium by ramie biochar of different pyrolytic temperatures. Bioresource Technology(SCI 2015 IF=4.917). 2016, 218: 351-359.(SCI&EI). 12.Removal of metformin hydrochloride by Alternanthera philoxeroides biomass derived porous carbon materials treated with hydrogen peroxide. RSC Advances (SCI 2015 IF = 3.289)2016,6,79275-79284(SCI&EI). 13..A novel graphene oxide coated biochar composite: synthesis, characterization and application for Cr(VI) removal. RSC Advances(SCI 2015 IF= 3.289) .2013.6.85202-85212(SCI&EI). 16.Production of biochars from Ca impregnated ramie biomass (Boehmeria nivea (L.) G4ud.) and their phosphate removal potential. RSC Advances(SCI 2015 IF=3.289)2016.6.5871-5880(SCI&EI). 15.Tetracycline absorbed onto nitrilotriacetic acid-functionalized magnetic graphene oxide: Influencing factors and uptake mechanism. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science(SCI 2015 IF=3.782).485 (2017) 269–279(SCI&EI). 16.Biochar pyrolyzed from MgAl-layered double hydroxides pre-coated ramie biomass (Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaud.): characterization and application for crystal violet removal. Journal of Environmental Management (SCI 2015 IF= 3.131). 184 (2016) 85-93(SCI&EI). 17.Removal of Pb(Π) from aqueous solution by magnetic humic acid/chitosan composites. Journal of Central South University(SCI 2014 IF=0.52).(2016) 23: 2809−2817.(SCI). 18.Enhanced adsorption of methylene blue by citric acid modification of biochar derived from water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes).Environmental Science and Pollution Research.(SCI 2015 IF=2.76). Published: 10 Sep 2016(SCI&EI). 19.Statistical Analysis of Main and Interaction Effects on Cu(II) and Cr(VI) Decontamination by Nitrogen–Doped Magnetic Graphene Oxide. Scientific Reports (SCI 2015 IF=5.228). | 6:34378 | DOI: 10.1038/srep34378(SCI&EI). 20.Sensitive and selective detection of mercury ions based on papain and 2, 6-Pyridinedicarboxylic acid functionalized gold nanoparticles. RSC Advances(SCI 2015 IF=3.289)2016.6.3259-3266(SCI&EI). 21.Synthesis of surface molecular imprinted TiO2/graphene photocatalyst and its highly efficient photocatalytic degradation of target pollutant under visible light irradiation.Applied Surface Science(SCI 2016 IF=3.15). 390 (2016) 368–376(SCI&EI). 2015 1.Adsorption of copper by magnetic grapheneoxide-supported β-cyclodextrin Effects of pH, ionicstrength, background electrolytes, and citric acid.Chemical Engineering Research and Design.93(2015)675-683(SCI&EI). 2.Effects of inorganic electrolyte anions on enrichment of Cu(II) ions with aminated Fe3O4/graphene oxide: Cu(II) speciation prediction and surface charge measurement.Chemosphere.127(2015)35-41(SCI&EI). 3.Application of Biochar for the Removal of Pollutants from Aqueous Solutions. Chemosphere.125(2015)70-85(SCI&EI). 4.Effect of exogenous nitric oxide on anti-oxidative system and S-nitrosylation in leaves of Boehmeria nivea(L.) Gaud under cadmium stress.Environmental Science and Pollution Research.(2015)22:3489-3497(SCI&EI). 5.Tartaric acid modified Pleurotus ostreatus for enhanced removal of Cr(VI) ions from aqueous solution: characteristics and mechanisms.RSC Advances(SCI 2013 IF=3.708). 2015(5):24009–24015(SCI&EI). 6.Adsorption of hexavalent chromium by Polyacrylonitrile (PAN)-based activated carbon fiber from aqueous solution. RSC Advances.2015(5):25389–25397(SCI&EI). 7.Application of molecularly imprinted polymers in wastewater treatment: a review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.(2015)22:963-977(SCI&EI). 8.The optimal root length for vetiveria zizanioides when transplanted to Cd polluted soil.International Journal of Phytoremediation.17:563–567,2015(SCI&EI). 9.Mechanism of Cr(VI) reduction by Aspergillus niger: Enzymatic characteristic, Oxidative stress response and Reduction product. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.2015.22:6271-6279(SCI&EI). 10.Effect of porous Zinc-biochar nanocomposites on Cr(VI) adsorption from aqueous solution.RSC Advances.2015(5):35107–35115(SCI&EI). 11.Mitigation Mechanism of Cd Contaminated Soils by Different Levels of Exogenous Low-molecular-weight Organic Acids with Phytolacca Americana. RSC Advances .2015.5:45502-45509(SCI&EI). 12.Adsorption behavior of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution onto magnetic graphene oxide functionalized with 1,2-diaminocyclohexanetetraacetic acid. RSC Advances .2015,5,45384-45392(SCI&EI). 13.Chitosan modification of magnetic biochar produced from Eichhornia crassipes for enhanced sorption of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution. RSC Advances.2015,5,46955-46964(SCI&EI). 14.Effects of Selenium and Silicon on enhancing antioxidative capacity in ramie (Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaud.) under Cadmium stress. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.(2015)22:9999-10008(SCI&EI). 15.Cadmium accumulation and apoplastic and symplastic transport in Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich on cadmium-contaminated soil with the addition of EDTA or NTA.RSC Adv. 2015.5:47584–47591(SCI&EI). 16.Immobilization of Cd(II) in acid soil amended with different biochars with a long term of incubation.Environmental Science and Pollution Research.2015,22: 12597–12604(SCI&EI). 17.The effects of P. aeruginosa ATCC 9027 and NTA on phytoextraction of Cd by ramie (Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaud). RSC Advances (SCI 2014 IF=3.840).2015.5.67509-67517(SCI&EI). 18.Spatial distribution, health risk assessment and statistical source identification of the trace elements in surface water from the Xiangjiang River, China.Environmental Science and Pollution Research.2015,22(12):9400-9412(SCI&EI). 19.Synthesis and adsorption application of amine shield-introduced-released porous chitosan hydrogel beads for removal of acid orange 7 from aqueous solutions.RSC Advances 2015.5:62778-62787(SCI&EI). 20.Biochar amendment to lead contaminated soil Effects on the fluorescein diacetate hydrolytic activity and phytotoxicity to rice. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.2015,34(9),1962-1968(SCI&EI). 21.Time-dependent antioxidative responses of ramie (Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich) to moderate cadmium stress and its up-regulation mechanism by spermidine antioxidant.RSC Advances.2015,5,76141–76149(SCI&EI). 22.Bioreduction of Chromate by an Isolated Bacillus anthracis Cr-4 with Soluble Cr(III) Product.Water air and Soil Pollution.(2015) 226: 82(1-9)(SCI&EI) 23.Removal of Chromium (VI) from Aqueous Solution Using Mycelial Pellets of Penicillium simplicissimum Impregnated with Powdered Biochar.Bioremediation Journal.19(4):259–268, 2015(SCI). 24.Synthesis of graphene oxide decorated with Core@Double-shell nanoparticles and application for Cr(VI) removal.RSC Advances.2015.5:106339–106349(SCI). 25.Efficiency and mechanisms of Cd removal from aqueous solution by biochar derived from water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes).Journal of Environmental Management.153 (2015) 68-73(SCI&EI). 近期完成的主要规划: 1.《“十一五”湖南旅游专项规划》 2.《湖南旅游资土地利用规划》 3.《长沙市旅游业发展总体规划》 4.《长沙市生态市建设规划》 5.《常德市旅游业发展总体规划(修编)》等。