
Lorraine Baiardo Justice

undefinedLorraineBaiardoJustice博士、教授是美国罗切斯特理工设计学院名誉院长,美国工业设计师协会会士(FIDSA),曾任香港理工大学设计学院院长(2004-2011)。她是6本国际设计期刊编委,也是《The Future of Design: Global Product Innovation for a Complex World》(2019)和《China’s Design Revolution》(2012)两本专著的作者。作为产品服务系统设计领域的专家,她出任美国Core77、中国设计红星奖、设计智造大奖等多个国际设计大奖评委或评委会主席。ID Magazine评选她为全球40名顶级设计师之一。其指导的学生毕业后任教于佐治亚理工、罗切斯特理工、香港理工大学等知名设计院校。


Dr. Lorraine Baiardo Justice, Professor, is dean emeritus of the Rochester Institute of Design and a Fellow of the Industrial Designers Association of America (FIDSA).She was dean of the School of Design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2004-2011). She is on the editorial board of six internationaldesign journals andtheauthorofThe Future of Design: Global Product Innovation for a Complex World(2019) andChina's Design Revolution(2012). As an expert in the field of product service system design, she served as a judge or chairman of several international design awards such as Core77 in the United States, Red Star Design Award in China, Design Wisdom Award and so on. ID Magazine named her one of the top 40 designers in the world. After graduation, her students teach in Georgia Tech, Rochester Institute of Technology, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and other well-known design schools.

Since serving as dean of The Rochester Institute of Design since 2012, Professor Lorraine Justice has co-founded the Media Lab of Hunan University (Shenzhen) with our Institute. She has led her research team to work in both Shenzhen and Changsha for the design, research and product development of intelligent product service systems such as service robots, personal wearable health monitoringdevicesand mobile travel devices. Duringhertenure as dean of The School of Design of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2004-2011), she presided over a number of academic research cooperation frameworks between Hong Kong and Mainland universities, and established a long-term and stable cooperative relationship with our School.

