Graduate Courses

Design evolution and sustainability

Course title

Design evolution and sustainability






From the perspective of social change and design role transformation, the course aims at the United Nations 2030 Human Sustainable Development Goals (17 SDG's) and combines design disciplines with research needs in green design and sustainable development research.Systematically expound the relevant concepts of sustainable design, theoretical development, core viewpoints, design principles, operational methods, tools, etc., and analyze and interpret the above theories and methods in combination with a large number of actual cases. Not only helps students build comprehensive, systematic theoretical knowledge, but also helps guide them take sustainable design practices.

About this course

1 Unsustainable “happy life” – the dilemma of “development” (why sustainable?)

1.1 Environmental Crisis and Ecological Footprint

IPCC report on the latest status of resources, environment, population

and other issues

1.2 Social issues

1.3 Economic development

1.4 Cultural heritage

1.5 The price of “civilization” – growth, development and evolution

Cultural Enlightenment (Enlightenment), Cost Stress, Process of

Innovation, Awakening of Consciousness, Knowledge

2 Sustainable Development and Systematic View

2.1 Prerequisites for sustainability

Sustainable preparation, why? Including the preparation of knowledge, companies (including consumers) are willing to focus on investing in the future.

2.2 The origin and evolution of sustainable development

Long-term process, building adaptability (elasticity), not a revolutionary process, based on current and existing facts, the process of evolution

2.3 The core concept of sustainable development

Environmental, economic and social balance

2.4 Complete world and system perspective

Everything is in the dynamic balance of the system. There is no blueprint for sustainable development. Many levels allow errors.

2.5 Eastern wisdom and future possibilities

Paying attention to traditional values is inseparable from the pursuit of quality and quality in the way of life of our own nation, and the future from the past (history).

2.6 Representative organizations, universities or people at home and

abroad (from Europe to the United States).

3 What is sustainable design?

3.1 Design reflection and role change - function determines the form,

form of the supplier, the business spokesperson, the interests of the parties

3.2 Sustainable Design - Concepts and Scope (Solving Problems and

Presenting Visions)

3.3 The evolution of sustainability in design – a fable (from the end to the source process)

3.3.1 Post-Process Intervention - Technical Solutions

3.3.2 Intervention in the Process - Life Cycle Design

3.3.3 System Level Intervention - Systematic Design of Ecological Benefits

3.3.4 Value Interventions – the construction of sustainable lifestyles and new areas of social harmony

4 Green and ecological design – low environmental impact materials and energy design, full life cycle design

4.1 Green Design Three Principles and Applications: Reduce Reduce, Reuse Reuse, Recycle (Recycle) Use Recycle

4.1.1 Design for minimizing material and resource consumption

4.1.2 Harmless design

4.1.3 Design of alternative energy sources

4.1.4 Design of product or component reuse

4.1.5 Durability design: including “prolonging mental life”

4.1.6 Principles of Reusing Design

4.1.7 Basic concepts of recycling

4.1.8 detachable design

4.1.9 Modular design

4.1.10 Principles of Recycling Design

4.2 New cycle view Upcycling Design

4.2.1 Upcycle Design upgrades to take advantage of the core values of the design

4.2.2 Globalization Upcycling boom

4.2.3 Upcycling Design Case

4.3 Ecological design: related to the life cycle, the concept of the ecological circle, from green design to ecological design, to the concept of circular economy at the system level, green and ecological are all thinking about products

4.3.1 Life Cycle Design Overview

4.3.2 Life cycle design methods and tools

4.3.3 Design from cradle to cradle

4.3.4 Case Analysis

5 Product Service System Design

5.1 Overall solution and dematerialized design

5.2 Sustainable Product Service System Design - Concepts, Features, etc.

5.3 Process and method of product service system design

5.3.1 System Thinking and Problem Discovery

5.3.2 System related parties and their interactions

5.3.3 System Diagram

5.3.4 System Service and Service Process Conception

5.3.5 Solution-based system service visualization

5.4 Product Service System Design Classification

1.4.1 Product-oriented services

1.4.2 Result-oriented services

1.4.3 Using-oriented services

1.4.4 Experience-oriented services

5.5 Case Analysis

6 Extension of Sustainable Design - Design for Social Innovation

6.1 The rise of sustainable values and social innovation

6.2 Sustainable lifestyle design

6.3 Designed for vulnerable groups

6.4 Other ideas and cases (such as cultural sustainable design and rural social innovation)

6.5 Social Innovation Design Practice

7 Sustainable design strategies and concepts in corporate practice

7.1 Principles of Sustainable Design: Systematic Thinking, Diversified Participation, Interdisciplinary Team, Service Orientation, People-Centered, Adapted to National Conditions and Context Based

7.2 Sustainability and brand management, corporate social


7.3 Environmental Impact and Assessment in Enterprise Product Development and Manufacturing Process

7.4 The possibility of new technology: Dialectical understanding of technology - singularity theory, Geithner's technical curve, etc., the choice of technology is not chosen by technology!

7.5 Introduce relevant support, promote sustainable development, mature or forward-looking technologies that may be realized at the product or system level, such as biomaterials, 3D printing, clean energy, air intake, light guide lighting, etc.

7.6 Case


1. Victor Papanek, Zhou Bo translation. Design for the real world [M]. Beijing: CITIC Publishing House

2. Environmentally Sustainable Design (Italian) Carlo Vezzoli, National Defense Industry Press, Beijing, 2010

3. "Second Design True Knowledge", Zhao Jianghong, Zhang Jun Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House Shijiazhuang, 2003

4. "Sustainable Design Change", edited by Anne Chick, translated by Zhang Jun, Changsha: Hunan University Press, 2012

5, sustainable design related network resources and books list (Top 50 books list and brief intro of sustainable development)

