Graduate Courses

Lifestyle Research and Design for Regional Development

Course title(Chinese)

  • 生活文化研究与地域振兴设计

Course title(English)

  • Lifestyle Research and Design for Regional Development


  • 3


  • 48


  • Basic design courses for bachelor degree


This course is open to postgraduate students who have taken basic courses such as Industrial Design and Visual Communication Design.It covers two parts:basic research and practice.Firstly,design is closely related to human life. The important prerequisite of design is acomprehensive study for traditional lifestyle: such as traditional design philosophy, design concept, traditional social structure, cultural system and so on.Secondly, this course introduces the theory and practice of lifestyle design research,which is aimed to cultivate students’ ability of generating appropriate design proposals to promote regional revitalization and improve human lifebased on in-depth research of various traditional or contemporarylifestyles and regional resources. Life is designed to serve a specific area or people of a certain lifestyle;The design proposals could be product design, service design, visual communication design, architectural design and landscape design.This course, which includes lecturing, discussions, field surveys as well as design research and practice, will go a long way towards getting students well prepared for future design practice and research.

About this course

Topics Contents Hours
Introduction to related theories

General introduction of the course:"Community", "Grate Tradition and Small Tradition", "Various uses of one thing", "One Phase, One Session", "Grand Design", "Cross-cultural Comparison", "Sustainable Community",etc;Cultural anthropology and other sociological research methods and principles, research contents and so on.

Ways of teaching: lectures

Design research and practice based on in-depth studies of traditional lifestyle

Traditional lifestyle is related to traditional object design, regional resources, customs, architectural culture, food culture, ways of thinking and cultural systems .

Such topics are introduced with ,for instance ,green design in traditional life culture (Resource recycling, resource reuse, resource sharing, the idea of less things, the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, etc.)

Ways of teaching: lectures, literature review & field survey, discussions concerning design research and practice

Design research and practice based on in-depth studies of contemporary lifestyle

Contemporary clothing, food, domestic furnishings,traffic and consumption culture.

Such topics are introduced with public facility and service design, furnishings design, cutlery design, design for specific consumers, etc.

Ways of teaching: lectures, literature review & field survey, discussions concerning design research and practice

Cross cultural comparison and design practice

Comparison study of the object design of China and other cultures. The lifestyle behind objects will be emphasized.

Such topics are introduced, such as comparison study of tea set, lacquertable wares in different cultures.

Ways of teaching: lectures, literature review, discussions concerning design research and practice

Theories and practices about Regional Development

Regional Development is aimed to improve the life of community residents through various design approaches(products design,services design,industrial model design,etc.) based on in-depth research on regional resources and lifestyle.

Ways of teaching: lectures, literature review, discussions concerning design research and practice



[1] Miyazaki Kiyoshi, The Flowering of Total Person, Inclusive Community Empowerment

[2] Robert M. Emerson. Writing Ethnographic Field Notes. The University of Chicago Press

[3] Robert Redfield. The Little Community and Peasant Society and Culture. Midway Reprint (1960).

[4] Claude Levi-Strauss. The Savage Mind. The University of Chicago Press (1966)

[5] Claude Levi-Strauss. Structural Anthropology, Basic Book (1974)

[6] Kakozu Okakura. The Book of Tea. Serenity Publishers (2009)

[7] Fei Xiaotong, Peasant Life in China, From the Soil: the Foundations of Chinese Society

[8]Cooper-Hewitt National Museum. Design for the Other 90%, Smithsonian Institution

[9] William A.Haviland. Cultural anthropology, Holt Rinehart Winston (1975)

[10] Ward H. Goodenough. Description& Comparison in Cultural Anthropology, Aldine Transaction (2006)

[11] Tian zibing.A History of Chinese Arts and Crafts.The Commercial Press(2014)

[12]Books on Ancient Chinese crafts:Tian Gong Kai Wu、Meng Xi Bi Tan、Nong Shu

[13] Aesthetics Book Series by Zhu Guangqian, Zong Baihua and Li Zehou

[14]Materials concerning Cultural and Creative Industries:

Cunningham, Stuart D. rom cultural to creative industries: Theory, industry, and policy implications. Quarterly Journal of Media Research and Resources, pp. 54-65.

Kong, Lily, O'Connor, Justin. Creative Economies, Creative Cities: Asian-European Perspectives. Springer; 2009 edition

Philip Cooke, Luciana Lazzeretti. Creative Cities, Cultural Clusters and Local Economic Development. New Horizons in Regional Science series (2007)

[15]Doctoral Dissertations in Design Culture Lab, Chiba University (In Japanese)

