其中“新通道•侗心乐坊”工作组由来自伦敦大学玛丽女王学院的Nick Bryan-Kinns教授、Jennifer Sheridan教授带领Lucia Marengo、Alessia Milo、Yongmeng Wu等三位博士生,与湖南大学王巍博士、沈艺女士带领三位研究生组成的创新工作夏令营,已于7月15日抵达通道县坪坦乡横岭村的设计基地。在为期两周的活动中,本创新工作营计划聚焦音乐主题产品,通过设计者与当地社区的协同设计,结合当地特色工艺,利用偏僻地区物资材料,将传统文化元素恰当地运用到设计当中。同时建立移动创客空间与交互技术原型平台,使用电子电路制作、开源硬件和软件等工具,探索具有民族特色的交互音乐装置的可能,通过快速迭代实现可操做原型,让创意想法成为可行可用的文创产品。
第一天,在简单安顿后,Nick布置了第一项任务,文化探查。下午同学们在附近坪日村进行走访,巧遇村民们正合力修建当地民族特色民宿,同学们与村支书进行交谈,了解感受侗族当地文化与乡土人文。同时对村落的建筑以及日常用品进行考察,寻找发现当地特色有趣的文化元素,对村民特色服饰颜色与季节的关系,制作悬挂在房梁、庙堂上具有当地特色的吉祥挂饰进行了解。 在下午6点,Nick与Jennifer组织大家交流了今天的感想与发现, 并且逐个进行了点评。在晚餐过后,大家再次开会确定明天的计划,以及每个人的工作与分工安排,及明天的安排。
The Dong Musical workshop is led by Professor Nick Bryan-Kinns from Queen Mary and Dr. Jennifer Sheridan from Togeva, with Chinese partner Dr. Wei Wang and Ms. Yi Shen from Hunan University, involved international PhD students from Queen Mary and graduate students from Hunan University. Students in the workshop have the opportunity to learn local culture, local music and to embed it into design products.
In the following two weeks, the team is to build a mobile maker space and gather local people, students and designers to co-design an interactive musical box. The basic idea is to combine local cultural elements, special local techniques, digital hardware techniques and design techniques to implement design ideas and make interactive working demo.
The innovation team arrived in Henglin Village, Tongdao county on July 15th noon, after lunch Nick and Wei arranged the task for everyone in the afternoon - culture probe. At 14:00 students set out to visit local houses and facilities and to interview local people, to feel the local Dong culture, and to look for inspiring local features and interesting cultural elements. Before dinner, Nick and Wei organized a meeting to share the findings and ideas. After, a schedule for the next day is worked out by the group.