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  • 2022年,指导学生获得湖南省大学生工业设计竞赛一等奖。

  • 2021年,指导学生获得“潇湘杯”工业设计大赛金奖。

  • 2019年,“新通道”设计与社会创新项目在巴黎国际博览会获巴黎市长颁发“文化传播特殊贡献奖”。

  • 2018年,指导学生获得全国大学生工业设计大赛一等奖1项,二等奖2项;“新通道•锦绣侗乡文化创意展”获得“时尚北京暨第四届国际生活博览会·民族文创特展”一等奖、二等奖、优秀奖三个奖项;“花瑶花”创意设计与非遗精准扶贫项目获“创青春”湖南省大学生创业大赛铜奖。

  • 2017年,“新通道·花瑶花”项目获教育部直属高校非遗扶贫典型项目第一名;在岳麓书院举行的成果展上,获英国安妮公主高度评价,并致感谢信和皇室官网推介;“梭说侗锦亚麻系列”产品设计获得首届湖南省文创设计大赛金奖,并把30万元奖金全部捐助用于通道织锦文化的建设。

  • 2016年,“新通道·花瑶花”项目获教育部直属高校精准扶贫典型项目第一名;“许愿—阳戏”互动游戏装置入选卡耐基梅隆大学Climnatic:Post Normal Design展览全球22件作品之一。“新通道”设计与社会创新项目获湖南省首届青年志愿服务项目大赛金奖。

  • 2015年,“新通道·三江源”项目获人民日报CSR中国文化奖,文化创新奖,人民日报;乡home文创公益项目获伦敦大学玛丽女王学院公共参与精神奖。

  • 2014年,指导学生获得全国大学生工业设计大赛传播设计类金奖1项。

  • 2013年,非遗纪录片滩头年画获“筑梦百工·民间艺术”纪录片影展制片精神奖,陈悦记基金会。

  • 2012年,“新通道”设计与社会创新项目获日本设计振兴会颁发的“G-Mark社区研究奖”,为大陆第一个公益设计特别奖;新通道 APP 获全国大学生工业设计大赛沟通类一等奖。

  • 2011年,“新通道”项目获宋庆龄基金会颁发的“中国企业十大典范公益项目十强”。



  • 国家社科基金艺术学重点项目“全球化、智能化引领的非物质文化遗产创新生态体系建构研究”

  • 国家重点研发计划项目课题“中国设计风格的经典文化元素及原型数据库研发”

  • 国家重点研发计划项目“面向智能交互产品的创意服务设计技术与平台”

  • 科技部“2035科技预测与中长期专项规划、十四五文化科技与现代服务业重点研发指南”

  • 数字文化创意智能设计技术文化和旅游部重点实验室建设

  • 科技部外国专家项目“面向人与数据智能的人-机-环境系统设计理论及应用关键技术研究”

  • 科技部外国专家项目“面向智能人机交互的工业设计数据平台与设计工具系统研究”

  • 国家艺术基金项目“工艺美术数字化采集与互动体验设计人才培训”

  • 国家艺术基金项目“长沙窑釉下多彩瓷烧制技艺传承与创新艺术人才培养”

  • 国家艺术基金项目“大湘西少数民族织锦刺绣工艺传承与创新人才培养”

  • 国家级新工科研究与实践项目《“新工科·新设计”人才培养教学体系与实践研究》

  • 国家级新文科研究与改革实践项目《面向文化科技融合的设计学类教材体系与课程资源平台建设》

  • 国家科技支撑计划“基于湖湘地域文化的创意设计公共服务技术研究”

  • 财政部文化产业专项“面向花瑶特色民族文化产品的创意设计服务平台建设与产业化”

  • 科技部国际合作项目“以工业设计为核心的中意设计创新中心建设”

  • 参与文化部社科重大《绿色设计与可持续发展研究》及重点项目三项。



从2007年开始作为湖南省工业设计创新平台的执行负责人,参与组织并完成了四届“芙蓉杯”国际工业设计创新大赛(2008,2010,2012,2014);2012-2015年作为主要负责人完成了“中意设计创新中心”的建设,成为全球最大的设计公司(意大利IDG)在中国的唯一合作战略伙伴;为打造国际合作平台和推广乡村文化品牌,主持和策划完成了美克美家CSR传统文化保护项目展、2012年米兰中国设计创新展、2015年米兰设计周“分享设计”国际文化创客展及“乡home·分享家乡的味道”世博展、2017康桥·中英合作成果展、“溯源东方·乡村文化与地域再生”设计活动周等系列活动;同时也受邀参加了多项重要的国内外展览和研讨会,如巴黎国际博览会、第三届中国设计大展及公共艺术专题展览、法国圣埃蒂安国际设计双年展、联合国教科文组织创意城市网络2030第十二届创意城市网络年会、美国卡耐基梅隆大学Climnatic: Post Normal Design社会创新展、米兰设计周“Designing Designers”国际研讨会、上海设计双年展、深圳“设计之上”OCT创意节、南京艺术学院设计学青年论坛、无锡设计教育再设计系列国际会议、北京751国际设计节、重庆亚洲绿色设计周、“城市边缘”深港城市建筑双城双年展、深圳设计大展及文博展、中日韩“地域再生”研讨会、巴黎国际博览会、米兰国际手工艺博览会、“腹地智慧”精准扶贫展等活动。


  • 2023年,《新时代“文化引领·数智赋能”的设计创新领军人才培养体系探索与实践》,获得国家级教学成果二等奖(排名1)。

  • 2023年,《社会创新设计》获得国家级一流本科课程。

  • 2022年,获霍英东教育基金会第18届高等院校教育教学奖二等奖。

  • 2022年,“基于智能设计方法的中国风格数字文化创新与设计应用”获评为“探元计划”2022十大案例。

  • 2022年,《新工科·新设计——新时代经世致用工业设计领军人才培养体系》获第十三届湖南省高等教育教学成果奖特等奖(排名1)。

  • 2022年,《社区研究与社会创新设计》,获得第十五届湖南省社会科学优秀成果一等奖。

  • 2021年,“数字文化创新导师团队”获得湖南省优秀研究生导师团队(排名1)。

  • 2019年,获“第十五届(2019)光华龙腾奖·新中国成立七十周年 中国设计70人提名奖”。

  • 2019年,《乡村振兴背景下文化与社会创新设计人才培养与实践》,获得2019年湖南省教学成果奖一等奖(排名1)。

  • 2018年,《面向国家战略的数字化与国际化设计创新人才培养体系》,获得2018年国家教学成果一等奖(排名2)。

  • 2018年,《社区研究与社会创新》专著被评为第四届湖湘优秀出版物奖。

  • 2018年,获得全国大学生工业设计大赛优秀指导教师。

  • 2016年,《面向国际化和数字化的设计人才培养》,获湖南省教学成果奖一等奖(排名2)。

  • 2013年,获得中国机械工业科学技术奖二等奖(排名4)。

  • 2010年,获红点(reddot)传播设计奖及日本字体设计协会BestWork奖。

Ji Tie, Ph.D., professor, doctoral supervisor. Born in October 1972, he graduated from the Department of Industrial Design of Hunan University in 1993 and stayed on as a faculty member. He successively stayed at Tu-Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, Politecnico di Milano, University of London as a visiting scholar, and was appointed as professor in 2008. Right now, he is the Dean of the School of Design, Hunan University. He is also the member of the 8th Design Discipline Appraisal Group, secretary-general of the Industrial Design Teaching Guidance Subcommittee of the Ministry of Education, secretary-general of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (Cultural and Creative) Assistance Alliance of the Ministry of Education. He was awarded as Changjiang Distinguished Professor of the Ministry of Education(2020), New Century Outstanding Talents, Furong Scholars of Hunan Province. He is also the Director of the Digital Cultural Creativity and Intelligent Design Technology Key Laboratory of Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the special planning expert for culture, technology and modern service industry of the Ministry of Science and Technology, foreign culture expert of the Central Propaganda Department, member of the Expert Committee of the China Service-Oriented Manufacturing Alliance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, convener of the 6th Discipline Appraisal Group for Arts in Hunan Provincial People's Government's Degree Committee, chairman of the Teaching Guidance Committee for Art and Design Majors in Undergraduate Colleges in Hunan Province from 2023 to 2028,founder of the "New Channel" Design and Social Innovation Alliance; concurrently serving as Vice President of Hunan Innovation Platform for Industrial Design, Chief Cultural and Creative Expert of Yuelu Academy. He won the first prize of National Teaching Achievement Award, the first prize of Provincial Social Science Excellent Award, the special prize and first prize of Provincial Teaching Achievement Award. He published 7 monographs such as "Community Research and Social Innovation Design", "Digital Communication-Interaction and Image Design", "Text Design and Communication", published more than 70 papers, and his works won more than thirty professional awards such as Red Dot Award and G-Mark.

"New Channel" Design and Social Innovation

Project Description

As the founder of the "New Channel" Design and Social Innovation Alliance, from 2009 to 2020, he has successively organized design and social innovation work in Tongdao County in Hunan, Youyang in Chongqing, Huayao in Longhui, Ya'an in Sichuan, Nalati and Kashgar in Xinjiang, Yushu in Qinghai, Hulunbuir in Inner Mongolia, Shangri-La in Yunnan and other places. The project aims at the protection of intangible cultural heritage and uses the development of characteristic cultural industries as a means to integrate the advantages of different professions and disciplines for ethnic minority areas with "unique natural ecological environment and rich intangible cultural heritage" but underdeveloped economy. Through reasonable village planning, eco-tourism development, product and service system integration, intangible heritage protection and cultural and creative industry development, knowledge platform construction and cross-media design, e-commerce platform incubation, international exhibition promotion and other comprehensive working methods, it constructed the internationalized innovative network and cultural brand, shared and spread the value of different regional cultures, transformed local cultural resources into industrial values, participated in promoting local cultural and industrial innovation, and achieved good innovation with local governments, enterprises, and local residents interactively, and gradually improved the "Community and Network-Based Design and Social Innovation (DS-CN)" method, and accumulated rich practical experience in cultural protection and rural revitalization.

Project Awards

In 2022, instructed students to win first prize in the Industrial Design Competition for College Student in Hunan Province. In 2021, instructed students to win gold award in the "Design Xiaoxiang Awards 2021". In 2019, the "New Channel" design and social innovation project was awarded the "Special Contribution Award for Cultural Communication" by the Mayor of Paris at the Paris International Fair. In 2018, instructed students to win one first prize and two second prizes in the China Universities Industrial Design Competition; "New Channel•Splendid Dong Township Cultural and Creative Exhibition" won first prize, second prize and the excellence prize in the "Fashion Beijing and the 4th International Life Expo•National Cultural and Creative Special exhibition"; the "HYH" creative design and intangible cultural heritage poverty alleviation project won the bronze prize of the "Creating Youth" Provincial Student Entrepreneurship Competition. In 2017, the "New Channel·HYH" project won the first place in the typical ICH poverty alleviation project of colleges and universities directly under the Ministry of Education; in the achievement exhibition held by Yuelu Academy, it was highly praised by Princess Anne of the United Kingdom, and she sent a letter of thanks and recommended the Royal Family website; The product design of "SuoShuo Dong Brocade Linen Series" won the gold medal of the first Hunan Provincial Cultural and Creative Design Competition, and donated all the 300,000 yuan bonus to the construction of the brocade culture in Tongdao County. In 2016, the "New Channel·HYH" project won the first place in the typical ICH poverty alleviation project of colleges and universities directly under the Ministry of Education; the "Wishing-Yang Opera" interactive game installation was selected as one of the 22 works in the Climnatic: Post Normal Design exhibition of Carnegie Mellon University. The "New Channel" design and social innovation project won the Gold Award in the First Youth Volunteer Service Project Competition in Hunan Province. In 2015, the "New Channel · Sanjiangyuan" project won the People's Daily CSR Chinese Culture Award, Cultural Innovation Award; the Xiang Home cultural and creative charity project won the Public Participation Spirit Award from Queen Mary University of London. In 2014, instructed students to win one gold medal in the communication design of the China Universities Industrial Design Competition. In 2013, the intangible cultural heritage documentary Tantou New Year Pictures won the "Dream-Building Hundred Workers · Folk Art" Documentary Film Festival Production Spirit Award from Chen Yueji Foundation. In 2012, the "New Channel" design and social innovation project won the "G-Mark Community Research Award" issued by the Japan Design Promotion Association, which was the first special award for public welfare design in the mainland China; the New Channel APP won the first communication award in the National University Student Industrial Design Competition Prize. In 2011, the "New Channel" project was awarded the "Top Ten Model Public Welfare Projects of Chinese Enterprises" by the Soong Ching Ling Foundation.

Main Research Projects

Facing national strategy and social transformation, he actively explores design innovation methods that integrate cultural research and technological innovation, successively organized or participated in many projects.

  • National Social Science Fund for Art Discipline’s Key Project "Research on the Construction of Intangible Cultural Heritage Innovation Ecosystem Leaded by Globalizatio2n and Intelligence"

  • national key research and development plan "Research and Development of Classic Cultural Elements of Chinese design style and prototype database"

  • National Key R&D Programme Project "Creative Service Design Technology and Platform for Intelligent Interactive Products"

  • Ministry of Science and Technology "2035 Science and Technology Forecast and Medium and Long-term Special Plan, the 14th Five-Year Key Research and Development Guide for Culture, Science and Technology and Modern Service Industry"

  • Ministry of Culture and Tourism "Key Laboratory of Digital Culture Creativty and Smart Design Technolog"

  • Foreign Expert Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology "Research on Key Technologies for Human-Machine-Environment System Design Theory and Application Oriented towards Human and Data Intelligence"

  • Foreign Expert Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology "Research on Industrial Design Data Platform and Design Tool System for Intelligent Human-Computer Interaction"

  • China National Arts Fund General Project "Digitization and Interactive Experience Design Talent Training for Arts and Crafts"

  • China National Arts Fund General Project "Inheritance and Innovative Artistic Talent Training for Underglaze Color Porcelain Techniques of Changsha Kiln"

  • China National Arts Fund General Project “Inheritance and Innovative Talents Cultivation of Brocade and Embroidery Craft of Ethnic Minorities in Western Hunan”

  • National-level New Engineering and Practice Project "Talent Training Teaching System and Practical Research on New Engineering and New Design"

  • National-level New Arts and Sciences Research and Reform Project "Construction of Teaching Material System and Course Resource Platform for Design Education Aimed at the Integration of Culture and Technology"

  • National Science and Technology Support Program "Research on Public Service Technology of Creative Design Based on Hunan Regional Culture"

  • Ministry of Finance Cultural Industry Special Project "Creativity Design Service Platform Construction and Industrialization Facing Huayao National Cultural Products"

  • the international cooperation project of the Ministry of Science and Technology "The Construction of a Sino-Italian Design Innovation Center with Industrial Design as the Core"

  • Participated in the major social science special project of the Ministry of Culture "Green Design and Sustainable Development Research" and other 3 key projects

He provided design strategic support for well-known international and domestic brands, hosted important strategic cooperation projects such as Huawei UCD Experience Design Joint Innovation Center, Qisheng Technology, Desay SV Joint Innovation Center, Lushan Laboratory, and Hunan Radio and Television's "National Culture and Technology Integration Demonstration Base Construction". At the same time, he also presided over the completion of "the 14th Five-Year Plan for Industrial Design of Hunan Province", "Design-driven Industrial Upgrade Strategy Research (Shantou)", "Construction of National-level Culture and Technology Integration Demonstration Base in Huaihua Economic and Technological Development Zone", "The First China (Huaihua) Rural Revitalization Design Innovation Competition", "Hunan Industrial Design Innovation Platform Construction", "Xinjiang Regional cultural research and tourism product development key technology research and application", Changsha science and technology major project "Smart home three-dimensional IoT data network system and terminal access key technology research and development, mass production and industrial application" and other local technology service projects.

International Cooperation and Exhibition

Since 2007, he has been the executive person in charge of the industrial design innovation platform of Hunan Province, participated in the organization and completion of four times "LotusPrize" international industrial design innovation competition (2008, 2010, 2012, 2014); 2012-2015 as the main person in charge of the construction of the "China-Italy Design Innovation Center" and became the only strategic partner of the world's largest design company (Italy IDG) in China; in order to build an international cooperation platform and promote rural cultural brands, he hosted and planned exhibitions like Markor Furnishings CSR Traditional Culture Protection Project Exhibition, the 2012 Milan China Design Innovation Exhibition; 2015 Milan Design Week "Sharing Design" International Cultural Maker Exhibition and "Xiang Home·Sharing the Taste of Hometown" Expo Exhibition, 2017 Cambridge·Sino-British Cooperation Achievement Exhibition; "Tracing the Orient, Rural Culture and Regional Regeneration" design event week and other series of activities. At the same time, he was invited to participate in a number of important domestic and foreign exhibitions and seminars, such as Foire de Paris, the 3rd China Design Exhibition and thematic exhibition of public art, Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Etienne, the UNESCO Creative City Network 2030 12th Creative City Network Year Conference, Climnatic: Post Normal Design and Social Innovation Exhibition in Carnegie Mellon University, Milan Design Week "Designing Designers" international seminar, Shanghai Design Biennale, Shenzhen "Above Design" OCT Creative Festival , Nanjing Art University Design Youth Forum, Wuxi Design Education Redesign Series International Conference, Beijing 751 International Design Festival, Chongqing Asian Green Design Week, "Urban Fringe" Shenzhen-Hong Kong Bi-City Biennale of Urban Architecture, Shenzhen Design Exhibition and Cultural Expo Exhibition, China, Japan and Korea "Regional Regeneration" seminar, Paris International Fair, Milan International Handicraft Fair, "Hinterland Wisdom" Precision Poverty Alleviation Exhibition and other activities.


  • In 2023, "Exploration and Practice of the Design Innovation Leading Talent Training System of "Cultural Guidance and Digital Intelligence Empowerment" in the New Era" won the second prize for national teaching achievements (ranked 1).

  • In 2023, "Social Innovation Design" won the national first-class undergraduate course.

  • In 2022, he was awarded the second prize of the 18th Higher Education and Teaching Award of the Fok Yingdong Education Foundation.

  • In 2022, "Innovation and Design Application of Chinese-style Digital Culture Based on Intelligent Design Method" was honored as one of the top ten cases in the "Tanyuan Initiative" for 2022.

  • In 2022, "New Era, New Engineering, New Design - Training System for Design-led Practical Talents " won the special prize of the 13th Hunan Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award (ranked 1).

  • In 2022, he won the first prize of the 15th Hunan Provincial Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award (ranked 1).

  • In 2021, the "Digital Culture Innovation Tutor Team" won the Hunan Outstanding Graduate Tutor Team (ranked 1).

  • In 2019, he won the "Fifteenth (2019) Guanghua Longteng Award · 70th Anniversary of the Founding of New China" Nomination Award for 70 Chinese Designers.

  • In 2019, "Cultivation and Practice of Cultural and Social Innovative Design Talents in the Context of Rural Revitalization" won the first prize of the 2019 Hunan Provincial Teaching Achievement Award (ranked 1).

  • In 2018, "National Strategy-Oriented Digital and International Design Innovative Talent Training System" won the first prize of the 2018 National Teaching Achievement Award (ranked 2).

  • In 2018, the monograph "Community Research and Social Innovation" was selected as the 4th Hunan Outstanding Publication Award.

  • In 2018, he was awarded the Outstanding Instructor in the National University Student Industrial Design Competition.

  • In 2016, "Cultivation of Design Talents for Internationalization and Digitalization" won the first prize of Hunan Teaching Achievement Award (ranked 2).

  • In 2013, he won the second prize of China Machinery Industry Science and Technology Award (ranked 4).

  • In 2010, he won the Reddot Communication Design Award and the BestWork Award of the Japan Type Design Association.

