I am an associate professor inCollege of Computer Science,Hunan Univerisity. I focus my interests in computer graphics, computational geometrics and GPU-based algorithms. I love solving problems by programming, especially when visually cool&new stuff being created on screen.
I did a postdoc in theSchool of Math,USTCin 2012-2015. I did another postdoc atINRIA France, working withDr.Sylvain Lefebvre'son digital content synthesis in 2011-2012. I obtained a PH.D of Applied Mathematics fromZhejiang Univ.in 2011. I worked on research projects inCity Univ. of Hong Kongin 2010 and in 2018.
Email :shizhe@hnu.edu.cnshizhezhou2014@gmail.com
Office :College of Computer Science, Hunan University, YueLu Mountain, Changsha, Hunan, 410082.
Topics: Computer graphics related algorithm, Network Optimization(continuous or discrete),Synthesis(Vector or pixel, both a lot of fun:)), Image, Physical Simulation. Also i am open minded to other topics .
"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosityhasitsownreasonforexistence" -- A.Einstein.
长期研究计算机图形学,计算几何,结果发表在一区Top期刊ACM Transacation on Graphics上.
基础算法(not easy but if you have any new idea it may be ground-breaking.),

New paper:
17. Sketch2Relief: Generating Bas-relief from Sketches with Deep Generative Networks. Shizhe Zhou, Zeyu Liu. ICTAI, 2020.(paper)
16. Accurate Estimation of body heights from A RGB-D image.Fukun Yin,Shizhe Zhou.CVPR 2020. (paper)
15.DeepShapeSketch : Generating hand drawing sketches from 3D objects.Meijuan Ye, Shizhe Zhou,Hongbo Fu.IJCNN,Budapest,Hungary,2019(paper)
14.Interactive Sketch-Based Normal Map Generation with Deep Neural Networks.Wanchao Su, Dong Du, Xin Yang, Shizhe Zhou Hongbo Fu.i3D,Montreal,Canada, 2018 (paper,video)
13.PatchSwapper: A novel real-time single-image editing technique by region-swapping.Shizhe Zhou, Chengfeng Zhou, Yi Xiao, Guanghua Tan.Computers & Graphics,2018, 47(9). (webpage)
12.Automatic Image Style Transfer Using Emotion-Palette.Jing Huang, Shizhe Zhou* , Xianyi Zhu, Yiwen Li, Chengfeng Zhou.International Conference on Digital Image Processing, 2018. (paper)
11.Face sorting and stripe texture mapping of triangle mesh based on spectral decomposition(in Chinese).Yan Li, Shizhe Zhou*Jiansong Deng.Journal of Univ.of Sci.& Tech.,2017, 47(9). (paper)
10.Efficient Simulation of Water Puddle(in Chinese).Jianfang Li, Shizhe Zhou*, Yan Li, Ligang Liu.Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics,2016, 23(11)(paper,demo)
9.Adaptive Tearing of Crumpled Thin Sheet(in Chinese).Qiqi Jiang, Shizhe Zhou*, Liqiang Shi.Journal of Univ. of Sciene and Technology,2016, 46(11). (paper)
8.Topology-constrained Synthesis of Vector Patterns. Shizhe Zhou, Changyun Jiang, Sylvain Lefebvre. ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2014. ACM Transactions on Graphics(ISBN 0730-0301),Volume 33 Issue 6, November 2014,Article No. 215 ACM New York, NY, USAdoi>10.1145/2661229.2661238[webpage]
7.Real-time dynamic and pressure-sensitive brush rendering.Liqiang Shi, Shizhe Zhou.The 4th International Conference on Electronics,Communications and Networks,2014.[paper]
6.By-Example synthesis of curvilinear structured patterns.Shizhe Zhou, Anass Lasram, Sylvain Lefebvre.Computer Graphics Forum(ISSN:0167-7055), 32(2), 2013. (Proc.of Eurographics 2013).DOI:10.1111/cgf.12055[paper,overlapping avoidance,video,more results]
5.Animated Construction of Line Drawings.Hongbo Fu, Shizhe Zhou*, Ligang Liu, Niloy Mitra. ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2011.ACM Transactions on Graphics,30(6), Article No.133:1-10,2011.[video, Viewer'ssoftwareandcode,webpage]
4.Parametric Reshaping of Human Bodies in Images.Shizhe Zhou, Hongbo Fu, Ligang Liu*, Daniel Cohen-Or, Xiaoguang Han.ACM SIGGRAPH 2010. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 29(4), Article No.126:1-10,2010. [software,webpage]
3.Realtime Digital Bas-Relief Modeling(in Chinese).Shizhe Zhou, Ligang Liu*.Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics,2010, 22(3). (paper, Editing session:1,2,img)
2.Feature-Aligned Shape Texturing.Kai Xu*, Daniel Cohen-Or, Tao Ju, Ligang Liu*, Hao Zhang, Shizhe Zhou and Yueshan Xiong.ACM SIGGRAPH Aisa 2009. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG),2009. (webpage)
1.Realtime Fluid Simulation Based on Multigrid Method(in Chinese).Shizhe Zhou, Jiaju Man*.Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2007,19(7).(paper,video)
Master Degree Thesis: Research on Deformation Algorithm of 3D Mesh Models.
PHD Thesis: :Modeling via Feature Transfer across Dimensions
Phd.Thesis-ShizheZhou .pdf