[1]shuqi Ruan,Chao Yang(*), Dongsheng Li. Knowledge-enhanced personalized hierarchical attention network for sequential recommendation. World Wide Web, Volume 27, Issue 1, January 24.
[1]Zhiyu Wang,Chao Yang(*), Bin Jiang,Junsong Yuan, A Dual Reinforcement Learning Framework for Weakly Supervised Phrase Grounding, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2023. (SCI JCR 1#)
[2] Lin Sun,Chao Yang(*), Bin Jiang. DSP-Net: Diverse Structure Prior Network for Image Inpainting, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, July 10-14, 2023, Brisbane, Australia. (CCF B)
[1]Bolin Zhang,Chao Yang, Bin Jiang, Xiaokang Zhou, Video Moment Retrieval with Hierarchical Contrastive Learning, ACM MM 2022 (CCF A)
[2] Guoqing Wang,Chao Yang,Su Feng, and Bin Jiang. "LPGN: LANGUAGE-GUIDED PROPOSAL GENERATION NETWORK FOR REFERRING EXPRESSION COMPREHENSION." 2022 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo,July 18-22, 2022,Taipei, Taiwan. (CCF B)
[3]Jianbo Zheng,ChaoYang, Fangrong Zheng,Bin Jiang. A Rolling Bearing Fault Diagnosis Method Using Multi-sensor Data and Periodic Sampling,2022 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo,July 18-22, 2022, Taipei, Taiwan.(CCF B)
[4]Bolin Zhang,Chao Yang,Bin Jiang, Liang Pang. Dual-Channel Localization Networks for Moment Retrieval with Natural Language,Proc. of ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval,June 27-30, 2022, Newark, NJ, USA.(CCF B)
[5]Bin Jiang,Fangqiang Xu, Jun Xia,Chao Yang, Wei Huang, Yun Huang. Stacked Multi-Scale Attention Network for Image Colorrization, Proc. of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, May 22-27, 2022, Singapore.(CCF B)
[1]Chao Yang(#)(*), Weixin Zhou, Zhiyu Wang, Bin Jiang, Dongsheng Li, Huawei Shen. Accurate and Explainable Recommendation via Hierarchical Attention Network Oriented Towards Crowd Intelligence,Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 213, 15 February 2021, 106687. (JCR 2#, IF 5.921)
[2]Chao Yang(#)(*),Su Feng, Dongsheng Li, Huawei Shen, Guoqing Wang and Bin Jiang. "Learning Content and Context with Language Bias for Visual Question Answering." 2021 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Shen Zhen, China, 2021. (CCF B, Oral)
[3]Chao Yang(#)(*),Zhiyu Wang, Huawei Shen, Huizhou Li and Bin Jiang, “Multi-Modality imagemanipulation detection”,2021 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Shen Zhen, China, 2021.(CCF B, Oral)
[4]Shangrong Huang, Quanyu Ma,Chao Yangand Yazhou Yao, Link Prediction with Multiple Structural Attentions in Multiplex Networks, IJCNN 2021.
[5]Zifan Chen, Xin Qin,Chao Yang, Cooperative Localization for Human Pose Estimation,ChineseCSCW 2021.
[1]Chao Yang(#)(*), Huizhou Li, Fangting Lin, Bin Jiang, hao Zhao. Constrained R-CNN: A general image manipulation detection model.IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo,London, United Kingdom,6-10July 2020.(CCF B)
[2]Yang Chao(#)(*),Lianhai Miao, Jiang Bin, Dongsheng Li, Da Cao.Gated and Attentive Neural Collaborative Filtering for User Generated List Recommendation, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020. (JCR 2#)
[3]Bin Jiang, Wenxuan Tu,Chao Yang, Junsong Yuan. Context-Integrated and Feature-Refined Network for Lightweight Object Parsing. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2020.2978583 (CCF A, JCR 1#)
[4]Yang Chao(#)(*), Wang Xiaochan, Jiang Bin. Sentiment Enhanced Multi-modal Hashtag Recommendation for Micro-Videos,IEEE ACCESS, 2020.
[5]Jiankai He, Bin Jiang(*),Chao Yang, Wenxuan Tu. Hybrid Dilated Convolution Network Using Attentive Kernels for Real-timeSemanticSegmentation. The 3rd Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, October 16 - 18, 2020, Nanjing, China.
[6]Hongyu Liu, Bin Jiang(*), Yibing Song, Wei Huang,Chao Yang. Rethinking Image Inpainting via a Mutual Encoder-Decoder with Feature Equalization. Proc. the 16th European Conference on Computer Vision, August 23 - 28, 2020, Glasgow, Scotland. (CCF B) (Oral, Acceptance rate of 2%)
[7]Bin Jiang(#)(*), Jingxu Yang,Chao Yang, Wangyue Zhou, Liang Pang, Xiaokang Zhou. Knowledge Augmented Dialogue Generation with Divergent Facts Selection. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020. (SCI JCR 2#)
[8]Bin Jiang(#)(*), Wanyue Zhou, Jingxu Yang,Chao Yang, Shihan Wang, Liang Pang. PEDNet: A Persona Enhanced Dual Alternating Learning Network for Conversational Response Generation. Proc. the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, December 8-13, 2020, Barcelona, Spain. (CCF B)
[9]Bin Jiang(#)(*), Jing Hou, Wanyue Zhou,Chao Yang, Shihan Wang, Liang Pang. METNet: A Mutual Enhanced Transformation Network for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. Proc. the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, December 8-13, 2020, Barcelona, Spain. (CCF B)
[10]Chao Yang(#)(*),Hefeng Zhang,Jing Hou, BinJiang. CLMNet: A Contextual and Local Modification Enhanced Transformer Network for Target-oriented Sentiment Classification, ChineseCSCW 2020,November 7-9,Shenzhen, China.
[11] Bin Jiang, Wei Huang, Yun Huang,Chao Yang, Fangqiang Xu. MPNet: A Multiprocess Convolutional Neural Network for Animal Classification,ChineseCSCW 2020, November 7-9, Shenzhen, China.
[1]Yang Chao(#)(*), Zhang Hefeng, Jiang Bin, Li keqin. Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Alternating Coattention Networks, Information Processing and Management, 2019.(SCI,CCF B)
[2]Yang Chao(#)(*), Jiang Mengqi, Jiang Bin, Zhou Weixin, Li keqin. Co-Attention Network with Question Type for Visual Question Answering, IEEE ACCESS, 2019.
[3]Bin Jiang, Xin Huang,Chao Yang, Junsong Yuan. Cross-Modal Video Moment Retrieval with Spatial and Language-Temporal Attention. Proc. the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR 2019), June 10-13, 2019, Ottawa, Canada. (CCF B)
[4]Hongyu Liu, Bin Jiang, Yi Xiao,Chao Yang. Coherent Semantic Attention for Image Inpainting, International Conference in Computer Vision(ICCV 2019),Seoul, Korea. (CCF A)
[5] Bin Jiang, Xin Huang,Chao Yang, Junsong Yuan. SLTFNet: A Spatial and Language-Temporal Tensor Fusion Network for Video Moment Retrieval. Information Processing and Management, 2019. (CCF B)
[6]蒋斌(#)(*), 涂文轩,杨超, 刘虹雨, 赵子龙. 基于DenseNet的复杂交通场景语义分割方法. 模式识别与人工智能, 2019, 32(5): 472-480.(中文 CCF B)
[7]蒋斌(#)(*),刘虹雨,杨超,涂文轩,赵子龙.一种基于局部属性生成对抗网络的人脸修复算法. 计算机研究与发展,2019.(中文 CCF A)
[8] Yiwei Lv,Minghao Hu,ChaoYang, YuanYan Tang, Hongjun Wang. Extract, Attend, Predict: Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis with Deep Self-Attention Network. in Proceedings of the 21th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), 2019(CCF C).
[1]Yang Chao(#)(*), A Coevolutionary Opinion Model Based on Bounded Confidence, Reference Range, and Interactive Influence in Social Network. Chapter 18 inInnovative Approaches in Agent-Based Modelling and Business Intelligence, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd,2018.
[2]Yang Chao(#)(*), Chen xinghe, Song tingting, Jiang Bin, A hybrid recommendation algorithm based on heuristic similarity and trust measure, TrustCom 2018.(CCF C)
[3]Da Cao, Xiangnan He, Lianhai Miao, Yahui An,Chao Yang(*), Richang Hong. Attentive Group Recommendation, The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference, 2018. (CCF A)
[1]吕超,杨超, 李仁发. 基于卷积神经网络和词语邻近特征的情感分类模型. 计算机工程,2017.
[1]Yang Chao(#)(*), Wang Lei, Jiang Bin. Mining and Modeling the Information Propagation in an Email Communication Network, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016.
[2]Yang Chao(#), Jiang Bin, Isao Ono, Setsuya Kurahashi, Takao Terano. A grid based simulation environment for agent-based models with vast parameter spaces, Cluster Computing, v 19, n 1, p 183-195, March 1, 2016(SCI, EI).
[3] Jiang Bin,Yang Chao, Wang Lei and Li Ren Fa. Mining Multiplex Power-law Distributions and Retweeting Patterns onTwitter. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy System, 2016, 31(2):1009-1016. (SCI, EI)
[4] Setsuya Kurahashi, Kenichi Yoshida,ChaoYangand Yoshikatsu Fujita.Intelligent Systems and Applications of Data Science and Agent-BasedTechnologies, Int. J. Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, Vol.14, Nos. 3/4, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, 2016.
2015 and Before 2015
[1]杨超,艾聪聪,蒋斌,李仁发.一种融合人口统计属性的协同过滤算法,小型微型计算机系统, Vol.36, No.4,782-786, 2015.
[2]Yang Chao(#)(*),Peng Shuming, Jiang Bin, Wang Lei, Li Renfa. Hyper-heuristic genetic algorithm for solving frequencyassignmentproblem in TD-SCDMA, In Proceedings of the 16th Genetic andEvolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2014, July 12-16, 2014 (CCF C).
[3]Yang Chao(#)(*), Ai Congcong, Li Renfa. Neighbor Diversification-Based Collaborative Filtering forImproving Recommendation Lists, in Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC),1658-1664,Nov13-15,2013(CCF C).
[4]Yang Chao(#)(*), Setsuya Kurahashi, Isao Ono, Terano Takao. Pattern-Oriented Inverse Simulation for Analyzing Social Problems: Family Strategies in Civil Service Examination in Imperial China,Advances in Complex Systems,Vol.15, No.7, 2012(SCI).
[5]Yang Chao(#)(*), Setsuya Kurahashi, KeiKo Kurahashi, Isao Ono and Takao Terano. Agent-Based Simulation on Women’s Role in a Family Line onCivil Service Examination in Chinese History, Journal of Artificial Societiesand Social Simulation, Vol.12, Issue 2, No.5, March, 2009(SSCI).