Our team is actively recruiting dedicated and smart postdoctoral fellows, Ph.D, master, and undergraduate students interested in high-performance computing and supercomputing, parallel and distributed systems, artificial intelligence and big data computing.Please feel free to contact me, and please include your CV and transcripts for all degrees.
202401-至今 教授、博士生导师,湖南大学,信息科学与工程学院,国家超级计算长沙中心
202007-202312 副教授、博士生导师,湖南大学,信息科学与工程学院,国家超级计算长沙中心
201710-201910 博士后,滑铁卢大学,计算机科学系,数据系统组
201707-202006 博士后,湖南大学,信息科学与工程学院,国家超级计算长沙中心
201409-201706 博士,计算机科学与技术,湖南大学,信息科学与工程学院,国家超级计算长沙中心
A Survey of Accelerating Parallel Sparse Linear Algebra.ACM Computing Surveys, in press, 2023.
An Algorithm and Architecture Co-design for Accelerating Smart Contracts in Blockchain.ISCA 2023, in press, 2023.
大规模图神经网络研究综述.计算机学报, in press, 2023.
An Explicitly Weighted GCN Aggregator based on Temporal and Popularity Features for Recommendation.ACM TORS, in press, 2023.
AAPP: An Accelerative and Adaptive Path Planner for Robots on GPU.IEEE TC, in press, 2023.
PH-CF: A Phased Hybrid Algorithm for Accelerating Subgraph Matching based on CPU-FPGA Heterogeneous Platform.IEEE TII, in press, 2022.
Exploiting Hierarchical Parallelism and Reusability in Tensor Kernel Processing on Heterogeneous HPC System.ICDE 2022, pp. 2523-2536.
Efficient Processing Distributed Label-Constrained Set Reachability Queries in Large Graphs.ICDE 2022, pp. 1970-1982.
fgSpMSpV: A Fine-grained Parallel SpMSpV Framework onHPC Platforms.ACM TOPC, 9(2):8:1-8:29, 2022.
An Efficient Parallel Reinforcement Learning Approach to Cross-Layer Defense Mechanism in Industrial Control Systems.IEEE TPDS, 33(11):2979-2990, 2022.
CASpMV: A Customized and Accelerative SpMV Framework for the Sunway TaihuLight.IEEE TPDS, 32(1):131-146, 2021.
Efficient Approaches to Top-r Influential Community Search.IEEE IoT, 8(16):12650-12657, 2021.
aeSpTV: An Adaptive and Efficient Framework for Sparse Tensor-Vector Product Kernel on a High-Performance Computing Platform.IEEE TPDS, 31(10):2329-2345, 2020.
ahSpMV: An Auto-tuning Hybrid Computing Scheme for SpMV on the Sunway Architecture.IEEE IoT, 7(3):1736-1744, 2020.
Performance-Aware Model for Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication on the Sunway TaihuLight Supercomputer.IEEE TPDS, 30(4):923-938, 2019.
Progressive Approaches for Pareto Optimal Groups Computation.IEEE TKDE, 31(3):521-534, 2019.
Top k Favorite Probabilistic Products Queries.IEEE TKDE, 28(10):2808-2821, 2016.