i.Journalpaper (peer review paper)
1.XiaoJiang,Zean Tian,* Kenli Li, andWangyu Hu, Toward Interpreting the Thermally Activated β Dynamics in MetallicGlass Using the Structural Constraint Neural Network, The Journal of PhysicalChemistry Letters,J. Phys. Chem. Lett.2024, 15, 3238?3248,https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c00280
2.XiaoJiang,Zean Tian*, Kenli Li, andWangyu Hu, A geometry-enhanced graph neural network for learning the smoothnessof glassy dynamics from static structure,J. Chem. Phys. 159, 144504 (2023);https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0162463
3.JiamingPan, Yushuang Jia, Kenli Li, Lei Liao, Liping Qiu, Fan Wu, andZean Tian*, Does the GFA of AlloysDepend on the Atomic Size Ratio: A DT-Based ML Study,Crystal Growth & Design, 2023, 23, 5912-5918,https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acs.cgd.3c00509
4.Shen Ping,Xiao Jiang,Zean Tian*,Ronghui Cao,Weiming Chi, andShenghong Yang;Cross-Modal Interaction Network for Video MomentRetrieva,InternationalJournal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,Vol. 37, No. 08, 2355010 (2023).https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218001423550108
5.Zean Tian*,Zhongyang Zhang, Xiao Jiang, Feng Wei, Shen Ping and Fan Wu, LaSCA: AVisualization Analysis Tool for Microstructure of Complex Systems,Metals2023, 13(2), 415.https://doi.org/10.3390/met13020415
6.Jiaming Pan, Xiao Jiang,ZeanTian*, Yikun Hu*, and Kenli Li.MLModel Optimization?Selectionand GFA Prediction for Binary Alloys,Cryst.Growth Des.2022, 22, 4, 2462–2469,https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.1c01519
7.Xiao?Xu Jin,Zean Tian*, Wangyu Hu*, Critical structural invariant during high?pressure solidification of copper,MRSCommunications(2022)12:45–50,https://doi.org/10.1557/s43579-021-00138-5.
8.Xiao Jiang,ZeanTian*, Kenli Li, Senior Member, IEEE. AGraph-based Approach for Missing Sensor Data Imputation.IEEE sensors journal.2021, 21(20)1558-1748.
9.Liping Li,ZeanTian*, Kenli Li, Ceng Chen. G-CNN andDouble-referenced Thresholding for Detecting Time Series Anomalies,Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems(ISSN:1064-1246), 40(2021)3969-3980;DOI:10.3233/JIFS-200175,
10.Xiaozhen Deng, Lin Lang, Yunfei Mo, Kejun Dong,Zean Tian*, Wangyu Hu. Solid-solidphase transition of Tungsten induced by high pressure: a MD simulation study.Transactionsof Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 30(2020)11:2980-2993.
11.XiaozhenDeng, Lin Lang, Yunfei Mo,Zean Tian*,Wangyu Hu. The phase transition of rapidly super-cooled Tungsten under 100 GPa.ChemicalPhysics Letters755 (2020) 137789.
12.LinLang, Keliang Yang,Zean Tian*,HUiqiu Deng, Fei Gao, Wangyu Hu*, Yunfei Mo. Development of a Ni-Mo interatomicpotential for irradiation simulation.Modelling and Simulation in MaterialsScience and Engineering, 27(2019)4: 045009.
13.LinLang, Huiqiu Deng,Zean Tian*, FeiGao, Wangyu Hu*, Dadong Wen, Yunfei Mo. The effect of Mo addition on structureand glass forming ability of Ni-Zr alloys.Journal of alloys and compounds,775(2019)1184-1198. DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.10.184.
14.Zhizhou Wu, Yunfei Mo, Lin Lang, Aibing Yu, Quan Xie,Rangsu Liu, andZean Tian*.Topologically close-packed characteristic of amorphous Tantalum.PhysicalChemistry Chemical Physics, 20(2018)28088-28104. DOI:10.1039/C8CP05897K.
15.Z.A. Tian,*K. J. Dong and A. B. Yu.LocalRotational Symmetry in the Packing of Uniform Spheres.Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 14 June.2017,19(22),14588 - 14595.
16.Haitao Zhang,Yunfei Mo,Zean Tian,*Rangsu Liu,Lili Zhou, Zhaoyang Hou, The effect of pressure upon crystallization of rapidlysupercooled Zirconium melts.Phys. Chem.Chem. Phys., 2017,19(19),12310 - 12320
17.Y. F. Mo,Z. A. Tian*, Rang-su Liu, Zhao-yangHou, Li-li Zhou, Ping Peng, Hai-tao Zhang, Yong-chao Liang,Molecular dynamics study on microstructural evolutionduring crystallization of rapidly supercooled Zirconium melts,Journal of alloys and compounds, 688(2016):654-665.
18.Y. F. Mo,Z. A. Tian*, R. S. Liu, Z. Y. Hou, C.C. Wang. Structural evolution during crystallization of rapidly super-cooledcopper melt,Journal of non-crystalline solids421(2015)14-19.
19.Z.A. Tian,Li-li Zhou*, Yun-fei Mo, Yong-chaoLiang, Rang-su Liu. Cooling rate dependence of the polymorph selection duringrapid solidification of liquid metal zinc,Transactionsof Nonferrous Metals Society of China2015, 25(12):4072-4079.
20.Liang Xu, Wei-QingHuang*, Liang-Ling Wang,Ze-An Tian,Wangyu Hu, Yanming Ma, Xin Wang, Anlin Pan, and Gui-Fang Huang. Insights intoEnhanced Visible-Light Photocatalytic Hydrongen Evolution of g-C3N4 and HighlyReduced Graphene Oxide Composite: The Role of Oxygen,Chemistry of Materials2015, 27:1612-1621.
21.Z.A. Tian,K. J. Dong, A. B. Yu. Structural evolutionin the crystallization of rapid cooling silver melt,Annals of Physics2015, 354():499-510.
22.Z.A. Tian,K. J. Dong, A. B. Yu. Structural evolutionin the packing of uniform spheres,PhysicalReview E2014, 89(3):032202.
23.Z.A. Tian,K. J. Dong, A. B. Yu*.A method for structural analysis of disordered particle systems.AIPConf. Proc.2013, 1542:373-376.
24.Z.A. Tian, R. S. Liu, K. J. Dong, and A. B. Yu ;A new method for analyzing the local structures of disordered systems.EPL,2011, 96(3), 36001.
25.Z.A. Tian, R. S. Liu, P. Peng, Z. Y. Hou,H. R. Liu, C X. Zheng, K. J. Dong, A. B. Yu.Freezing structures of free silver nanodroplets: A molecular dynamicssimulation study.Phys. Lett. A,2009, 373(18-19):1667-1671.
26.Z.A. Tian, R. S. Liu, C. X. Zheng, H. R.Liu, Z. Y. Hou, and P. Peng.Formationand Evolution of Metastable bcc Phase during Solidification of Liquid Ag: AMolecular Dynamics Simulation Study.J.Phys. Chem. A, 2008, 112 (48): 12326-12336.
27.Z. A Tian, R. S. Liu, H. R. Liu, C. X. Zheng, Z. Y. Hou, P. Peng.Molecular dynamics simulation for coolingrate dependence of solidification microstructures of silver.J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2008, 354:3705- 3712.
Year 2024
28.MengtingLi, Weifu Cen,Zean Tian*, First-principlesstudy of the magnetic and optical properties of PtSe2 doped with halogenelements F, Cl, and Br.Phys. Scr.99 (2024) 045508,https://doi.org/10.1088/1402-4896/ad2e58
29.YunfeiMo,Zean Tian*, Lili Zhou, YongchaoLiang, Kejun Dong* , Xiefu Zhang, Haitao Zhang, Ping Peng, Rangsu Liu, Thedynamic competition mechanism between the topologically close-packed and BCCstructures during crystallization of undercooled zirconium, Chemical Physics 581(2024) 112238,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemphys.2024.112238
30.WeifuCen,Zean Tian*, Improving themagnetic moment of Ca2Ge and promoting the conversion of semiconductors todiluted magnetic semiconductors using Mn-doping,RSC Advances, 2024,14, 6930 – 6937,DOI: 10.1039/d3ra07294k
31.MengtingLi, Weifu Cen,Zean Tian*, QuanZheng, First Principles Calculation of Gas Sensitive Properties of Pd3-ModifiedMonolayer PtSe2 to SF6 Decomposition Products. Phys. Status Solidi RRL 2024,2300367,https://doi.org/10.1002/pssr.202300367
32.FurongXu, Songli Dai, Weifu Cen, Qinghua Zeng andZean Tian?,Study on the piezoelectric properties and the mechanism of strainregulatedpiezoelectricity in flexible Janus monolayers Cr2X3Y3 (X/ Y = Cl, Br, I), Phys.Scr. 99 (2024) 025987
Year 2023
33.Qiao Wang, Chenyang Hu,Zean Tian*, Xianming Wu, Haiwei Sang,Zhongwei Cui; A 3D memristor-based chaotic system with transition behaviors ofcoexisting attractors between equilibrium points,Results in Physics56(2024)107201;https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rinp.2023.107201
34.Weifu Cen, Zhiwen Lin, Mengting Li, Xiefu Zhang,Zean Tian*; Enhancement of magnetic stability and absorption propertiesof monolayer NiZr magnetic semiconductor by electric field modulation, Resultsin Physics 54 (2023) 107130
35.YangchuanZeng, Zean Tian*, Quan Zheng, Mingxiang Jiang, Yikun Peng,Prediction of glass-forming ability based on multi-model fusion,Journalof Non-Crystalline Solids,623 (2024) 122693;https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnoncrysol
36.Can-LingJian,Ze-An Tian*, Bo Liang ,Chen-Yang Hu , Qiao Wang , and Jing-Xi Chen, Rucklidge-based memristive chaoticsystem: Dynamic analysis and image encryption,Chin. Phys. B32, 100503(2023),https://doi.org/10.1088/1674-1056/acdac3
37.ZhanGao,Zean Tian,Bin Pu, Shengli Li,Kenli Li?, Deep endpoints focusing network undergeometric constraints for end-to-end biometric measurement in fetal ultrasoundimages,Computers in Biology and Medicine165 (2023) 107399,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2023.107399
38.ZechaoLu,Zean Tian*, Modulation ofBAs/graphene Schottky junction barrier by electric field and vertical strain,MaterialsToday Communications, 36(2023)106474,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.106474
39.Quan Zheng,Zean Tian*, Tinghong Gao, Yongchao Liang, Qian Chen, Quan Xie,Effect of graphene on solid-liquid coexistence in Cu nanodroplets,Applied Surface Science,2023,637,157952.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.157952
40.Qiao Wang, ChenyangHu,Zean Tian?, Xianming Wu and Haiwei Sang, A new3D hidden conservative chaotic system with multistability and its circuitimplementation,(Physica Scripta) Phys. Scr. 98 (2023) 075223,https://doi.org/10.1088/1402-4896/acdda8
41.CanLeng, Zhuo Tang*, Yi-Ge Zhou,Zean Tian,Wei-Qing Huang, Jie Liu, Keqin Li, Kenli Li*, Fifth Paradigm in Science: A CaseStudy of an Intelligence-Driven Material Design, Engineering, 24(2023)126-137,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eng.2022.06.027
42.BeibeiLiu, Yangchun Chen, Long Guo, Xiaofan Li, Kun Wang, Huiqiu Deng,Zean Tian, Wangyu Hu, Shifang Xiao* ,Dingwang Yuan*, Phase transition in yttrium under shock compression byatomistic simulations,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,250(2023)108330. Available online 20 March 2023,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2023.108330
43.Yikun Peng,Zean Tian*, Lulu Liu, Quan Zheng, Autonomous identification ofLindemann atoms based on deep learning,Materials Today Communications, 35(2023) 106053.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.106053
44.YikunPeng,Zean Tian*, Quan Zheng, Quan Xie,Tinghong Gao, Effect of graphene substrate on melting of Cu nanoparticles,Physica B:Condensed Matter,657(2023)414817.Availableonline 16 March 2023,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2023.414817
45.ZhiwenLin,Zean Tian*, Weifu Cen, Qinghua Zeng,Monolayer black phosphorus: Tunable band gap andoptical properties,Physica B:Condensed Matter, 657(2023)414780-8.15 May 2023.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2023.414780
46.BoLiang, Chenyang Hu,Zean Tian*, Qiao Wang, Canling Jian,A 3D chaotic system with multi-transient behaviorand its application in image encryption,PhysicaA: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 616(2023)128624-17,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2023.128624
47.WeifuCen, Yinye Yang andZean Tian*,Effect of stress on electronic structure and optical properties of cubic Ca2Ge,SemiconductorScience and Technology(Semicond.Sci. Technol.) 38 (2023) 035013(9pp)
Year 2022
48.Xueting Zhai,Xuan Li,Zheng Wang,Lina Hu*,Kaikai Song,Zean Tian*,Yuanzheng Yue*, The connection between the fragile-to-strongtransition and the liquid-liquid transition in a binary alloy system,ActaMaterialia239(2022)118246. 15 October 2022 published.
49.ChengkunLi, Zhiwei Luo,Zean Tian*, KejunDong, The concealed solid-solid structural phase transition of Fe70Ni10Cr20under high pressure,Materials Today Communications33(2022) 104499-10,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2022.104499
50.ChenyangHu,Zean Tian*, Qiao Wang, XiefuZhang, Bo Liang, Canling Jian, Xianming Wu, A memristor-based VB2 chaoticsystem: Dynamical analysis, circuit implementation, and image encryption,Optik- International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 269 (2022) 169878.
51.ChenyangHu, Qiao Wang, Xiefu Zhang,Zean Tian*,Xianming Wu. A new chaotic system with novel multiple shapes of two-channelattractors.Chaos, Solitons and Fractals162 (2022) 112454.
52.HuaXu, Weifu Cen,Zean Tian*, QuanZheng, Tinghong Gao, Yongchao Liang, Quan Xie. A first principles study of thesurface electronic properties of Mo2C,Solid State Communications353(2022) 114867.
53.MingxiangJiang,ZeanTian*, QuanXie, Tinghong Gao, Yongchao Liang, Qian Chen, Numericalrecognition of C15 unit in rapid solidification Ni70Ag30nanoparticles.Acta Phys. Sin., 71(2022)17:176402-8. doi:10.7498/aps.71.20220662
54.Yuxi Luo,ZeanTian*, Quan Zheng, Lin Hu, Kejun Dong*.Crystallization insights revealed by simulationsolidification study of Fe63Ni33Co4 alloy melt at subcritical cooling rate,Journalof Non-Crystalline Solids586 (2022) 121557.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2022.121557
55.Xiangyan Luo, Yixin Wang,ZeanTian,*Jiajun Ma, Hong Yu, and Quan Xie*.Atomic Correlation between Bilayer Graphene and Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes,J.Phys. Chem. C2022, 126, 4030?4036.https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c09523
56.Qiao Wang,ZeanTian*, Xianming Wu and Weijie Tan,Coexistence of Multiple Attractors in a Novel Simple Jerk Chaotic Circuit withCFOAs Implementation.Frontiers in Physics,2022,10,835188-12
Year 2021
57.Lin Hu,ZeanTian*, Yongchao Liang, Tinghong Gao, QianChen, Quan Zheng, Yuxi Luo, Quan Xie. The role of TCP structures in glassformation of Ni50Ag50alloys,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,897(2022) 162743https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.162743.
58.YunfeiMo,ZeanTian*, Lili Zhou, Yongchao Liang, Lin Lang, Kejun Dong, Rangsu Liu, PingPeng. Competition between TCP and crystallineclusters during phase transition of rapidly super-cooled aluminum,Journalof Non-Crystalline Solids, 576(2022)121271,DOI:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2021.121271.
59.Guo-Cui Wei,Ze-AnTian*, Molecular dynamics simulation ofrapid solidification of Cu64Zr36 nanodrops of different sizes,ActaPhysica Sinica, 70, 246401 (2021) DOI: 10.7498/aps.70.20211235.
60.Can Leng, Kenli Li,Zean Tian*, Yubing Si*, HuangHuang, Junfeng Li, Jie Liu1,Wei Qing Huang & Keqin Li*, Theoretical studyof cellulose II nanocrystals with different exposed facets,scientificreports, 11(2021)21871, DOI10.1038/s41598-021-01438-5.
61.Li-li Zhou, Jia-ming Pan, Lin Lang,Ze-an Tian*, Yun-fei Mo, Ke-jun Dong, Atomic structure evolutions andmechanisms of the crystallization pathway of liquid Al during rapid cooling,RSCADVANCES, 2021,11(63)39829-39837, DOI10.1039/d1ra06777j
62.Xuan Li,ZeanTian*, Quan Xie, Kejun Dong. Thetopologically close-packed Fe70Cu15Ni15nanoparticles- A simulation study.Vacuum,2021,193,110523, DOI:10.1016/j.vacuum.2021.110523
63.Li-Li Zhou,Ze-AnTian*, Yong-Chao Liang, Yun-Fei Mo,Cun-Jing Wang, Fang-Zuo Li, Correlation between the topologically close-packedstructure and the deformation behavior of metallic Cu64.5Zr35.5,Physicalchemistry chemical physics, 2021,23(45)25933-25943,https://doi.org/10.1039/D1CP03758G
64.XiefuZhang,Zean Tian*, Jian Li, Xianming Wu and Zhongwei Cui, A Hidden ChaoticSystem with Multiple Attractors,Entropy,2021,23(10)1341, DOI: 10.3390/e23101341
65.Yu-Qin Wu,Ze-anTian*, Fang Liu, Zi-Hou Yuan, Wei Chen,Chi Zhang, Cheng-Xin Li. Effect ofmagnetic field on microstructure and property of Ag-Sn solder alloys.MaterialsLetters303 (2021) 130515. DOI10.1016/j.matlet.2021.130515
66.Quan Zheng, Ting Xiao,ZeanTian*, Tinghong Gao, Yongchao Liang, QianChen, Quan Xie. Hidden State of Si50Ge50NanoparticlesDuring Rapid Solidification.Crystal Growth & Design.Accepted: 30/06/2021. Cryst. Growth Des. 2021, 21, 4746?4756. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.1c00586.
67.Ruijie Wang,ZeanTian*, Qingquan Xiao, Weifu Cen, QuanZheng. The effect of Ni/Co-doping on electronic structures and opticalproperties of cubic Ca2Ge.Optik -International Journal for Light and Electron Optics243 (2021) 167422.
68.Xiefu Zhang,ZeanTian*, Jian Li and Zhongwei Cui. A SimpleParallel Chaotic Circuit Based on Memristor.Entropy2021, 23, 719-14.https://doi.org/10.3390/e23060719.
69.Zhiwei Luo,ZeanTian*, Yongchao Liang, Quan Xie.Crystallization behavior of Fe70Ni10Cr20 during rapid solidification underdifferent cooling rates.MaterialsToday Communications27 (2021) 102255.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.
70.SiyuanWang, Kejun Dong*, Quan Xie,Zean Tian*. Inconsistency ofneighborhood based on Voronoi tessellation and Euclid distance.Journalof alloys and compounds, 854(2021)156983.
71.LiliZhou, Yunfei Mo,Zean Tian*, FangzuoLi, Xiaolu Xie, Rangsu Liu. Pressure effect on structure and properties ofrapidly-cooled Mg70Zn30alloy.Journal of Materials Science,56(2021)4420-4432.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-020-05505-6.
72.JingjingLI,Zean TIAN*. Structural Origin ofthe Second Peak Split of FeCuNi Metallic Glass,Low. Temp. Phys. Lett.,2(2020):0081-0089. DOI:10.13380/j.ltpl.2020.02.004.
73.YunfeiMo,Zean Tian*, Lin Lang, Lili Zhou,Yongchao Liang, Haitao Zhang, Rangsu Liu, Ping Peng, Dadong Wen. Differentstructural transitions of rapidly supercooled Tantalum melt under pressure.PhysicalChemistry Chemical Physics, 22(2020)18078-18090, DOI:10.1039/D0CP01432J.
74.MinLi, Quan Xie*, Xiangyan Luo andZean Tian*. Molecular dynamicssimulation of carbon nanotubes and silicon nanowire composites.ModernPhysics Letters B, 34(2020)31:2050355-13.
75.JingjingLi,Zean Tian*, Quan Xie, Shixian Xiong. Component effect onmicrostructure of rapidly cooled FeCuNi alloys.Chemical Physics Letters,753 (2020) 137630. Published 21 May 2020.
76.Yu, BY; Liang, YC*;Tian, ZA*; Liu, RS; Gao, TH; Xie, Q;Mo, YF.MD simulationon crystallization mechanisms of rapidly supercooled Fe-Ni alloys.JOURNALOF CRYSTAL GROWTH,535(2020)125533
77.XiaoJiang, Gui-Bin Bian,Zean Tian,Removal of Artifacts from EEG Signals: A Review. Sensors. 19(2019)5: 987.
78.Bang-yi Yu, Yong-chao Liang*,Ze-an Tian*, Yue-hong Zhang, Quan Xie,Ting-hong Gao,Yun-fei Mo. MD study on topologically close-packed andconfiguration entropy of Mg40Al60 metallic glasses under rapid solidification.Journalof Non-Crystalline Solids. 522(2019): 119578.
79.Y. F. Mo,Z. A. Tian*, L. Lang, R. S. Liu, L. L. Zhou, Z. Y. Hou, P. Peng, T.Y. Zhang. The short-range order in liquid and A15 crystal of zirconium.Journalof Non-Crystalline Solids. 513(2019), 111-119.
80.Ting Xiao,Zean Tian*, Tinghong Gao,Xiaotian Guo, Yunfei Mo, Lin Lang, Yao Zhou, Yongchao Liang. Microstructuralevolution of SiGe Nano-droplet during rapid solidification process at differentcooling rate.Low Temperature Physical Letters. 6(2018):42-49.
81.Yongchao Liang, Yuehong Zhang, Bangyi Yu, Rangsu Liu,Quan Xie,Zean Tian*. Thedeformation and transformation of icosahedron in Mg70Zn30 metallic glasses.ChemicalPhysics Letters, 703(2018)39-43.
82.XiZhao, Chunzhen Wang, Haijiao Zheng,ZeanTian* and Lina Hu*, The Role of Liquid-liquid Transition in Glass Formationof CuZr Alloys. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19(24) 15962-15972.DOI: 10.1039/C7CP02111A
83.Li-liZhou, Run-yu Yang,Ze-an Tian*, Yun-fei Mo, Rang-suLiu. Molecular dynamics simulation on structural evolution duringcrystallization of rapidly super-cooled Cu50Ni50alloy,Journalof alloy and compounds.2017,690:633-639
84.X. C. Jiang, S. X.Xiong,Z. A. Tian, C. Y. Chen, W. M.Chen, and A. B. YuTwinned Structure andGrowth of V-Shaped Silver Nanowires Generated by a Polyol-Thermal Approach.J. Phys. Chem. C, 2011, 115(5): 1800-1810.
ii.conferencesubmissions(e.g. papers, invitedpresentations and posters);
1.Z.A. Tian, A. B. Yu. Hierarchicalstructure analysis for disordered systems.Invited report, the 4th China- Australia Symposium forMaterials Science (CASMS2013), 20-24thOctober 2013, Zhuhai China.
2.Z. A. Tian, A. B. Yu.Local gap and phasetransition in the packing of uniform spheres. Oral report, UK-ChinaInternational Particle Technology Forum IV (UCIPTF IV), 15th-19thOctober 2013, Shanghai China.
3.Z. A. Tian, A. B. Yu.Microstructures of Metal Nanoparticles. The 8thInternational Conferenceon Surfaces, Coatings and Nano-Structured Materials (NANOSMAT), 22th-25thSeptember 2013, Granada, Spain.
4.Z. A. Tian, K. J. Dong, A. B. Yu.A method for structural analysis ofdisordered particle systems. Poster,Powders and Grains 2013, 8th– 12thJuly 2013,Sydney NSW, Australia.
5.Z. A. Tian, A. B. Yu, K. J. Dong.Surfaceisomers: novelty metal nano-particles. Oral report, APMC10, ICONN2012 &ACMM22, 5th-9thFebruary 2012, Perth WA, Australia.
6.Z. A. Tian, K. J. Dong, A. B. Yu.A new method for analyzing the localstructures of disordered systems. Oral report, the 3th China- AustraliaSymposium for Materials Science (CASMS2011), 19-23thNovember, 2011,Gold Coast QLD, Australia.
7.Z. A. Tian, K. J. Dong, A. B. Yu.Simulationstudy on the cooling processes of nano-droplets. Oral report, the thirdAustralia-China Joint Symposium on Science, Technology and Education. 6th-8thOctober, 2010, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Victoria,Australia.
8. Z. A. Tian, P. Peng, R. S. Liu.Simulation studyand structural analysis of the solidification of free silver nano-droplets.Oral report, China Materials Conference, Chinese Materials Research Society. 20th-24thNovember 2008, Canton, Guangdong province, P. R. China.