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    中文名: 佘兢克 英文名:
    学历: 博士 职称: 副教授
    联系电话: 0731-88821907 电子邮件: shejingke@hnu.edu.cn
    研究方向: 工业仪控平台(核电)中的人工智能方法、智能预测与故障诊断、基于人工智能方法的工业互联网边缘计算平台、核电站事故应急仿真与决策方法。
    联系地址: 1 Lushan South Road
    所属机构: 计算机工程系学院教师


    新能源汽车制造产业集聚区域网络协同制造集成技术研究与应用示范.国家重点研发计划(2020YFB1713400),课题骨干,子课题(任务)负责人. 2021-2023




    1. Jingke She*, Weiqi Li, Yifei Ma, Yifan Zhang, Liang Liu, "Pressurizer Control Optimization with Deep Learning-based Prediction", New Energy Power Generation Automation and Intelligent Technology, SICPNPP 2023,pp.186-199,doi: 10.1007/978-981-99-3455-3_19,2023.

    2. Tianzi Shi,Jingke She*, Pingfan Li, Jianjian Jiang, Wei Chen, "A deep learning-based framework for the operation prediction of primary heat transfer loop in nuclear power plants",Frontiers in Energy Research,doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2023.1099326

    3. Shanshan Gong,Suyuan Yang,Jingke She*, Weiqi Li, Shaofei Lu,"Multivariate Time Series Prediction forLoss of Coolant Accidents With aZigmoid-Based LSTM",Frontiers in Energy Research,Artificial Intelligence Applications in Nuclear Energy,doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2022.852349

    4. Jingke She*, Shanshan Gong, Suyuan Yang, Tianzi Shi, Shaofei Lu, Heng Wu, "ConvGRU-TSNet: A Novel Deep Learning Approach for Multivariate Time Series Prediction",2021 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI) pp.26-33,doi:10.1109/CSCI54926.2021.00032.

    5. Jingke She*, Tianzi Shi, Yuqi Tang, Yifan Zhang, “A Research on Intelligent Accident Warning and Simulation for Loss of Coolant Accident in Nuclear Power Plants”, Lecture Notes on Electrical Engineering, Nuclear Power Plant Innovative Technologies for Instrumentation and Control Systems, v883, LNEE, pp.451-461, The 6th International Symposium on Software Reliability, Industrial Safety, Cyber Security and Physical Protection of Nuclear Power Plants, ISNPP 2021.(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-1181-1_43)

    6. 佘兢克,王佳妮,杨溯源,薛时雨,“实时工况仿真场景下蒸汽发生器液面智能预测模型的实现与验证”,《仪器仪表用户》,2021年第9期(总第199期,第28卷), pp.15-22.

    7. Jingke She*, Tianzi Shi, Shiyu Xue, Yan Zhu, Shaofei Lu, Peiwei Sun, Huasong Cao, Diagnosis and Prediction for Loss of Coolant Accidents in Nuclear Power Plants Using Deep Learning Methods. Frontiers in Energy Research,09(01),pp.90-98, 2021,doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.665262

    8. Jingke She*, Jiani Wang, Suyuan Yang, Shiyu Xue, “TheDesign and Implementation of an LSTM-based Steam Generator Level PredictionModel”, Lecture Notes on Electrical Engineering, Nuclear Power Plant Innovative Technologies for Instrumentation and Control Systems, v779, LNEE, pp505-517, The 5th International Symposium on Software Reliability, Industrial Safety, Cyber Security and Physical Protection of Nuclear Power Plants, ISNPP 2020.(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3456-7_49)

    9. Jingke She*, Shiyu Xue, Peiwei Sun, Huasong Cao, “The Application of LSTM Model to the Prediction of Abnormal Condition in Nuclear Power Plants”, Lecture Notes on Electrical Engineering, Nuclear Power Plant Innovative Technologies for Instrumentation and Control Systems, v595, LNEE, pp463-476, The 4th International Symposium on Software Reliability, Industrial Safety, Cyber Security and Physical Protection of Nuclear Power Plants, ISNPP 2019.(https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1876-8_46)

    10. 佘兢克,薛时雨,孙培伟,曹桦松,“基于深度学习的核电站事故预测及故障诊断方法”,《仪器仪表用户》,2019年第12期(总第178期,第26卷), pp.39-44.

    11. Huan Zhao,Jingke She, Zhiyong Li, Huigui Rong, Xun He and Naizheng Bian, "A Research on the Education Mode of Innovative Software Talents Oriented to Emerging Engineering," 2019 14th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE), Toronto, ON, Canada, 2019, pp. 959-963.doi: 10.1109/ICCSE.2019.8845451.

    12. Zhiyong Li,Jingke She, Juan Luo, Huan Zhao, Jiawei Luo and Renfa Li, "The “Chain Mode and Reverse Improving” Teaching Mechanism for the “Internet of Things” Major in Hunan University," 2018 13th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE), Colombo, 2018, pp. 1-7.doi: 10.1109/ICCSE.2018.8468785.

    13. Jingke Sheand Jin Jiang, “Potential improvement of CANDU NPP safety margin by shortening the response time of shutdown systems using FPGA-based implementation”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 244, pp. 43-51, 2012.

    14. Jingke Sheand Jin Jiang, “On the speed of response of an FPGA-based shutdown system in CANDU nuclear power plants”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 241, Issue 6, pp2280-2287, 2011.

    15. Jingke Sheand Jin Jiang, “FPGA Application for CANDU Shutdown System No.1”, NPIC&HMIT 2009, Knoxville, Tennessee, American Nuclear Society, 2009.

    16. J. Drew Rankin,Jingke She, and Jin Jiang, “Evaluation of Safety PLCs and FPGAs for ShutdownSystems in CANDU Nuclear Power Plants”, International Symposium on Future I&C for Nuclear Power Plants, Harbin, China, 2008.

    17. Jingke Sheand Jin Jiang, “Power Upgrading of NuclearPower Plant by Improving Shutdown System No.1 with FPGA Technology”, 31st Canadian Nuclear Society Annual Conference, St. John, NB, Canada, 2007.
