Gang Luo
College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering
Changsha, Hunan Province, China, 410082
lAssociate professor, College ofComputer Science and Electronic Engineering, Hunan University, China. (Since2011)
lLecturer, School of Computer and Communication, Hunan University, China. (2009-2010)
lPhD, Computer Application, Hunan University, China,2008.
lMSE, Software Engineering, Hunan University, China,2004.
lBS, Microelectronic Technology, Hunan University, China,1998.
lSteganography and Steganalysis
lInformation Security and Network Security
lArtificial Intelligence
1.Hui Peng,Gang Luo and Lingyun Xiang. A Client-side Fingerprinting Method for TextDocument Distribution. Information Technology Journal, 2014,13(2): 251-259
2.Xiaoxi Hu,Gang Luo. A Steganography on Synonym Frequency Distribution. Advances inInformation Sciences and Service Sciences, 2013, 5(10): 206-21
3.Li Tang,Gang Luo. A novel method of Microblogs information hiding based on time difference.Journal of Communications and Information Sciences. 2012, 2(2): 52-61
4.Gang Luo,Xingming Sun. Steganalysis for Stegotext based on text redundancy. Journal onCommunications, 2009, 30(6):19-25.
5.Gang Luo,Xingming Sun, Lingyun Xiang, Yuling Liu, Can Gan. Steganalysis on synonyms substitutionsteganography. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2008, 45(10): 1696-1703.
6.Gang Luo,Xingming Sun, Lingyun Xiang. Multi-blogs steganographic algorithm based on directedHamiltonian path selection. Information Technology Journal, 2008, 7(3): 450-457.
7.Gang Luo,Xingming Sun, Lingyun Xiang, Junwei Huang. An evaluation scheme for steganalysis-proofability of steganographic algorithms. The Third International Conference onIntelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, November, 2007, pp.126-129.
8.LingyunXiang, Xingming Sun, Gang Luo, Can Gan. Research on steganalysis for text steganographybased on font format. Proceedings of the third International Symposium onInformation Assurance and Security, Manchester, UK, IEEE Press, 2007, pp.490-495.
lResearch on the Key Techniques for Text Steganalysis. NationalNatural Science Foundation of China(No: 61070196), Principle Investigator, 2010.1-2013.12