Yan Liu, Ph.D, associate professor of College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Hunan University.
Research Interesting: Computer Architecture,Artificial intelligence,Financial big data.
Teaching: Computer Architecture and Orgnization, 2019 spring
办公室:信息科学与工程学院 621室
Contact Information:
Email: liuyan@hnu.edu.cn
Address: College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering,Changsha, Hunan Province, P.R.China.
1. 国家自然科学基金,面向异构边缘设备的人工智能推理系统研究,2023.1-2026.12;
2. 国家自然科学基金,异构多核处理器系统计算与内存协同调度研究,2019.1-2022.12;
3. 湖南省自然科学基金,异构多核系统协同调度研究,2018.1-2020.12;
4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,异构众核芯片的可扩展全局功耗管理机制与算法研究,2014.1-2016.12;
5. 湖南省自然科学基金青年基金,可重构片上系统实时任务调度机制及算法研究,2012.1-2014.12;
6. 湖南大学中央高校专项基金,2010.3-2015.12
1. 湖南省科技进步一等奖,金融SOC设计及其关键技术,2013(排名第五)
2. 教育部科技进步二等奖,面向领域的SOC设计方法与应用,2012 (排名第四)
3. 湖南省科技进步二等奖,一类面向机电控制的嵌入式系统结构及应用研究,2007(排名第四)
(1)Y. Huang,Y. Liu*, Y. Bai, S. Chen and R. Li. UMA-MF: A Unified Multi-CPU/GPU Asynchronous Computing Framework for SGD-Based Matrix Factorization.IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2023, 34(11): 2978-2993.
(2)Z. Yu,Y. Liu*, G. Xie, R. Li, S. Liu and L. T. Yang. TCE-IDS: Time Interval Conditional Entropy based Intrusion Detection System for Automotive Controller Area Networks.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2023, 19(2): 1185-1195.
(3)Yan Liu, Zaimei Zhang, Jilong Xu, Guoqi Xie, Renfa Li. Coded worn block mechanism to reduce garbage collection in SSD.Journal of Systems Architecture, 2022, 126: 102487.
(4) Wenhong Ma,Yan Liu*, Guoqi Xie, Renfa Li,Laurence T.Yang. Security-Aware CAN-FD Message Packing in Intelligent Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems.IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, 9(22): 22343-22356.
(5) Yizhi Huang, Yanlong Yin,Yan Liu*, Shuibing He, Yang Bai, Renfa Li. A Novel Multi-CPU/GPU Collaborative Computing Framework for SGD-Based Matrix Factorization. 50th International Conference on Parallel Processing, August 9-12, 2021, Lemont, IL, USA.
(6) Jing Huang,Yan Liu*, Renfa Li, Keqin Li, Jiyao An, Yang Bai, Fan Yang, Guoqi Xie. Optimal Power Allocation and Load Balancing for Non-Dedicated Heterogeneous Distributed Embedded Computing Systems.Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2019, 130: 24-36.
(7)Yan Liu, Guoqi Xie*, Xiaoming Chen, Linlin Jin, Yuqing Tang, Renfa Li. An active scheduling policy for automotive cyber-physical systems.Journal of Systems Architecture, 2019, 97: 208-218.
(8) Guoqi Xie; Gang Zeng;Yan Liu*; Jia Zhou; Renfa Li; Keqin Li, Fast Functional Safety Verification for Distributed Automotive Applications during Early Design Phase,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018, 65(5): 4378~4391
(9) Guoqi Xie, Yuekun Chen,Yan Liu*, Renfa Li, Keqin Li. Minimizing Development Cost With Reliability Goal for Automotive Functional Safety During Design Phase.IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2018, 67(1): 196-211.
(1)Yan Liu*, Xiner Li, Zaimei Zhang. A new approach in reject inference of using ensemble learning based on global semi-supervised framework.Future Generation Computer Systems, 2020, 109: 382-391.
(2) Kun Niu, Zaimei Zhang,Yan Liu*, Renfa Li. Resampling ensemble model based on data distribution for imbalanced credit risk evaluation in P2P lending.Information Sciences, 2020, 536: 120-134.
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