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    中文名: 刘代波 英文名:
    学历: 博士 职称: 副教授
    联系电话: 电子邮件: dbliu@hnu.edu.cn
    研究方向: 物联网,普适感知
    联系地址: 湖南大学信息科学与工程学院554办公室
    所属机构: 软件工程系学院教师

    • [2022/12],our paper "LiveProbe" on Voice Liveness Detection was accepted toIEEE Internet of Things Journal

    • [2022/11],our paper "LIPAuth" on Hand-dependent Light Intensity Patterns for User Authentication was accepted toACM Transactions on Sensor Networks.

    • [2022/10],Invited to be a TPC member ofIEEE ICDCS 2023.

    • [2022/10],our papers "HandKey" and "MagSign" on User Authentication were accepted toIEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing

    • [2022/06],one paper onPupil Morphology Sensing forInferring User Preferenceswas accepted toIEEE Internet of Things Journal

    • [2022/05],Invited to be aPC member ofICPADS2022.

    • [2022/04],our paper on Mobile Video Streaming optimization was accepted toIEEE IWQoS2022.

    • [2022/04],our paper on UWB-based Eye-Blink Detection was accepted toIEEE ICDCS 2022.

    • [2022/02],our paper on Concurrent Low Power Listening was accepted toACM Transactions on Sensor Networks.

    • [2021/11],our paper on distributed storage for mobile crowdsensing was accepted toACM Transactions on Sensor Networks.

    • [2021/10],our paper "Vibphone" on Telephone Conveersationo Eavesdropping with inbuilt accelerometerwas accepted toACM Ubicomp/IMWUT 2022.

    • [2021/09],Invited to be a TPC member ofIEEE ICDCS 2022.

    • [2021/08],one paper on Poisoning Attacks Optimization was accepted toIEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering

    • [2021/07],one paper on Driving State Monitoring was accepted toACM Ubicomp/IMWUT 2021

    • [2021/03],one paper on Motion Tracking was acceptedtoIEEE Internet of Things Journal

    • [2021/03],"HandKey" and "PupilMeter" were accepted toIEEE ICDCS 2021

    • [2021/01],Check out our work onUser Authentication(CACM News)

    • [2020/11],Invited to be a TPC member ofIEEE ICDCS 2021.

    • [2020/10],one paper on Networking Flooding was accepted toIEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking

    • [2020/07],one paper on Taxi Revenue Efficiency Optimization was accepted toIEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering

    • [2020/07],our paper "SmileAuth"was accepted toUbicomp/IMWUT 2020

    • [2020/06],our paper "ALIGNER"was accepted toACM Transactions on Sensor Networks

    • [2020/05],Invited to be the publicity chair ofEAI ICECI 2020.

    • [2020/04],one paper on Indoor Navigation was accepted toIEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing

    • [2020/03],one paper on UAV resource allocation was accepted toIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology


    2024级博士生 与 硕士生 招生中!!!




    欢迎本科生进组参与科研项目,优秀者可推荐到UCSD, UW-Madison, UCLA, U-Michigan,UMass Amherst,Rutgers University, NTU, THU,ZJU等深造。


    1. 1) Wireless networking:low power wireless communicaiton in IoTs (LPWAN, BLE, Zigbee, etc.), AI-based network analysis and protocol design, etc.

    2. 2) Mobile and ubiquitous computing:ubiquitous and wireless sensing systems for healthcare, mobile interaction, video streaming, etc.

    3. 3) Efficient computing and AI on edge and IoT devices

    Networking and Smart Sensing Group小组成员

    1. 1)PhD student:Hangcheng Cao, Ling Kuang, Xiangyu Shen, Shuzhen Xiang, Qibo Zhang, Jingyang Hu, Siyu Chen. (Co-supervised with Prof. Hongbo Jiang, Prof. Fanzi Zeng, and Prof. Huigui Rong.)

    1. 2)Master student:Yunpeng Feng, Long Shen, Taiyuan Zhang, Panyi Ji, Chao Qian, Shenmin Zha, Ruize Wang, Xin Jiang

    2. 3)Undergraduates:Weigao Su (2018 - 2022, now Ph.D student at Purdue), Tianli Shi (2019 -), Xiao Li (2020 - )

    学术论文(Selected Publications)

    部分一作/通讯作者论文列表(Full list)

      [ACMTOSN]LIPAuth: Hand-dependent Light Intensity Patterns for Resilient User Authentication.ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks,Accepted for publication.

      [IEEETMC]MagSign: Harnessing Dynamic Magnetism for User Authentication on IoT Devices.IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. Accepted for publication.CCF-A期刊

      [IEEETMC]HandKey: Knocking-triggered Robust Vibration Signature for Keyless Unlocking.IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. Accepted for publication.CCF-A期刊【ESI 高被引】

    • [IEEEICDCS'22]BlinkRadar: Non-Intrusive Driver Eye-Blink Detection, accepted toIEEE ICDCS 2022.[acceptance ratio = 114/573 (19.9%)],CCF B类会议

    • [IEEEIWQoS'22]Harmonizing Energy Efficiency and QoE for Brightness Scaling-based Mobile Video Streaming, accepted toIEEE IWQoS 2022.[acceptance ratio = 64/263 (24.3%)],CCF B类会议

    • [ACM TOSN]Concurrent Low Power Listening: A New Design Paradigm for Duty-Cycling Communication,ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, ACM Trans. Sens. Networks 19(1): 4:1-4:24 (2023).【ESI 高被引,热点论文】

    • [ACM TOSN]Compressive Sensing Based Distributed Data Storage for Mobile Crowdsensing,ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks,

    • [ACM IMWUT/UbiComp'22]Towards Device Independent Eavesdropping on Telephone Conversations with Built-in Accelerometer,Accepted toACM UbiComp/IMWUT 2022.CCF A会议(一作为本科生)

    • [ACMIMWUT/UbiComp'21]DriverSonar: Fine-Grained Dangerous Driving Detection Using Active Sonar,ACM UbiComp/IMWUT 2021.CCF A类会议

    • [IEEEICDCS'21]Evidence in Hand: Passive Vibration Response-based Continuous User Authentication,Inproceedings ofIEEE ICDCS 2021,[acceptance ratio = 97/489 (19.8%)]CCF B类会议

    • [IEEEICDCS'21]PupilMeter: Modeling User Preference with Time-Series Features of Pupillary Response,Inproceedings ofIEEE ICDCS 2021,[acceptance ratio = 97/489 (19.8%)]CCF B类会议

    • [IEEE IOT-J]CTrack: Acoustic Device-Free and Collaborative Hands Motion Tracking on SmartphonesIEEE Internet of Things Journal,2021,中科院一区

    • [ACMIMWUT/UbiComp'20]SmileAuth: Using Dental Edge Biometrics for User Authentication onSmartphones,ACM UbiComp/IMWUT 2020.CCF A类会议[ACM News]媒体报道

    • [ACM TOSN]Pushing the Limits of Transmission Concurrency for Low Power Wireless Networks,ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 2020,CCF B类期刊

    • [ACM TOSN]Exploiting Concurrency for Opportunistic Forwarding in Duty-cycled IoT Networks,ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks,2019,CCF B类期刊

    • [ACM TECS]A Contention Detectable Mechanism for Receiver-Initiated MAC,ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems,2019,CCF B类期刊

    • [EWSN'19]Aligner: Make the Utmost of Transmission Concurrency for Low Power Wireless Networks,Inproceedings ofEWSN 2019[acceptance ratio = 18/79 (22.8%)]

    • [IEEE TVT]Adaptive Retransmission Layer for Duty Cycle Wireless Networks,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,2018

    • [IEEE/ACM TON]Chase: Taming Concurrent Broadcast for Flooding in Asynchronous Duty Cycle Networks,IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking,2017,CCF A类期刊

    • [IEEE/ACM TON]Achieving Accurate and Real-Time Link Estimation in Low Power Wireless Sensor Networks,IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking,2017,CCF A类期刊

    • [IEEE/ACM TON]Duplicate Detectable Opportunistic Forwarding in Duty-Cycled Wireless Sensor Networks,IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking,2016,CCF A类期刊

    • [IEEE/ACM IPSN'16]Frame Counter: Achieving Accurate and Real-Time LinkEstimation in Low Power WirelessSensor Networks,Inproceedings ofACM/IEEE IPSN 2016,[acceptance Rate: 23/117=19.6%]CCF B类会议

    • [IEEE ICNP'15]COF: Exploiting Concurrency for Low powerOpportunistic Forwarding,Inproceedings ofIEEEICNP 2015,[acceptance Rate: 38/187=20.3%]CCF B类会议

    • [IEEE SECON'15]CD-MAC: A Contention Detectable MAC for Low Duty-Cycled Wireless SensorNetworks,Inproceedings ofIEEESECON 2015,[acceptance Rate: 55/196=28%]CCF B类会议

    • [IEEE ICDCS'15]TeleAdjusting:Using Path Coding and Opportunistic Forwarding for Remote Control in WSNs,Inproceedings ofIEEE ICDCS 2015,[acceptance Rate: 70/543=12.9%]CCF B类会议

    • [ACM MobiHoc'14]RxLayer: AdaptiveRetransmission Layer for Low Power Wireless,Inproceedings ofACM MobiHoc 2014,[acceptance Rate: 40/211=18.9%]CCF B类会议

    • [IEEE ICNP'13]DOF:Duplicate Detectable Opportunistic Forwarding in duty-cycled wireless sensornetworks.Inproceedings ofIEEE ICNP 2013,[acceptance Rate: 46/251=18.3%]CCF B类会议


    1. [1]刘代波; 刘云浩 , 冲突可侦测的链路层控制方法, 2016.09.28, 中国,CN103687072B

    2. [2]刘代波;侯孟书; 刘云浩 , 一种无线传感器网络的时延测量方法, 2015.09.16, 中国,CN102917399B

    3. [3]刘代波; 何源;曹志超;刘云浩,逆向路径的编码方法和装置,2018.10.12,中国,CN104579567B

    • Computer Networks(Undergraduate course)

    • Introduction to Internet of Things(Graduate course)

    • GreenOrbs(绿野千传): A long-term kilo-scale wireless sensor network system in the vast forest

    • CitySee: A long-term city-wide urban sensing system for Carbon balance evaluation and environmental surveillance


    1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,62372166,基于交互驱动的手指振动跨设备身份认证关键技术研究, 2024/01-2027/12,在研,主持

    2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,61902122,面向低功耗无线网络无协调并发介质访问关键技术研究, 2020/01-2022/12,已结题,主持

    3.湖南省自然科学基金面上项目,2023JJ30164,基于手指振动指纹跨智能设备用户识别关键技术研究,2023/01-2025/12, 在研,主持

    4.湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,2020JJ5089,面向低功耗无线网络并发机会路由协议关键技术研究,2020/01-2021/12, 已结题,主持

    5.中央高校基本科研业务费,低功耗无线网络共享信道资源方法研究, 在研,主持

    6. 湖南大学信息科学与工程学院学科人才培养项目(优秀人才A类),2020/01 - 2021/12,主持

    7. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,61732017面向无人系统的网络协同理论与技术, 2018/01-2022/12, 已结题,参与





    EAI ICECI 2020

    PC Memember for:

    IEEE DySPAN 2019

    IEEE ICDCS 2021

    ACM CHI 2021

    CloudNet 2014

    ACCSE 2017, 2018, 2019

    Journal Reviewer:

    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), ACM Transactions on Sensor Network (TOSN), IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology(TVT), IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII), IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS), IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC)

