lPeople’s Republic of
Professional Title
lCheung Kong Professor
lDoctoral Supervisor
lDirector of National Supercomputing Center in Changsha, Hunan, Changsha
lDean of College of Information Science and Engineering in Hunan University
lSenior Memberof the IEEE, Senior Menber of the IEEE-TCDP
lDeputy President of the Supercomputing Innovation Allication
lDistinguished Member of the China Computer Federation (CCF)
lMember of the Technical Committee of High Performance Computing of the CCF
lExecutive Member of Mathematical Software Branch of China Software Industry Association
lSecretary-general of the Hunan Provincial Computer Federation
lVice Chairof Changsha Branch of the CCF
lChair of Young Computer Scientists and Engineers Forum (YOCSEF) of the CCF (2011-2012)
lParallel and Distributed Processing
lCloud Computing and Supercomputing
lBig Data Management
lArtificial Intelligence
lScheduling Algorithms
lBiological Computing
lComputer Simulation
lSeismic Data Processing and Visualization
lPh.D., Computer Software and Theory, Huazhong Universityof Science and Technology, China,November 2003
lProfessor:July 2007-, College of Information Science and Engineering, Hunan University, P. R.China
lDoctoral Supervisor:September 2008-, College of Information Science and Engineering, HunanUniversity, P. R. China
lVisiting Scholar:July 2004-June 2005, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, NationalCenter for Supercomputer Applications, Champaign-Urbana, USA
lAssociate Professor:July 2004-June 2007, College of Computer and Communication, HunanUniversity, P. R. China
lLecturer:November 2003-June 2004, College of Computer and Communication, HunanUniversity, P. R. China
lServed as Program Chair of the 2019 High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2019), Zhangjiajie, China
lServed as Publication Chair of the 2016 12th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNCFSKD 2016), Changsha, China
lServed as General Chair of the 11th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC 2015)/the 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD 2015), Zhangjiajie, China
lServed as Program Chair of the 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2015), Zhangjiajie, China
lServed as Publicity Chair of the 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2015), Shenzhen, China
lServed as Vice Chair of the 25th International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics (ParCFD 2013),
lServed as Vice Chair of the National High Performance Computing Annual Conference (HPC-China 2012), Zhangjiajie, China
lServed as Chair of the 6th International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications (BIC-TA 2011),
lServed as Member of Program Committee of ICPP 2014, NPC2015, PAAP 2014, PAAP 2013, etc.
lThe Second Award of National Scientific and Technological Progress Award, the prime principalof this project
lThe First Award of Technological Invention Award of Hunan Province, the prime principalof this project
lThe First Award of Science and Technology Development of Hunan Province, the prime principalof this project
lThe Second Award of Natural science of Hunan Province, the prime principal of this project
lThe Second Award for Science & Technology Development/Achievement of the Ministry of Education, the prime principal of this project
lThe Second Award of Teaching Achievement Award of Hunan Province, the prime principal of this project
lThe Principal Guest Editor of the special issue of IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019.10
lThe Principal Guest Editor of the special issue of Information Sciences, 2019.9
lThe Principal Guest Editor of the special issue of International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2018.10
lThe Principal Guest Editor of the special issue of Neurocomputing, 2017.12
lThe Principal Guest Editor of the special issue of Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 2016.12
lThe Principal Guest Editor of the special issue of International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2015.12
lThe Principal Guest Editor of the special issue of Concurrency and Computation-Practice & Experience, 2015.12
lThe Principal Guest Editor of the special issue of Elsevier journal of Computers and Fluids, 2014.12
lThe Principal Guest Editor of the special issue of Elsevier Procedia Engineering, 2013.5
lThe Principal Guest Editor of the special issue of Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2012.11
lReviewers of more than 30 famous journals, including IEEE Trans. on Computers, IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Trans. on Nanobioscience, IEEE Trans. on Cloud Computing, IEEE Trans. on Emerging Topics in Computing, ACM Trans. on Embedded Computing Systems, Information Sciences, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, The Journal of SuperComputing, Parallel Computing, Future Generation ComputerSystems, The Journal of Grid computing, Frontiers of Computer Science et al.
Published more than 300 technical papers in the above areas, including more than 80 top journals and conferences, such as IEEE-TC, IEEE-TPDS, IEEE-TSP, IEEE-TETC, IEEE-TCS, IEEE-TKDE, VLDBJ, AAAI, ICPP, ICDCS, CIKM, ICDM, etc., where more than 250 papers are cited by SCI-E and 50 papers are cited by EI or ISTP.