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    中文名: 陈华 英文名:
    学历: 博士 职称: 副教授
    联系电话: 电子邮件: chua@hnu.edu.cn
    研究方向: 机器视觉、人工智能、复杂工业过程检测
    联系地址: 湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓山南路2号,湖南大学信息科学与工程学院(410082)
    所属机构: 通信工程系学院教师

    1.姜羽,陈华*,张小刚*, 等. 基于启发式时空图神经网络的多变量时序异常检测. 中国科学: 信息科学, 2023, Early access, doi: 10.1360/SSI-2022-0425.

    2.Hua Chen, Yu Jiang, Xiaogang Zhang, et al. Spatio-Temporal graph attention network for sintering temperature long-range forecasting in rotary kilns.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.2023,19(2):1923-1932.

    3. Xiaogang Zhang ,Yanying Lei ,Hua Chen*,et al. Multivariate time-series modeling for forecasting sintering temperature in rotary kilns using DCGNet.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 2021,17(7):4635-4645.

    4.Hua Chen, Tingting Yan, Xiaogang Zhang*.Burning condition recognition of rotary kiln based on spatiotemporal features of flame video. Energy. 211(2020) 118656.

    5. Chou Zhou, Xiaogang Zhang,Hua Chen*.A new robust method for blood vessel segmentation in retinal fundus images based on weighted line detector and hidden Markov model. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 187(2020) 105231.

    6.Xiaogang Zhang , Dingxiang Wang, Yicong Zhou,Hua Chen*,et.al. Kernel modified optimal margin distribution machine for imbalanced data classification. Pattern Recognition Letters.125(2019) 325-322.

    7.Xiaogang Zhang, Lei Zhang,Hua Chen*et al. Prediction of coal feeding during sintering in a rotary kiln based on statistical learning in the phase space. ISA Transactions. 2018,9.

    8.Yueping Li, Chunhua Wang,Hua Chen*.A hyper-chaos-based image encryption algorithm using pixel level permutation and bit-level permutation. Optics and Lasers in Engineering.2017(90):238-246.

    9.Hua Chen, Xiaogang Zhang*, Pengyu Hong et al. Recognition of the Temperature Condition of a Rotary Kiln Using Dynamic Features of a Series of Blurry Flame Images. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.2016,12(1):148-157.

    10.Xiaogang Zhang, Mingyang Lv,Hua Chen*et al. Chaotic characteristics analysis of the sintering process system with unknown dynamic functions based on phase space reconstruction and chaotic invariables.Nonliear Dynamics. 2018(93):395-412.

    11. Qingyu Su, Chunhua Wang,Hua Chen*et al. A new method for generating chaotic system with arbitrary shaped distributed attractors. Chaos. 2018(073106).

    12. Cuirong Zhu, Chunhua Wang,Hua Chen*et al. A Novel CMOS CCCII with Wide Tunable Rx and Its Application. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers. 2018(1850198).




    3.熟料质量稳健检测中的关键技术与并行实现方法研究。 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2013-2015,主持;



