Advisors & Counsellors

Advisors & Counsellors Resources

Health and Counselling Services

Offers medical health clinics, emergency services, and health and wellness resources such as doctors, physiotherapy, and counselling.

Career Services

Provides career-related assistance including advising, cover letter and resume consultations, work-search resources, workshops, and more.

Growth Guidance Room-Room 103

A "welcome space" for HNU CSEE Students. Here, students can access a study space, admission advice, and Student Growth Guidance Information
Assistants(currently CSEE executives) to answer questions.

University is a time of independent study and learning. While there are instructors and teaching assistants to help students learn, it is up to you to attend lectures and tutorials. Most lectures and labsdotake attendance. You will need new study and time management skills to adjust to the new academic environment.

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Success strategies and tools

Making The Grade

Use a day planner
If you budget your 7 days and 24 hours time successfully you will be rewarded with more effective study habits, and maybe more time for personal activities like climbing the Yuelu Mountain.

Plan ahead using a monthly calendar to track important dates and deadlines for large programming projects (date to finish your research, date to complete first draft, and so on).

Break your schedule up into achievable pieces
Start by making a list of all the activities that you do throughout the week. Begin with the non-flexible activities (like HNU CSEE class times, work, home and child-care responsibilities) and then add your flexible activities (like taking a walk in Yuelu Academy, hanging with university friends, sports, etc.). Rank your activities in order of importance. Some things to consider including in your schedule: study time, meetings, exercise, time to eat, sleep, and clean up, haircuts, shopping for food, dates and other social events, part-time work, time with family, and other individual priorities.

Try keeping a diary
If you're having trouble breaking your schedule into smaller pieces, try keeping a diary of your daily activities. Once this is done, you will be able to see where your time is actually spent. Even include activities that only take a couple of minutes.

Plan study times
Since CSEE academic work is an important priority, begin with your Hunan University classes and study times. Plan to study at least two hours a week for every unit.

Set realistic goals
Once your CSEE study schedule is complete, make sure that you have set realistic goals for yourself. Each individual places a different degree of importance on the activities within their schedule. Make sure that you have personal time and get enough sleep.

Keep your schedule flexible
No one can predict everything that is going to happen throughout the week - your CSEE study schedule needs to be flexible. So if unforeseen activities arise during a study time, review your CSEE study schedule and select a different study time.

Test your schedule
Stick to your daily schedule for at least two weeks. After two weeks re-assess what does and does not work and revise the CSEE study schedule. For example, if you find that you need more time for a particular course and less for another, make the necessary changes.

Make every minute count
Read on the bus, the taxi, the Uber and the DiDi, exercise on your way to and from school, study between classes. However,
don't forget to plan for fun, too.

GPA Calculation

The GPA Calculation will help you anticipate how many units or what GPA you need to achieve a desired CGPA. However, if you have a repeat of a course in your transcript, the GPA Calculation will not work. For assistance on recalculating your GPA with repeats, please see our Academic Advisor Ms. He Ying for graduates and Ms. Li Mingmei for undergraduate students.

Balancing Student Life

Life Outside of Class
Picture yourself ten years after Hunan University CSEE graduation. What will you have done in your life? In particular, what will you say to others when you describe your HNU university CSEE years?

Get involved. If you actively participate in your Hunan university community, you will likely have innumerable stories of personal and intellectual growth, tales of struggle and success, and memories of friends you made through believing in and doing things together.

If your tenure as a student was more passive, you will likely share stories of a lonely campus without bonds of community and friendship. In addition, while you might have received first-class employment training, you will be less likely to tell stories of receiving first-class training for citizenship and community participation.

Finding a balance between work, study, play, and active participation in your Hunan university CSEE community is the best way to be able to leave HNU as a responsible, educated, critical and contributing citizen. These skills for success as a person cannot be learned in the classroom alone.

There are also career benefits to being a well-rounded individual. Extra-curricular activities look good on your resume and will help your career.

How do I get involved?

1.Get involved with a club on campus. HNU has a wide range of political, social, cultural, humanitarian and sports clubs, as well as a very active International Students and Teachers group on campus. At the beginning of each term, attend “Club Days” to sign up for membership. You can find a list of HNU student clubs at //www.praiseyoga.com/html/specialreport/baituandazhan/bxskgyl/

2.Become active in your Hunan University departmental Student Union, or the Graduate Issues Committee. The Student Society is built on a department student union structure, so you are automatically a member of the student union(s) for the department(s) in which you are enrolled. Student Unions run events, advocate for students in their departments, and help run overall campaigns for the Society. The Graduate Issues Committee is made up of representatives from each department Union.

3.Participate in Hunan University or Society committees and represent the interests of your fellow students. Hunan University Student Society committees oversee most aspects of the work and operations of the Society, from services to campaigns, finances, and more.

4.Get elected. Hunan University Departments and the Society need active participants to make decisions on behalf of students.

5.Become amember of the Super Computing Centre, HNU CSEE choir, or Out on Campus collectives.

On campus services

-HNU CSEE 2016 Fall Academic Calendar(Chinese)

(按班级)16-17-1秋季本科课表.xls (undergraduate schedule by classes)

(按课程)16-17-1-秋季本科课表.xls (undergraduate schedule by courses)

-Career Services(http://scc.hnu.edu.cn/)
Assistance with exploring career options related to your study or interest through various methods: http://scc.hnu.edu.cn/newsjob.action
For students in their first couple of years (and later if necessary), help with identifying possible career paths in their fields of study (or help them decide which concentration to pursue at Hunan University CSEE)

-Financial Assistance
China and Hunan student loans, awards, bursaries, work studies, out-of-province loans, emergency loans.

-Health and Counselling Services
A team of doctors and nurses at Hunan University Campus Hospital offers primary health care, travel medicine, vaccinations, STI screening, and more. The team of counsellors and psychologists help you manage the challenges of university life with short-term counselling, workshops, and more. The health promotion team is dedicated to fostering a healthy campus community, and helping you feel good in mind and body.

-International Services for Students
o International Student Services
o Study Abroad
o International Exchanges & Field Schools
