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QS Summer School Summit at Johannesburg, South Africa is Coming!


QS Summer School Summit is coming!

10–12 December 2017
Sanlam Auditorium, Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
University of Johannesburg
Johannesburg, South Africa

Dear HNU CSEE teachers and friends:

It is a distinct pleasure to inform you that the BRICS Network University has been invited to hold a plenary session during the Summer Schools Summit, the QS agency is organizing this December at the University of Johannesburg. The University of Johannesburg is, of course, an active and extremely significant member of our network. As for the summer schools, they are certainly to become one of the most powerful instruments both to strengthen collaboration inside the BRICS NU and to organize various outreach activities. That is why we thought it would make sense to accept the invitation and to use the platform of the Summer Schools Summit both to discuss the projects we might jointly organize and to advertise our events to the larger audience. Since the next year is a South African Presidency in BRICS, it would make sense to start discussions on larger South-South university cooperation during this important event.

The title of the session is “Summer Schools and the BRICS Network University”. It will take place on December 11th, 2017 from 16:50 to 18:10. The organizers provide a conference registration fee discount for the members of the BRICS NU. For more information on the event, please, check http://www.qssummerschool.com/4thsummerschoolsummit/ The special conference registration fee is available through special link, which will be sent to you after your expression of the interest.

Please, treat this letter as a kind of the call. We are interested in the papers, which would address the issues of strengthening BRICS or South-South educational cooperation through organizing various summer schools and short educational programmes.

If you are interested to take part in the discussion or to present a paper, please, contact me at rosieyu@qq.com as soon as possible and in any case before Octorber 21st, 2017.

All the best,

Rosie Yu



The QS Summer School Summit is the world’s premier forum for networking and knowledge sharing on summer schools and other short-term academic programmes. Short-term academic mobility is a growing trend and provides opportunities for international learning to groups of students who might otherwise not have benefitted from this experience.

Especially in emerging countries, short-term programmes are a highly effective tool for overcoming barriers to student mobility, both inbound and outbound. Although “low tech”, summer schools are an important part of the higher education innovation process, complementing on-line learning trends and offering opportunities for experiential learning, new learning formats and courses and greater student choice.

With new components planned, including a “Summer School Starter Workshop” for universities intending to start a summer school, much excitement awaits the 4th QS Summer School Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa this December.
