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HNU CSEE Held A “Love of Female Teachers, Send Holiday Care” Forum


Date of Publication: 03.15.16./ 发布于:2016-03-15
Translator: Rosie YU Rizhen/ 编译:余日臻

Headline from the translator:

If there’s one thing unbreakable CSEE women staff trades in, it’s toughness. (In a good way.) From it’s unmistakably catchy HNU’s “Intelligence Jigsaw Puzzle” theme relay sport game to the HNU CSEE female teachers forum, the International Women’s Day series isn’t afraid of going there. This year, which finds the titular unbreakable CSEE staff relay running at the Hunan University playground runways as well as completing a massive festival jigsaw puzzle, will not—it seems—be slowing this trend. Prepare for things to get exceptionally good. They won No.1 in first round! Yes, our CSEE Women hold up half the sky...

On the morningof International Women's Day March 8, 2016, HNU CSEE held the forum of "Tie To The Female Teachers Emotionally, Send Holiday Care To Them All" in the College building conference room 107. College party committee secretary Mr. YANG Zhongwang on behalf of the college leadership group participated in the discussion.


First of all, Secretary YANG on behalf of the college extended holiday wishes and greetings to participating women teachers and college all female teachers, and then Secretary YANG talked about female teachers changes with great familiarity in the past few years to encourage participating teachers to positively express their own ideas and make suggestions to the development of the college. The initiative comes after Secretary YANG highlighted the need for better women services in his 2016 College of the Union address.


On behalf of the women faculty, Professor XIE Kun shared her motto in life, tells her story about scientific research and life, and how she keeps Ah Q spirit in academic areas in the face of setbacks, how she constantly insist on her own goal, and constantly make breakthroughs by keeping the spirit of hard- working. Professor LI Lijuan shared her valuable experience of teaching and how to have a work-life balance with the pressure of research. She is knowledgeable about stress release and maintain dynamics to keep healthy relations between the two, at the same time she shared her insights on the family education.


General Office Director XIANG Jiang from the integrated administrative office introduced to everyone in detail about a series of female teachers is most concerned about the school’s welfare policies from the birth of a child, the entrance of junior to high schools and the retirement of themselves. Also she mentioned about the title and rank of faculty evaluation and engagement, medical insurance and other aspects need to pay attention problems. At the forum, the participating teachers actively speak and exchange ideas on teaching, scientific research, life events and difficulties. All those ideas goes to the construction and development of our college.


Finally, Secretary YANG encouraged participating female teachers to based on the job, to win greater achievements through practical work. At the same time, Secretary YANG said the Union, the Communist Youth League, the Teaching Services Office and other departments will provide more and better services to our college female teachers.

