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    New Framework of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms with Unbounded Archive


    浏览次数: 日期:2023-11-15 编辑:信科院 科研办

    报告人:Hisao Ishibuchi,南方科技大学讲席教授,IEEE Fellow

    报告时间:2023年11月21日(星期二) 10:00 - 11:00


    报告摘要:In the field of evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMO), early EMO algorithms in the 1990s are called non-elitist algorithms where no solutions in the current population are included in the next population. That is, the next population is the offspring population of the current population. This non-elitist algorithm framework is clearly inefficient since we cannot preserve good solutions during the execution of EMO algorithms. As a result, almost all EMO algorithms in the last two decades are based on the elitist framework where the next population is selected from the current population and its offspring population. In both frameworks, the final population is presented to the decision maker as the final output from EMO algorithms. Recently, some potential difficulties of the elitist framework have been pointed out. One is that the final population is not always the best subset of all the examined solutions. It was demonstrated in the literature that some solutions in the final population are dominated by other solutions generated and deleted in previous generations. It is also difficult to utilize solutions in previous generations to generate new solutions. Offspring are always generated from solutions in the current population. Another difficult is that only a limited number of solutions (i.e., only solutions in the final population) are obtained. A new framework with an unbounded external archive can easily handle these difficulties since the final solution set is selected from all the examined solutions. In this framework, we can select an arbitrary number of solutions as the final output from EMO algorithms. Stored solutions in the external archive can be used to create new solutions and also to select solutions for the next population. In this talk, some interesting research issues in the new EMO algorithm framework are explained.


    报告人简介:Hisao Ishibuchi received the BS and MS degrees from Kyoto University in 1985 and 1987, respectively, and the PhD degree from Osaka Prefecture University in 1992. He is a Chair Professor at Southern University of Science and Technology, China. He was the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Vice-President for Technical Activities in 2010-2013 and the Editor-in-Chief ofIEEE Computational Intelligence Magazinein 2014-2019. Currently he is an IEEE CIS Administrative Committee Member (2014-2019, 2021-2023), and an IEEE CIS Distinguished Lecturer (2015-2017, 2021-2023). He is also General Chair of IEEE WCCI 2024 in Yokohama, Japan. He received a Fuzzy Systems Pioneer Award from IEEE CIS in 2019, an Outstanding Paper Award fromIEEE Trans. on Evolutionary Computationin 2020, an Enrique Ruspini Award for Meritorious Service from IEEE CIS in 2023, and Best Paper Awards from FUZZ-IEEE 2009, 2011, EMO 2019, and GECCO 2004, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021. He also received a JSPS prize in 2007. He is an IEEE Fellow.

    Hisao Ishibuchi分别于1985年和1987年在京都大学获得学士和硕士学位,并于1992年在大阪府立大学获得博士学位。他是中国南方科技大学的讲席教授。2010年至2013年担任IEEE计算智能学会(CIS)技术活动副主席,2014年至2019年担任IEEE计算智能杂志的主编。目前是IEEE CIS行政委员会成员(2014-2019年,2021-2023年),也是IEEE CIS杰出讲师(2015-2017年,2021-2023年)。此外,他是2024年IEEE WCCI在日本横滨的大会主席。2019年获得IEEE CIS颁发的模糊系统先驱奖,2020年获得IEEE进化计算期刊的优秀论文奖,2023年获得IEEE CIS颁发的恩里克·鲁斯皮尼杰出服务奖,并分别在FUZZ-IEEE 2009、2011年,EMO 2019年以及GECCO 2004、2017、2018、2020、2021年获得最佳论文奖。他还于2007年获得了日本学术振兴会的奖项。他是IEEE会士。


