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�Subject�Principal Author Journal TitlePublished TimecReal-time optical OFDM long-reach PON system over 100km SSMF using a directly modulated DFB laserCHEN Lin1Journal of Optical Communications and NetworkingOSSMI cancellation in direct-detection optical OFDM with novel half-cycled OFDMOPTICS EXPRESSjFlipped-exponential Nyquist pulse technique to optimize the PAPR in optical direct detection OFDM systemOPTICS COMMUNICATIONSSUnbalanced impairments compensation for low cost direct detection OFDM-PON systemsWThe Perturbed Dual Risk Model with Constant Interest and a Threshold Dividend Strategy ZENG Fan ziAbstract and Applied AnalysisSA Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Energy Potential FieldCHEN Zuo SCI WORLD J(Split Radix Algorithm for Length 6m DFTLI KenliIEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERSoIncorporating Secondary Structural Features into Sequence Information for Predicting Protein Structural ClassLIAO BoPROTEIN & PEPTIDE SCIENCE1An ROI Privacy Protection Scheme for H.264 VideoPENG Fei8IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and SecurityFComplex Event Processing over Distributed Probabilistic Event Streams WANG Yongheng*COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONSZOptimal Resource Allocation for Reliable and Energy Efficient Cooperative CommunicationsXIE Kun-IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONSIFiber-Wireless Transmission System of PDM-MIMO-OFDM at 100 GHz Frequency JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY'A Fast RPC system for Virtual MachinesCHEN Hao6IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS�A DAG scheduling scheme on heterogeneous computing systems using double molecular structure-based chemical reaction optimization.JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTINGw Experimental investigation of spatiotemporal evolution of femtosecond laser pulses during small-scale self-focusing FU Xiquan$APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS�Informative SNPs selection based on two-locus and multilocus linkage disequilibrium: Criteria of Max-Correlation and Min-RedundancyIEEE ACM T COMPUT BIFA new graphical coding of DNA sequence and its similarity calculation PHYSICA AMModel the evolution of protein interaction network assisted with protein age LUO JiaweiJOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGYaA novel WDM-ROF-PON architecture based on 16QAM-OFDM modulation for bidirectionalaccessnetworks XIAO YaoqiangQChemical reaction optimization with greedy strategy for the 0-1 knapsack problemAPPLIED SOFT COMPUTING]A data parallel strategy for aligning multiple biological sequences on multi-core computers"COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINERA comprehensive vulnerability based alert management approach for large networks#Future Generation Computer SystemsMOptimization of pilot interval design in direct-detected optical OFDM system OPT COMMUNPA wideband CMOS current-mode down-conversion mixer for multi-standard receivers WANG ChunhuaPROG ELECTROMAGN RESHadamard Transform Combined With Companding Transform Technique for PAPR Reduction in an Optical Direct-Detection OFDM SystemJ OPT COMMUN NETWGA hierarchical reliability-driven scheduling algorithm in grid systemsJ PARALLEL DISTR COMlFinding minimum gene subsets with heuristic breadth-first search algorithm for robust tumor classification WANG ShulinBMC BIOINFORMATICS[Generation of optical beams with desirable orbital angular momenta by transformation media SHU Weixing PHYS REV AFvCUDA: GPU-accelerated High-performance Computing in Virtual Machines IEEE T COMPUT\Thick film resistors on stainless steel as sensing elements for strain sensor applicationsJIN Min!SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICALkReversely Modulated Optical Single Sideband Scheme and Its Application in a 60-GHz Full Duplex ROF System CAO ZizhengIEEE PHOTONIC TECH L`A Novel Method to Select Informative SNPs and Their Application in Genetic Association Studies5Design a Novel Fairness Model in WiMAX Mesh Networks WANG Hanwu COMPUT COMMUN;Fault Tolerance Structure of Radix 2 Signed Digital Adders KUANG Jishun J INF TECHNOLKRobust Classification Method of Tumor Subtype by Using Correlation FiltersWANGShulinfReducing the Peak-to-Average Power Ratio With Companding Transform Coding in 60 GHz OFDM-ROF SystemsFA Novel Composition Coding Method of DNA Sequence and Its Application WU RonghuiMATCH-COMMUN MATH COJShort-term power load forecasting using grey correlation contest modelingEXPERT SYST APPLhImproved stability criteria for time-varying delayed T-S fuzzy systems via delay partitioning approachAN JiyaoFUZZY SET SYSTUSSBI mitigation at 60GHz OFDM-ROF system based on optimization of training sequenceOptics Express1Journal of optical communications and networkingpReduction of frequency fading and imperfect frequency response with pre-emphasis technique in OFDM-ROF systemsOptics CommunicationsUa novel approach for the classical ramsey number problem on DNA-based supercomputing?MATCH communications in Mathematical and in computer chemistryJA Novel Graphical Representation of Protein Sequences and Its Application#Journal of Computational Chemistry>An approach for data selection of protein function prediction?MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer ChemistrygPredicting Apoptosis Protein Subcellular Location with PseAAC by Incorporating Tripeptide CompositionProtein and Peptide LettersaA complete passive blind image copy-move forensics scheme based on compound statistics featuresForensic Science InternationalYNew Results on a Delay-Derivative-Dependent Fuzzy H8 Filter Design for T S Fuzzy SystemsAn JiyaoIEEE T FUZZY SYSTLRNA Secondary Structure Alignment Based on an Extended Binary Coding MethodCAO Zhi+INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRYuExperimental research on measuring the fine structure of long pulse in time domain by synchronized ultrashort pulseYANG HuaSelected SCI papers 7�Teacher Paper NameAuthors PeriodicalVolumePublication Date Page Number LIN Yaping_Weighing Fusion Method for Truck Scales Based on Prior Knowledge and Neural Network EnsemblesCHaijun Lin; Yaping Lin ; Jingrong Yu ; Zhaosheng Teng ; Lucai Wang5IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement2014,2205-259LI RuiDFast Range Query Processing with Strong Privacy for Cloud Computing6Rui Li, Alex X.Liu, Liyan Wang, Bezawada Bruhadeshwar@the 40th International Conference on Very Large Databases(VLDB)2014,9 1953-19647BAG: Managing GPU as Buffer Cache in Operating Systems>Hao Chen, Jianhua Sun, Ligang He, Kenli Li, and Huailiang Tan=IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)25(6) 1393-1402'A Fast RPC system for Virtual Machines4Hao Chen, Lin Shi, Jianhua Sun, Kenli Li, Ligang He24(7) 1267-1276-Lin Shi, Hao Chen, Jianhua Sun, and Kenli Li%IEEE Transactions on Computers (ToC)61(6)804-816,Kun Xie, Jiannong Cao, Xin Wang, Jigang Wen,IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications2013,10 4994-5007 Book Name PublisherPublication Time)Dynamic Secrets in Communication SecuritySpringer XIAO Sheng Experiment of Internet of things8Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Press+People's Posts and Telecommunications Press LI LiJuan-C language programming guide (Fourth Edition) ZHAO Huan, CHEN Juan, WU RonghuiComputer Composition PrincipleBInternet of Things (International Workshop, IOT 2012, Proceedings)7Principles and applications of digital content securityTsinghua University PressMachinery Industry PressCKUANG Jishun, YUAN Xiaofang, He Haizhen, LING Chunqing, YUAN Wendan*Wavelet method in Wireless Sensor NetworksHunan University Press<BZHOU Siwang, LIN Yaping{The application of SOA in all-optical wavelength conversion and ROF system. Advances in Optical Amplifiers. First publishedINTECH.CHEN Lin, YU Jianjun, LU jia, ZHOU Hui, LI Fan8Computer Composition And Architecture Performance DesignWANG Yongheng, ZHANG XiaomingComputer Network Security 1WC Language Programming Lab Tutorial Class Guide And Practice Questions (Fourth Edition)OUniversity Computer Science Basics  Computer Operation Practice (Third Edition)#Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press!PENG Manman, WU Qiang, REN�Xiaoxi2PENG Fei, LONG Min (outside), LIU Yuling, Li Renfa Logic and Computer Design Basics!PENG Manman, WU Qiang, Ren XiaoxiCollection Date:2014-02-27 7 Main Person Award Unit Award Name Award Level PROVINCIAL AND MINISTERIAL LEVEL7Scientific And Technological Progress In Hunan Province First Prize>Science And Technology Progress By China Ministry Of Education Second Prize6Hunan Provincial Science And Technology Progress AwardLUO Juan, LI Renfa5China Machinery Industry Science And Technology Award LI XiaohongMThe Fourteenth Excellent Academic Thesis Of Natural Science In Hunan Province YANG Jinmin6Hunan provincial science and Technology Progress Award Third PrizeAward-wining Time5Selected IEEE/ACM Transaction & CCF Category A Papers 7lj Impairment Mitigation for a 60�GHz OFDM Radio-Over-Fiber System Through an Adaptive Modulation Technique Selected Published Books 7lCollection Date:2014-02-27 7l#Selected Scientific Research Awards 7���2 �3B�5 �6)8~�9AT<� �=? 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