Xu, Helian(许和连)
| August 20, 2021


Tel: 0731-88684601

Professor, Department of International Economics and Trade

Professor Xu Helian received his Ph.D. in Economics from School of Economics and Trade, Hunan University in July 2003. He is Senior Research Scholar of Department of Economics of Boston College, USA. His main research interests includeInternational Trade, International Trade Network, Quantitative Economic Methods and Applications and Foreign Direct Investment. He published 2 monographs and over 100 papers in well-known academic journals such as Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Science and Technology Education, Social Networks, Economic Research (in Chinese),World Economy(in Chinese), Management World(in Chinese), Journal of Financial Research(in Chinese), China Industrial Economics(in Chinese), Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics(in Chinese), China Soft Science(in Chinese), Statistical Research(in Chinese), Finance and Trade Economics (in Chinese), Economic Perspectives(in Chinese)etc.

Professor Xu serves as Director of Academic Affairs Office of Hunan University; Yuelu Scholar Distinguished Professor; Deputy Chairman of the Academic Committee of Hunan University; Chief expert of major bidding projects of the National Social Science Fund. He has been listed in New Century Excellent Talents Support Program by the Ministry of Education and selected as a member of Hunan New Century 121 Talents Project.

Research fields

1.International Trade

2.International Trade Network

3.Quantitative Economic Methods and Applications

4.Foreign Direct Investment

Teaching field


2.Frontier Topics in Applied Economics (postgraduate)

3.Advanced Econometricss (ph.d.)
