Cao, Erbao(曹二保)
| August 20, 2021

Tel: 0731-88684866

Professor, Department of International Economics and Trade

Cao Erbao is currently deputy Dean of School of Economics and trade, Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor at the Department of International Economics and Trade, School of Economic and Trade,Hunan University. He received a Ph.D. in Management from Business School of Hunan University in March 2008. His research interests lie in supply chain finance and sharing economy.He has published over 50 papers in international academic journals, including Omega, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Applied Economics, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Technological forecasting & social change, etc. The programs he conducted include National Natural Science Foundation and Hunan Outstanding Youth Fund.

Research fields

1. Supply chain finance

2. Sharing economy

3. Logistics engineering and artificial intelligence

Teaching fields

1. Game Theory (postgraduate)
