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Workshop on Advanced Human Capital Research

2019年07月12日 点击:[]

We are pleased to announce that Workshop on Advanced Human Capital Research will be held at Hunan University on 26th-28th July 2019. This is a small focused workshop with invited presentations. The topics of the Workshop include human capital accumulation, measurement and labor market outcomes.

The conference is organized by the Center for Economics, Finance and Management Studies (CEFMS) of Hunan University, and the China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research (CHLR) of Central University of Finance and Economics.

During the meeting, there will be 12 invited presentations on human capital research closely related to the theme of the workshop. Most papers will be presented in English. Each presentation will be for an hour followed by comments from discussants and Q&A.

Registration is required for all participants.

Please check the website for detailed information.

Registration Fee:

(1)For PhD students: RMB 500 before 18th July , RMB 800 after

(2)For faculty : RMB 800 before 18th July, RMB 1000 after

Conference Venue:Room 401, Adminstration Buiding, North Campus, Hunan University

Conference Hotels:1) Vienna International Hotel Hunan Changsha Time Dijing


2) Worldhotel Grand Jiaxing Changsha(佳兴世尊大酒店)

Contact:Ping Qi (, Shuying Tang (

Committee Chair

Haizheng Li

Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology

Special-term Professor, CEFMS,Hunan University

Special-term Professor,CHLR, Central University of Finance and Economics

Committee Co-Chairs

Xiaojun Wang

Associate Professor, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Special-termDeputy Director,CEFMS, Hunan University

Zhiqiang Liu

Professor, State University of New York at Buffalo

Special-termDeputy Director,CHLR, Central University of Finance and Economics

Changsha is the capital of Hunan Province ( The history of thecity dates back to the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046-771 BC). The Xiang River runs across the cityfrom south to north, with the Ju-Zi-Zhou Island at the center of the river. The famous YueluMountain lies on the west bank of the river. The renowned historical attractions include the MaWang-Dui Han Dynasty Tomb (206 BC-AD 220) and the actual Yuelu Academy. In 2018, Changshais ranked #3 among cities in China in terms of happiness, surpassed Beijing and Shanghai.



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