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Improving Abatement Technology in an Uncertain World

2019年09月25日 点击:[]

间:Sept.27th (Friday), 16:15-17:30PM

点:Room211, Shuishang Teaching Building

题:Improving Abatement Technology in an Uncertain World

主讲人:Teng Ma

要:Uncertainty damage from nature has been acknowledged as a key concern that hinders coordination effort, such as investing in abatement technology, on maintaining common pool resources. However, several recent studies have found that uncertainty improves prevention in public bads (Bramoullé & Treich, 2009). This paper provides a framework analysis of how agents make their allocation decision among abatement technology, production, and saving with an endogenously determined uncertain damage in this game. The results of a laboratory experiment show a negative effect of uncertain damage on abatement technology adoption. Contrary to the common belief that risk loving agents extract more from the common pool, they actually invest more in technology. Lastly, a higher level of saving in uncertain damage world leads the investment allocation closer to the social optimal.


Teng Ma is an assistant professor from CEFMS, Hunan University. He earned his Ph. D in Economics from University of Arkansas, 2019. His research interests include behavioral/experimental economics, marketing strategy and industrial organization.

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