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Compulsory fertility restriction, son preference and female infant mortality: Unwanted consequences of One Child Policy in China

2019年11月27日 点击:[]

间:Nov.29th (Friday), 16:15-17:30PM

点:Room211, Shuishang Teaching Building

题:Compulsory fertility restriction, son preference and female infant mortality: Unwanted consequences of One Child Policy in China

主讲人:Sen Xue


We exploit the natural experiment, One Child Policy (OCP), to investigate the effect of compulsory fertility restriction on female infant mortality in a country with strong son preference, China. Our preferred results suggest that OCP increases the infant mortality rate of rural non-first-born girls in no-brother families by 3.1 percentage points, which is equivalent to two-thirds of the infant mortality of these girls during the OCP period. The results from the event study model show that this effect is throughout the whole OCP period studied. In the analysis of heterogeneity, we also find that the effect is stronger for higher birth orders, for female infants born in regions with higher fine rate for unauthorized births or stronger son preference. But there is no substantial difference in the effects between out-of-quota births and within-quota births. We also find that OCP shortens breastfeeding duration of no-brother non-first-born female infants.


Sen Xue is an assistant professor from Institute for Economic and Social Research, Jinan University. He earned his Ph. D in Economics from Australian National University, 2015. His research interests include labour economics, development economics, microeconometrics and Chinese economy. He has published peer-reviewed papers on Journal of Comparative Economics, China Economic Review, Economic Modelling, Journal of Population Economics, Economics of Transition, etc.


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